
Who are you?

I then go and pick up Kurai kūkan and Touma's physical body's whilst Akane is in the shower and then kiss them one at a time Touma's reaction was only blushing. However Kurai kūkan's reaction was extreme. I touch Kurai kūkan.

Kurai kūkan:" ha...ha....ha...ha....mnn....mnnnn.....ha...ha..ha.mmnnnnnnn...."

I take away my lips from his body and realised that I left some saliva on him so I lick it of.

Kurai kūka:" mmmnnnnn"

As Kurai kūkan was not expecting it his voice became very sexy and his spirit face very exotic.

We all fell silent.....

Then I said:" that should keep you alive for now but do you know of any other ways to stop your self disappearing?"

Touma:" No, you see weapon owners or the one who made the weapon is the only one who can keep our spirit forms from disappearing the only reason we were able to talk and have spirit forms again is because you our owner touched us and the only way for a weapon to be at its full power is to keep kissing their owner and unfortunately the more powerful the more they need to keep being alive."

"My qi was able to get through because you shared some of your qi with me. Also to pass on a weapon you must have the owners permit ion otherwise the weapon can't release its full power and after a long period of time a weaker weapon can lose its spirit and even if you pass on the weapon they aren't as powerful as they would be if they were with their original owner."

Me:" okay. Hang on doesn't that mean that just a kiss is not enough for you to stay alive. I mean you are powerful."

Touma:" yes you are correct."

Me:" I guess there is no choice I will ask Akane about it later but first we need to eat."

Akane then comes out and we all head downstairs.

When we get to the table Sana and Hana are at Hana says:" xian it seems that it is already 4pm so should we just get a drink?"

Me:"oh I see. I guess we can eat later."

We then have our drinks.

Sana has black tea.

Hana has green tea.

I have tango ice blast.

Akane has tea with lots of sugar.

Whilst we drink our drinks sana teaches me how to erase people's minds and we happened to experiment on a person on a different table who seemed to be confused as he said:" who are you?" whilst looking at his wife. I hope that sorts it's self out I mean Sana did say his memory will come back after a while.

When we finish we go back up stairs and I then talk to Akane about Touma and Kurai kūkan and Akane says:" I don't mind a 3 some as long as i am always included in whatever sex you have."

Me:" I thought you would be more annoyed."

Akane:" it seems to have good reasoning behind it and you will benefit from it a lot."

Me:" oh. How much will I benefit?"

Akane:" well I don't know their cultivation levels but I know it is higher than mine."

Me:" wow!"

Touma:" He is right we are and just so you know we will explain a few things. Well I will. Okay so first we agree with Akane's request also I am at half God immortal king."

Akane:" what!!!"

That was the first time I saw Akane lose his composure.

Me:" is it really that amazing?"

Akane:"yes!" Touma:" No!"

Touma:" Kurai kūkan is at a higher level than me and there is probably even higher levels."

Kurai kūkan:" Touma is correct with both points. As I am at God immortal king grade heaven. Also there are more ranks but again I only know so far. I know that after God immortal king there is eclipse grade 1, 2 and 3 then there is overlord of eclipse but that is as far as I know."

Me:" Wow! So how far do you think my cultivation will go?"

Kurai kūkan:" I don't know for sure but I know that since you are at immortal king grade 3 you will get from God to God immortal king."

Me:" Wow!"

Akane:" the only problem is you don't have physical being forms."

Touma:" that won't be a problem as once you get to God no matter your original physical form you can have a being from this planets form."

Me:" cool can you choose what you want to be?"

Touma:" of course."

They then both transform.

Touma transforms into a vampire and Kurai kūkan turns into a demon.

Touma:" so how is this going to work?"

Akane:" well we have to take our clothes of first."

We then all take of our clothes and I can see Akane's, Touma's and Kurai kūkan sexy body's.

Amazing 🤤

Akane:" we should now make sure the door is locked and we have a sound barrier up. Then we can get on the bed."

So once that was done we were all sitting on the bed.

Akane:" okay so as we want xian's cultivation to rise the most. We should aim to have 3 of us helping him raise his cultivation most of the time if not all of the time."

Touma:" okay that makes sense."

Akane then touches my chest which makes me flinch. Then he French kisses me. We both part and there is a trail of saliva Akane runs this saliva down my chest and onto my nipples which makes me flinch and then:" ha....ha..ha mnnn..." Touma then kisses me the same way Akane did and this carry's on until I feel Kurai kūkan kiss my ear and the lightly bite it with all this going on I continuously pant and moan. :" ha...ha....ha mmmmmnnnnnnnmnnn."

Akane then starts to kiss me and move slowly down wards and then he grabs my dick and licks it all over and then I feel Touma start to suck my nipples and then feel the light kisses and bites move to my lips and after a while I feel Kurai kūkan kiss me harshly and then enter my mouth, his kissing making me melt. My cultivation was starting to rise at an alarming rate and then it suddenly stoped at half God immortal.

Akane:" it is not enough if we want him to get to God immortal king. How about we let him have his way with us and therefore we might be able to raise our cultivation's to."

I then get up and suck on Akane's dick and then the other keep kissing me and then I suck on their dicks to.

After a while Akane gets to God immortal king with the help of all 3 of us so I then lay back on the bed my face exotic and then the 3 of then suck my dick after that Kurai kūkan sucks my nipples and Touma sucks my dick and Akane enters me.

I felt like I was in heaven my cultivation then raised all the way to God immortal king.

After all that we all went to the bath and bathed and then got dressed.

I then called Sana and Hana and we went downstairs for dinner.

When we are at a table Akane says he has a storage ring that has the wagon me and him traveled here on and he goes on to explain that there are to many of us so we won't fit.

so I say:" I have learnt creation magic and as my cultivation level has increased I should be able to build one. Also I was thinking that as tomorrow is our last day we should all go shopping as well as the fact that we should get clothes for Touma and Kurai kūkan as they want to be able to live as living beings with physical body's and of course I could just make some clothes and stuff I have not had any practice with it besides it will be a nice day trip. Then we can come back and have dinner 🥘 and then go to sleep and travel the next day as well as shopping we can discuss were we are going next."

Everyone:" sounds good."