
Going Back on Words

"This is a scam!"

A twenty-something kid having 1.2 billion in his account?!

Are you fucking kidding?!

Wasn't he just a slum insect years ago?!

"I have heard rags-to-riches stories, but this is beyond unbelievable!" Edgar muttered.

"Can it be true that he was the love child of some top corporate?" Rees faintly asked.

Before coming here, they had inquired about him. All they got were multiple stories about how he struck a fortune.

Some said he found a rare mineral, while others claimed he won big in gambling. There were even stories claiming he was separated from his parents after birth and reunited a few years ago, the parents giving him their inheritance to make up for the past.

Some ridiculous stories even boasted that he rescued the daughter of a rich tycoon who gave him this fortune as a sign of gratitude.

Each story sounded more ridiculous than the other, so they didn't believe he was a big deal. Maybe he had money to influence the academy, but in this world, power and influence were more important than money.

At least that's what they initially thought, but not now. Kaden and his gang were looking at them like a tiger eyes its prey.

Earlier the four tried to make the gang understand that Zed wouldn't be able to pay them $2 million.

But now?!

For a man worth billions, $2 million was nothing!

It was obvious the gang didn't think much of the $50,000 the four offered. Any sane person would choose millions!

The four wished they could offer more, but sadly, they were helpless. While their parents gave them a good amount for expenses, most of it was spent on their lifestyle.

The more money one has, the stronger the desire to waste it, especially when it wasn't earned by oneself.

The four were pretty much the same. They spent their fortune on parties, sports, and so on.

What meager amount they had was used in hiring the gang.

The gang, on the other hand, also thought of kidnapping Zed to steal his fortune, but they didn't. After all, transferring such a high amount would need multiple checks by the bank.

Not to mention how relaxed Zed was while showing his fortune. He didn't seem worried about their greed!

So the gang believed the smartest move was to take what money they could!

"Kaden, stop!" Edgar shouted as the gang walked towards him.

"Please don't take any offense!" Kaden licked his lips in anticipation of the millions he would receive, "It is just business!"

"We paid you first!" Rees reminded him.

"Don't you know the rules of business?" Kaden asked with a smirk, "You always take the most profitable deal!"

"Bastard!" Percy gritted his teeth at the betrayal.

Kaden's eyes flashed with a sinister glint. His entire body was wrapped with scales, each scale shining like a sharp blade.

Without wasting any time, he and his gang charged at Edgar and his three friends.

With his back on the windshield, Zed looked at the confrontation between the 'four fools' and the gang like he was in the middle of watching a movie.

Some distance away, Jessica and Loren were dumbstruck by the turn of events.

The one who should be in danger was relaxed! The ones who should be having fun were thrashed by those they hired!

"Nothing can be more tragic than this!" Loren felt pity for her acquaintances.


Edgar crashed into a tree.

"Damn!" His eyes constricted as he saw Kaden's blade-like scales slashing towards his legs. He gritted his teeth and opened his mouth.


Green sonic waves erupted from his throat and rippled towards Kaden. Kaden remained unfazed. His body twisted, and he jumped high in the air. The sonic waves swept under him, slamming into a group of trees far away, bursting them apart.

"Rich brats truly lack experience!" Kaden smirked as he controlled his body and somersaulted over the tree.

Edgar tried to run away from the tree, but he was too slow.


Kaden's hands slashed through the tree before smashing into Edgar's right knee. Blood flew out like a fountain, and the leg split apart.

"Ahhhhh!" Edgar screamed.

He covered his sliced leg to stop the bleeding while trying to overcome the pain that dulled his senses.

"I was supposed to slash both legs!" Kaden slowly moved forward. "Give me another chance!"

"No!" Edgar rose on his remaining leg and backed away. His body wasn't accustomed to a single leg, so his movements were shaky.


Just after taking a few steps, he lost balance and collapsed.

"Urghh!" Edgar didn't let the new pain stop him. He tried to rise again when he heard mocking laughter from behind.

"Your body lacks balance due to asymmetry!" Kaden said with laughter, "Allow me to change that!"

"Nooo!" Edgar's heart palpitated violently. His pupils dilated to the size of a needle as the scales slashed through his other leg.

"AAHHHHHHHH!" Along with terrible shrieks, his mouth also released blood and foam. The blood loss and heart-wrenching pain made him lose consciousness.

"Join your friends," Kaden dragged Edgar back on the road. The rest of Edgar's friends were in a similar condition, but for better or worse, they were awake.

"Cough!" Loren threw up. Just seeing their crippled state made her stomach twist.

She couldn't force herself to imagine their pain and suffering...

"Are you all right?" Jessica supported Loren as she threw up at the side of the road.

Jessica was also nervous, but in a better state than Loren. She had seen her fair share of blood and gore when she worked for Irina.

"I'm alright," Loren replied.

"Here," Zed's voice entered her ears. Surprised, she turned back and saw Zed standing with a water bottle.

"Thanks," Loren absent-mindedly grasped the bottle and took a mouthful of water to rinse her mouth.

She couldn't understand how he could be so relaxed and smile as if everything was a game.

Was he really the one Felicity complained about not having thrills in his life!?

"We have done our part of the deal," Kaden's voice came from behind, "Now it is time you fulfill your part."

"Well done!" Zed turned around and replied, "But I don't feel like paying you!"


Kaden, Jessica, Loren, and others were startled.

"You are going back on your commitment?" Kaden was incensed.

Extra chapter!

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