
The dragons wrath

Alice's father was furious. "You what?!!!" His eyes turned white as the cold snow, he snarled like he never did before. "You are not allowed to like ANYONE on my watch!!" He roared in her face. Alice growled. "But I'm 16 now! I should be able to like someone!" Her father grabbed her by the arm, his claws caging around it. "You. Are not. Allowed. To leave." He hissed as he dragged her into the cave. "I'm not a child anymore!!" She slipped out of his cage claws. His spiky tail slammed against the floor. "You are not leaving anywhere!" His tail whipped at her, sending her flying against the cave wall. Tears filled her eyes as she looked at her father in terror. "You will stay here." He turned away.

The night fell. No movement of any soul was around. Alice was curled up in the corner of the deep cave staring at her father. She saw a dim light of beauty and good, her eyes drawn to the light. She slowly and silently slipped out of the cave. She looked up, the light shinned more. She turned to her sleeping father. "I'm sorry papa. I cant stay here forever..." she closed her eyes as her dragon wings opened wide. Slowly she flapped her way out of the depths of fire and demons. She was free.