

Alice awoke to the smell of fresh air, the fire smell was gone easily. "Papa..." she stood up and noticed, green grass, flowers blooming in the sun, wavy trees that talked with each gently hit of the wind, sounds of laughing children surrounded her ears. She was no longer home.

"Papa?" She called out. She heard footsteps coming close to her. "It's okay, I'm right here," a man touched her shoulder and there he was. A man in old fashion clothing, his hair was bright red, his eyes never changed, he was more broad, he was human. "Papa...you changed!" She looked around at him amazed. "Yes my love, I have changed, let's go to the village," he took her hand and guided her to the village.

Once they got there, Alice was amazed. Little children running around in their dresses, and cute outfits. Older children helped their parents with stocking, their smiles made Alice happy. "Go explore my love," he gently pushed her towards the village. "Okay..." she started to walk deeper into the village. Her eyes glazed at every single food she smelled. Her ears picked up a small boy crying in the distance. Alice ran into the alley to find a small boy, he held his knee as he cried out. "Hey, it's okay," she walked to the boy slowly and sat by him. "Who are you?!" He bolted his head towards her. "My name is Alice, are you hurt?" She gulped a bit. The little boy sniffled and gave her a small nod. Alice gently took his knee and examined the scrap on his leg. "Mmm..hold still," she kissed his leg and soon the wound healed. "There," she released his knee. The boy looked at his leg and giggled. "You healed my scrap!!" He jumped up and looked around his knee, "thank you so much!!" He hugged her tightly around her neck. "Oh! Your welcome" she patted the boys head. "Wait, come! I wanna give you something," he took her hand and started to walk back into the village. "Where are we going?" She asked as they passed a few homes. "Neji! Come outside," the little boy called up to the house. A older boy who was close to her age appeared at the doorway. "What is it now? Did you hurt yourself again?" His eyes were cold. His black hair covered one of his eyes. "No, well yes, but look. She helped me!" The boy released her hand and smiled. Neji walked to the girl and gave her a cold snare. Alice was afraid, she shivered. Then he gave her a smile. "Thank you for helped my brother, he can get into lots of things and always ends up hurting himself." A blush waved across their faces. "Your welcome," she turned away. She waved at the little boy. "Well I better~!!" Alice didn't finish her sentence, a group of girls pushed Alice out of the way and surrounded Neji. "Oh my god, he's so cute!" One girl exclaimed. "He would totally marry me," another girl hissed. The women argued with each other. "Don't worry, they say he's the most handsome boy their is. Here," the little boy handed Alice a small bag. Alice waved goodbye to the boy as she disappeared into the crowd of people.

She sighed. "What is in here?" She took a look in the bag and saw a few coins in it. "Well, I guess I can get something," she smiled and ran to the markets where all sorts of fresh meat, fruit, and vegetables were there. She smelled the apples and her stomach growled. Her eyes focused on the fresh baked bread, and small cakes. The man smiled. "Such a pretty girl, would you like to buy some?" He handed her a loaf of bread. "Yes please, she took it gently and handed him a few coins. The man waved. "No, no, you keep the coins. This is on the house," he winked. Alice smiled happily and started to head off again. "Thank you!" She turned away and her eyes met with another boy on a horse. The horse jumped and huffed at me. "Get out of the way," the boy hissed. He got down and drew his sword. "Out. Or I'll cut your tongue." He hissed again to Alice. She moved back as the blade shined towards her neck. "Hey! Leave her alone!" Neji came running in front of her. "Stay of this!" The boy pointed the blade against his neck, "she didn't do anything wrong, and if you kill me, everyone will tell the king," Neji hissed at him. A bolt of silence grew over the people. The boy released. "You have been warned" the boy got back on his horse and road off.

Neji sighed and turned to Alice, "did he hurt you?" His soft voice calmed Alice. She shook her head. "Don't worry, he is always grumpy, I won't let him harm you no matter the cost" she blushed again as his hand softly touched her cheek. His face was slightly red, he ran off again without saying another word. Alice blushed more as she took a deep breathe. "He is so cute! I can see why all the women are around him," she ran around some more and found her papa. "Ready to go" he smiled as he held meat in his hand. "Yes papa!" She walked with him back home. There, Alice couldn't stop thinking of Neji, her heart raced and her face turned pink. "Papa..." she looked at him. "Yes?" He looked back at her. "I like a boy," she smiled. What she didn't know; her father was about to give her something she never knew before.