
Filling In

A/N: The gallery is live on discord. Reference images of the villa, lab, droids, Atlantis, Paradox Dimension, etc are available.



Dream Rise House.

Section I.

The holographic projection of Felicity hovered in the lab. Kiba has his eyes closed as he cherished her fond memories.

Every encounter of her whether it was their first meeting on the academy premises or their short trips to the jungle; he appreciated each of them.

Some distance away, the remaining six revolutionaries were tied up on the examination tables. Their bodies were still trembling after witnessing the fate of Mailo.

(Image for visulaisation: https://artbowenellames.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/bowen_ellames_enviro_08.jpg?w=300&h=171 )

The blood-wrenching screams of Mailo before exploding into blue mushroom cloud flashed through their minds nonstop. The entire event didn't even last a minute but for them, it was a lifetime.