
The Solo Gamer ( Naruto )

After dying a 16 year old Naruto addicted Otaku, gets reincarnated into the world of Naruto, only to find its not like he imagined it would be....

Aleksorks · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Hmm.. Allright i choose number 6, Fuijutsu.

*Ding Ding. Fuinjutsu Special selected*

*Beggining the transfer of Hosts memories*

Ugh.. my head, it hurts, stop it DAMN IT STOP!!


*Transfer of memories complete, good luck host!*

Huh hhuh, that sure was rough, you bastard system...

well whatever lets just get this going.

so im called 'Kazama' huh, nice i like it, i have allways wanted a cool Japanese name.

Im 5 years old right now and im in the... shit dammit fuck... why do i have to be in the time right after the 1st shinobi world war, i dont know shit about this time.

Huhhh, calm, calm.. i got a system so whatever and this is good beacuse i can learn much more fuinjutsu now that the uzumaki are still alive.

so what is the time right now, its 7:55, fuckk i got 5 minutes to go to the academy, and its the first day too.

-Narrator Pov-

And thats how the first day of Kazama started, in a new world, with nothing but his system to his name in a small 1 person apartment, in the edge of the village. Now he is running to arrive on time on the first day of the academy but little does he know that he has no chance.

End Pov

Kazama: ughh i finally arrived.

Looking around kazama saw dozens of kids lined up in a line and listening to the just inagurated 3rd Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

He tried to silently get in line but hes in a Ninja village after all and that night impossible.

so he just got in there forcefuly...

Kazama Pov.

Allright now lets check the system.


*Ding Ding. Status, Missions, Shop.*

*hmh, open status first!*

*Status selected!*

* Status





Bloodline- Kurama/60%, Civilian 38%, Uchiha 1.9%, Otsutsuki 0.1%


Ninjutsu: Standard,

Genjutsu: Superb

Taijutsu: None

Fuinjutsu: Extreme

Kinjutsu: good

Kenjutsu: Bad


Money: 500 ryo.


( So here is some explaining:

Talents: None, Bad, Standard, Good, Great, Superb(Genius), Prodigy( Itachi, Kakashi levelI), Extreme(unfair level, just stop).)

*Ohh nicee!! I GOT UCHIHA GENES MO**R F****R!! cough cough...

Show me the Shop*

*Shop Selected*

*Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu, Kinjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Kenjutsu, Ninja tools, Potions*

*Woahhh im totally gonna be the second madara!!! heheheh*

*Open all options in order system*

* Ninjutsu Shop:

Academy :

Bunshin- 100 Exp

Kawarimi- 100 Exp

Henge- 100 Exp


Fireball: 250 Ryo

Sacred Phenix fire - 250

great fireball - 500




Gouka Mekkakyou: 1M


WaterBall: 250





Earth wall: 500

Head Hunter: 5000





Wind Style Breakthrough: 250





Electric: 250










Death Mirage,

Demon Viewing




Tsukiyomi( Artificial )



Dead Demon Summoning: ???

Edo Tenesi: ???

Living soul reincarnation:????


Konoha Style: 1000





Scroll: 250

Weak Barrier: 500



Tetragram style Sealing : 1 Mil

Ninja tools:

Academy Kunai: 5

Academy Shuriken: 5



Chunin Kunai: 50



Uchiha Madara fan: 2,5 Mil



Sage of Six Paths Staff: 100 Mil.



Speed Buff small: 250

Strength Buff small:250

Stamina Buff small:250

Chakra buff small:250



Small Bloodline Purifier: 50K



End Shop*