
The Story Of A Saiyajin [English]

When transmigrators cross over to another world they are always happy to do so and since arthur was no exception, at first he was glad to have crossed over to another world. however recognizing an object that was popular in one of the animes he watched in his previous life made his heart race like never before. "Shit! Did I really cross over to the dragon ball world!?" But in the end he was still powerless since he couldn't do anything about it, so he decided to live as calmly as he could in the new world, but his peace didn't last long since 1 year after his arrival in dragon ball the attack of androids number 18 and 17, he immediately knew that he had crossed into the future of trunks which made him renege against the sky again. "Heh...heh...if you want to send someone to another world at least give them something to start with right?" And as if Arthur's requests were heard by the heavens a robotic voice echoed in his head. " *Ting*... system loading finished... host found... starting system" "ha... haha... you finally show up... system...."

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22 Chs

Chapter 14 - The New Z Fighter

When Broly lunged at him, Shallot wasn't nervous. Arriving in front of him, Broly threw a punch that only carried force, but not a technique to back it up, taking advantage of this, with a quick movement. Using his elbow, Shallot hit Broly in the abdomen.

Which made Broly roar in pain, incidentally he was also sent a few meters away from his previous position. However, even receiving Shallot's blow, Broly did not calm down, quite the opposite.

Now he was more furious than ever, so he unconsciously lunged at Shallot again. But before he moved forward Shallot appeared in front of him, and before he could react Shallot kicked him hard in the face that sent him away.

Causing it to crash into some mountains, Shallot didn't stop though. As Broly hit the last mountain in his path, Shallot appeared out of the sky above Broly and without a second thought released a ball of energy that caused a huge explosion, sweeping away everything in its path.

"I guess I got a little over it..."

After the dust from the explosion cleared, Shallot couldn't help but mutter with some sorrow after seeing the hole left by her attack. And while he was thinking this he felt a fluctuation of energy from below, when he looked down he saw how a ray of green light was directed towards his.

Shallot immediately dodged the attack, however in doing so he felt himself being attacked from the front, without hesitation twice he put his arms in front of him to defend himself. After doing so he saw how Broly appeared in front of him and immediately threw a punch at him.

Broly's blow crashed into Shallot and when Shallot received the blow he was sent flying hundreds of meters, incidentally his face changed one hundred and eighty degrees, since he felt a force a little less than his own from Broly's blow.

He didn't imagine that Broly would grow at such an abnormal rate, even now his arms are a bit numb from Broly's punch. However, he didn't have time to think about Broly's growth, since as he stabilized in the air Broly appeared under him and immediately grabbed his left leg.

As Broly grabbed Shallot's foot, he prepared to slam Shallot into the ground several times like he did Goku. And of course Shallot immediately knew Broly's intentions, so before he could act Shallot with a quick movement, he kicked Broly in the face.

The kick made Broly take a few steps back, letting go of Shallot. But before Shallot was happy, he watched as Broly recovered with shocking speed, reaching him in the blink of an eye. And between the electric light and the flint he put his hand on Shallot's chest and smashed it to the ground.

When Shallot crashed to the ground he was stunned, he didn't know if he was fighting a person or a beast. However after having been through a lot he didn't get stunned for too long, he quickly double kicked Broly in the abdomen and Broly flew out of control.

Although she was surprised by Broly's strength, that's not to say that Shallot has fought at full strength before. He even barely used his full power in this form, he hasn't even used the Limit Breaker state.

In addition, he is no longer surprised by Broly's sudden power, as he understood that this power is due to the combination of his Rage state and his Super Saiyan transformation, which causes him to have an explosive growth.

"Hum... he thought I should take this fight more seriously..."

Muttering to himself, Shallot looked at Broly in the distance and felt his rising Ki, and seeing him decided to get more serious for this fight.


With a roar, Shallot's aura changed completely and it wasn't only his aura that changed, since now his hair on his body and head are the same crimson color as his aura, making him look majestic wherever he is seen, that is only He confirms by feeling the aura that Shallot gives off.

"Hum... it's the first time he's used this form in a fight... so, let's see his performance..."

After talking to himself Shallot paid attention to Broly, who increased his aura again and when he saw Shallot he pounced on him without hesitation, and of course Shallot wasn't shy and did the same.

As Shallot and Broly's fight begins again, far away from the fighting field Cheelai and Lemo are already shocked to the core. Although they have certainly seen things similar to Broly and Shallot's fight.

Stopping with the fight between the two, what they saw earlier is simply the game of houses for children, there is no point of comparison. Of course, even with the shock in their hearts they have no intention of leaving.

First, because Broly saved them twice without knowing them, and second because they have empathy for Broly because of what he has lived through, so they don't want to leave since they want to make sure Broly is okay. Of course, although they wanted to stay in the place, over time the two knew that if they didn't leave they would die.

Not to mention the explosions and the movement of the earth in the distance, but since two beams of crimson and yellow energy appeared, it only intensified the impact caused earlier, so as they looked at the destruction in the distance, the first to speak of the two It was Lemo, who knewthat it was useless to stay here.

