
The story of the very first Titan

This is a story that starts way before the main story and explains the way things work answering questions you might have.

Vindog_Lewis · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Page 9

He lfits up his two index fingers causeing her to go flying slamming into the roof of the room. He lowers his two index fingers and lifts them up repeatedly causeing his daughter to be repeatedly smashed against the roof with enough force to throw a car. She soon dies and he leaves however he was about to have an encounter that would change the course of history for him. Killjoy came face to face with the very first Dracula he had no idea what he was just like Killjoy they fight both just instictually fighting. Killjoy would block attacks with whatever he could lift and throw at thr first Dracula who attacked like a mad man. Killjoy won by the skin of his teeth and the first Dracula was taken in for research purposes by the Military. That fight made Killjoy aware that he had to practice using his powers and learn to control them so he did so on humans. After he became a Titan Killjoy saw the world diffrently his entire veiw changed as he no longer saw humans the same. His mind became extremely racist towards humans seeing them as an inferrior race lucky to be alive around his own greatness. He saw the Mortal races as nothing more then worthless maggots that lived for his amusement he saw the Devine races as cockroaches even Gods and the highest level of Gods were mere insects in his eyes. The same for the Devil and the forces of Hell every race beneath him all of them mere insects under his boot. This was the natural way of thinking for a Titan however as the first and only Titan Killjoy saw no equal.