
The Solo Gamer ( Naruto )

After dying a 16 year old Naruto addicted Otaku, gets reincarnated into the world of Naruto, only to find its not like he imagined it would be....

Aleksorks · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1




No Gravity....

No laws....


Thats what our protagonist found himself in, when he awoke from a deep slumber caused by a car accident.

Huh! Where am i??? He questioned, even tho he didn't expect to get an answer in whatever this place might be.

But surprisingly, he did get an answer in return if, you can even call it that.

Before him appeared a blue box, or should it be more accurate to say a Blue sheet in the form of a square.

" Welcome!! Player A7SFssfa65ANSFah**

You have been chosen to participate in the process of reincarnation.

Also i would like to remind you that, you are not special by any means, and you were only chosen beacuse of luck.

The World you will be reincarnated in will be the Naruto World.



"Okay, thats something.... well i guess i dont really have a choice do i, unless i want to stay in this wierd place forever, so yes, I would like to continue "

" Exellent choice Player.

Would you like to be a Boy or a Girl?


" Im a boy obviously, so thats what i wanna be again "

" Creating Body.... .... ... Body Complete. "

" Huh, wait what do i look like??"

" Please chose the difficulty level:







By choosing different Difficulty levels, you will be granted different perks to begin with.

Easy Perk : Clan of Choice, Village of Choice, Time Line of choice, Special of Choice.

Story: Village of Choice, Clane of choice, Special of Choice.

Normal: Village of Choice, Special of Choice.

Hard: Special of Choice.

Extreme: None.

BloodBath: Born an Orphan in War ( Which War, is luck based ), Talent Minimal, Memory Loss of the Naruto Story.

Please Chose "

" Well, i would be a real dumbass to pick anuthing higher than Normal."

" Normal Mode Selected, beginning Transfer....."

" What No, Stop, Cancel, i want Easy mode,, i want to be a Senju Dammit, Stop "

" Transfer Complete "



Short Chapter, ill update tomorrow.