
The story of the very first Titan

This is a story that starts way before the main story and explains the way things work answering questions you might have.

Vindog_Lewis · Fantasie
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21 Chs

Page 10

A month after becomeing a Titan Killjoy felt kinda depressed he was forced to come to terms with the fact that by becomeing a Titan nothing could kill him thus he was forced to live a never ending life of loneliness and misery he then tried an experiment. At a classified Military testing site the research of Dracula continued resulting in learning that Dracula was a new race entirely they learned all of his weaknesses as well as that he could live forever potentally. An agent met an attractive beauty at a bar she seduced him and got him to take her to his Hotel room. Inside she pushes him on the bed and says "Are you ready for a surprise?" He says "Yes show me baby" She pulls her clothes apart revealing bones and lots of them her entire body was made of bones she grabs the agent and hugs him. His entire body was torn to shreads by the bones killing him. Killjoy teleports into the Hotel room and says "Looks like my weapon works could use improvements but it was ok for a test run I guess" Killjoy soon comes across a teenage human girl on the run from wolves she was perhaps one of the hottest girls however she was not that bright. She let herself get kidnapped in a white van thinking nothing of it she simply got in and when the driver brought the van to the woods. She assumed it was to play hide and seek until the driver and his friends tried to force their way on her. She ran away right into the wolves den causeing hte driver and his friends to run she then started to run from the wolves.