
Promise Me

As the hug seemed to end, Kiba's hands slowly slid towards her face, his fingertips tracing her along the way. 

A tingling fire erupted within her, and he took her face between his hands.

"Did you miss me?" 

Agatha asked, knowing full well what his answer would be. 

"No, I didn't miss you," Kiba's answer startled her. "I yearned for you."

Pleasantly surprised, she put her hand on his neck and pulled his face down. She kissed him softly.

"I also yearned for you!" Agatha said as the kiss ended. "The day felt like an eternity to me!"

Kiba didn't reply with words but with a kiss that contained endless cravings for her rosy citrus lips. She eagerly responded back, mashing her lips with his.

"Promise me, no matter what happens, you would never leave me!" 

Kiba whispered in her soul while hungrily kissing her.