
The Slytherin Prince- Eaturne

Draco become sensible from a young age; he inherited much magic from the Malfoy Manor. Watch from a different perspective, how he weaves his way through the changing wizarding world. When new ideas try to subvert the old ones, watch how he tries to preserve his family's standing in the emerging society. Is magic declining? Is new magic weaker than ancient magic? What happens when, pursuit collides with worldly views? PS. The starting is slow, wait till he is a teen.

Eaturne · Filme
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49 Chs

Chapter 44: Frustration and Invitation. 

Holidays passed and Hermione resumed her busy schedule. Her mood wasn't good as Ron has been whining every time he saw her. He thinks that her cat has eaten his pet rat.

Days continued and she didn't want to quarrel with Ron, but her frustrations grew with the acquisitions. He thinks it's her fault and starts picking at her every word.

She was sad at first, hearing that his pet was dead but with the repeated acquisitions that made it her fault, even after she apologised, she lost any sympathy for it. She started to ignore and sometimes quarrel with Ron. 

After class, Hermione, Ron and Harry went to see Hagrid after getting news of his return from the court hearing. Hagrid was seen skipping rocks at the lake, standing in the lake with water up to his knees, still wearing the new dress prepared for court.

Harry asked, "How did it go? The hearing?"

Hagrid replied in a plain neutral voice, "Well, first off, the committee members took turns… talking about why we were there. Then I got up and did my piece. Said how Buckbeak was a good Hippogriff, always cleaned his feathers.

And then Lucius Malfoy got up. He said it was a deadly and dangerous creature… It would kill you as soon as it looked at you. "

"And then…" asked Hermione, wanting to know the rest.

Hagrid continued, "And then he asked for the worst, did old Lucius."

"They are not sacking you!" asked Ron. "No, I'm not sacked." Hagrid said in a crying voice, "Buckbeak's been sentenced to death!" and continued to sob.

Hagrid was considered a dear friend to Hermione, and it depressed her to watch him cry in sorrow. It also increased her frustration as all of her previous preparations went to waste, unhelpful. A word from Lucius disregarded the law and her works.

The next day, in Divination class, Professor Trelawney was teaching Crystal gazing, telling the students to broaden their minds, observe using their inner eye and only then can they see. The students were bored, and even some fell asleep.

Ron was indeed asleep but was woken up when Professor Trelawney came to their table to check. She asked Harry what he saw. Harry saw nothing but he lied and said he saw something resembling a bird. 

Professor Trelawney was interested and continued to ask, if the head of the bird was separated, implying the recently circulating news of Buckbeak's execution.

Hermione could see Harry was lying and was angry at Trelawney for the implication and said mockingly, "Let me have a try. I can see… The Grim, possibly." 

Hearing that, Professor Trelawney replied in a pitiful manner, "My dear, from the first moment you stepped foot in my class… I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit … for the noble art of Divination."

She touched Hermione's hand and then, unbeknown to all, a real prediction took place, "You see there… You may be young in years, but your heart is as shriveled … as an old maid's, your soul as dry as the pages of the books … to which you so desperately cleave."

Hermione's tolerance reached its peak, she stood up, "Fine I give up…" saying so she packed her books, then stormed out of the classroom, knocking down the divination crystal ball on her way. She could still hear the whispers in the class, mocking her about being mental.

They didn't know that Hermione from the start had been trying hard to make achievements not to show off but for recognition. She had been called abnormal and unfriendly from childhood and was desperately trying to make friends. She tried very hard and now while one of her supposed friends, Ron was constantly finding faults with her, even if she respects her as a teacher, poking her sore spot and telling everyone about her condition finally triggered her.

Hermione was hurriedly returning to her room; her eyes were moistened with tears, and she was in no mood to attend another class. She was passing another corridor when she met Draco and his friends who were loitering around. The Slytherins had no class that period.

Draco, who had one spiritual eye open, was testing spells with his friends when he was startled to step back by the sudden entrance of Hermione. "Woah! Where did you come from?" he exclaimed.

From his magical point of view, she was no longer a person but a bomb about to erupt. Her magical core was highly unstable and fluctuating wildly, if anything should trigger it, it may erupt causing harm to everyone around including herself.

Draco hurriedly walked up in front of her and stopped her to ask, "What's the hurry Granger?" Hermione was in no mood for his pranks and tried to slip away but failed, he blocked her path. She looked at his face and noticed one of his eyes was blue. She recalled seeing his eyes sometimes change color.

Hermione asked, "What do you want, Malfoy?" She noticed his friends coming up to join in but was dismissed by him. Draco calmly replied, "For Merlin's sake! Granger, Calm down. Alright, you may not believe it, but I came over to invite you to go somewhere. This may probably solve your situation; you should be familiar with the bubbled up feeling inside."

Hermione asked skeptically, "Where? And how do you know…"

"This is not the time and place for questions and answers. Meet me at the Owlery after sunset, alone.

Don't tell anyone, make an excuse, it won't take long… a day, if you are unlucky. Don't be afraid, I'm not going to kill you." replied Draco, emphasizing the last sentence in a joking tone, then strode off along with his friends.