"Cheelai, I know you are worried about Broly and I am too but... if we stay here we may suffer from the consequences of the fight, also if something happens to us when Broly recovers he will be sad, so it is better that we leave from here...."

Cheelai: "...."

Although Cheelai didn't speak, her actions of clenching and unclenching her fists said what she wanted to convey, she herself knows that it's more of a burden than a good to stay here, so with frustration written all over her face she got up from the ground and left. .

"Well, you're right Lemo... if we stay here it will be an inconvenience for Broly and the other person, so in order not to be in the middle, we'd better go..."

Said his words Cheelai left the place along with Lemo, and then they boarded a ship of Frieza's army and left the place. And as the two of them left, at the scene of the fight, the fight was losing its rhythm.

Not because they were both weak, but because Shallot is stronger than Broly, although it is not very noticeable that Broly entered a bottleneck and cannot increase his strength, in addition to the fact that he has never fought with such intensity, another reason to be tired

Shallot for his part is relaxed, not to mention even if the strength of the two were equal, with his means of law control he could have an advantage against Broly.

"Well we better get this over with..."

Knowing that Broly reached his limit, Shallot got ready to end this fight that no longer makes sense, but what she did not expect is that her words were a fuel that ignited Broly's power. Since the moment he approached Broly, he trembled for an instant, until finally he roared and his yellow aura changed to a greenish color.

Seeing this Shallot knew it was no good, and although she wanted to do something it was too late, as after Broly's energy blast that changed the weather, Shallot only felt an unprecedented attack coming from the front.

Shallot quickly put his hands up to cover himself but it was a slow step as Broly appeared in front of him with his green hair visible to the naked eye and punched Shallot in the abdomen. This blow made Shallot feel really bad.

Not being able to avoid flying back hundreds of meters, of course on the way he spat out a mouthful of blood with a little saliva, however Broly's attack did not stop. Since in just an instant he appeared on top of Shallot and with a quick movement he grabbed her head crashing her to the ground for hundreds of meters.

And the attack didn't end with that, as Broly also hit Shallot like he did Goku, smashing him into the ground several times and then finishing him off with an energy blast. It lasted like this for a while until Shallot was able to push Broly away.

"Damn... I didn't expect this to happen... hehe..."

With a bit of self-loathing for his overconfidence, Shallot looked at Broly approaching him, and knew perfectly well that he couldn't prolong this fight any longer, Broly had already far exceeded his strength. If it wasn't for his ability in space he would be out of action long ago.

"Alright...let's get this over with...Aaaaahhhh!"

With a low swallow, Shallot's aura completely changed, as did her appearance. Now she no longer had red hair on her body and neither did her hair of that color, now her hair had a blue color and her pupils and eyebrows were the same color.

Indeed, Shallot transformed into a Super Saiyan Blue, he knows that to end this once and for all it is necessary to take extreme actions. When Broly saw Shallot's change he got ready to attack him, however before he did anything he just saw that Shallot disappeared from the place.

After a few moments Broly only felt his vision blur and then he fell unconscious. The person responsible for this was Shallot, who appeared behind Broly and hit Broly in the neck and knocked him out, something similar to what Vegeta did with Goku.

"Uff... It's finally over..."

When Shallot saw Broly unconscious he breathed a sigh of relief, although he was confident he didn't expect him to almost tip over into the gutter. This reminded him of the fact that Kaito had once told him and Jigen that he faced Yog-Sothoth's astral projection.

The result of that? Even astral projection is capable of destroying the entire surface of a planet, in addition to the fact that on that occasion it left a momentary discomfort in Kaito's arm. Remembering this, Shallot knew that even if he is as strong as Kaito he cannot be trusted.

After taking care of Broly, some time later Goku and Vegeta arrived. Which felt the power of Shallot, so he had no choice but to explain the things that happened. Of course, while he was explaining the situation to them, Cheelai and Lemo came over and checked on Broly's situation.

After seeing that he was fine, they were relieved. After explaining things to Vegeta and Goku, Shallot told Cheelai and Lemo about going to Earth. Although they were vigilant against Shallot and his group they followed him just the same.

They didn't have a place to go, so it would be a good choice to follow Shallot instead of wandering through space. So they all came back to earth. After doing so, everyone found out what happened, so Bulma told Lemo and Cheelai that they could stay at her house with no problem.

Although they agreed after thinking about it for a while they decided to wait for Broly to wake up. After waiting for a while Broly woke up, upon doing so Shallot immediately told him about staying on earth.

Though reluctant at first, after Shallot remarked that he could also control his strength, Broly decided to stay. He knows that he has an uncontrollable power, and that if something happens it is uncontrollable and can harm the people around him.

So he decided it was best to stay and control his strength. For her part, Shallot was happy that Broly stayed, now there is another Z fighter who is extremely strong.

Besides that this Z fighter can fight in the future against Beerus, the incoming enemy. He can also help in future problems, since who knows if history changed course because of his arrival, but Shallot doesn't care.

He is not afraid of that, moreover, if there were no challenges in this world he would be bored and would have no choice but to go to other worlds to entertain himself, of course now he focuses on improving his strength for the future.