
The Sinful Life of The Emperor

In the age of mutants and technology, everyone is after power and eternal life, but Kiba lives for his dreams of lust and vanity. A man on a mission to live the life to the fullest. The tale of the legendary Wife Hunter whose very name terrifies husbands around the globe. This is the story of the devil who does as his heart pleases, unafraid of the labels of good and evil. ----- Fan synopsis: Entangled in the schemes of two-faced government, a futuristic divided world, and a holy mission of his own, follow Kiba's journey of sins! (Note: The starting 20 chapters are very short and slow paced. The main story starts from the 30s so please give it a try till then ^_^ You can rest assured the novel has a good plot besides the R-18 elements ^.^) I do not own the cover. Support: http://bit.ly/trueseeker Discord: https://discord.gg/TGmqHw3 Glossary/Wiki: http://trueseekernovels.com/

True_Seeker · Urban
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791 Chs


Circé froze, a scream forming a silent knot in her throat.

The tableau before her was a nightmare ripped from reality.

Kiba, the first man to tread upon Eden, lay sprawled on the bed.

And yet he was the epicenter of a bizarre battle.

But it wasn't him – not really – or maybe it was.

At least, it was a part of him.

His cock.

Or more accurately, a weapon.

"What the…" she croaked, the words barely a whisper lost in the symphony of slurps and frantic gasps.

Hunger gnawed at Penelope.

This wasn't a warrior's hunger, the kind that gnawed at your stomach after a long battle. It was a primal need, raw and untamed. Noticing Tempest swipe her tongue at the escaped droplets on Penelope's chin, Penelope reacted on instinct.

With a surprising strength born of desperation, she grabbed Tempest by her hair and pulled her head closer.

In a flash of movement, she stole the precious nectar with her own mouth.