
The Solo Gamer ( Naruto )

After dying a 16 year old Naruto addicted Otaku, gets reincarnated into the world of Naruto, only to find its not like he imagined it would be....

Aleksorks · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2


In a Flash of random colors, an image started forming before the eyes of our beloved Protagonist.

( Mc Pov )

Huh, im in a room??

Where is this tho? Beacuse i dont remember anything besides that wierd game system kind of thing.

**System Startup Finished**

*Hello Host, i am your System, and this will be the only time i talk to you, so please listen carefuly*

Allright, ill listen even tho i dont know how im this calm about this

*You will recieve the memories of your body shortly after we finish picking your Village and Special.*


*Which Village does Host want to be in?





Kumo *

I pick Konoha.

* KonohaGakure Picked*

*Specials :

1.Ultimate Element ( Kind of like the Second Hokages Water, where he had absolute control over it and was said to have even formed a contract with the oceans itself )

2.Supressed Infinite Chakra ( You have Infinite Chakra in a sense but it also has a limit, as you will only be allowed to have academy sized infinite chakra and it will take you a while longer to launch ninjutsu beacuse, you will supply chakra more slowly. )

3.Evolution ( You are an Evolvin Being, you can not even technicly still be called Human, With your allways evolving strength and the ability to Adapt to any situation, WARNING : Evolution Path may lead you to unfavourable positions but it may even grant you immortality, its all how you adapt )

4.Kenjutsu Legend ( Extreme Talent for the Field )

5.Genjutsu Legend ( Extreme Talent for the Field )

6.Fuinjutsu Legend ( Extreme Talent for the Field )

7.Taijutsu Legend ( Extreme Talent for the Field )


Author here, and im sorry for such little chapter but its all i can do with me being in school all the time and this is just something im doing for fun so yeah.

Also ill leave the pick for the Special to you guys.
