
The Silver Monarch of Pirates

Carrying the ability of eternal youth and immortality of the first King of Silver from 'K,' he crosses over to the world of One Piece. Although he becomes a pirate, his goal is not to become the Pirate King. His only aim is to live freely on the sea, just like that, so simple. this is a translation of a Chinese Novel.

alpa_cowsep · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: Farewell Visitor

Just as Shanks and Weismann were preparing to climb the stairs onto the deck, two loud bangs reverberated across the sea around the ship.

The huge noise and the violent shaking of the ship startled Weismann.

"What's happening?!" he exclaimed, steadying himself by grabbing onto the railing and turning to Shanks for answers.

"Looks like someone's come to bid us farewell," Shanks replied, seemingly unfazed by the situation and even sporting a slight smile.

As Weismann ascended to the deck, he overheard someone reporting to Roger.

"Captain, those three pirate ships appear to be some inexperienced newcomers this year."

"Is that so? Newcomers daring to challenge us. Such courage," Roger remarked, though it was unclear whether his tone was complimentary or disdainful, whether he was praising their audacity or mocking their ignorance.

But Weismann sensed a hint of disdain, given Roger's pride as one of the dominant figures in the New World.

Perhaps they thought they were too strong to take on Whitebeard or Gol D. Roger, hence why they challenged them.

Weismann then rushed to the edge of the ship, witnessing the three pirate ships approaching at full speed, their imposing presence was undeniable.

Suddenly, he noticed a black cannonball growing larger before his eyes, hurtling toward him at increasing speed.

Instinctively, he raised his hands to shield himself, his mind going blank with fear, forgetting even to flee.

Just as he thought his end was near, a figure appeared before him, wielding a sword. With a swift stroke, the cannonball split in two, veering off to either side.

"Kid, stay below deck. You're in the way here," a voice commanded, and Weismann opened his eyes to see Rayleigh standing before him.

At that moment, Shanks arrived and took him away.

"Weismann, you're still too weak. It's too dangerous out here," Shanks warned

"I know, but I can't help wanting to see. It's my first time witnessing a battle between pirates. I want to see what it's like," Weismann replied earnestly.

"A battle? Don't be ridiculous, Weismann," Shanks retorted.

"What's wrong? Am I not right?" Weismann asked, puzzled by Shanks' tone.

"Of course not. You have no business joining a battle with them. Only when facing Whitebeard or Kaido, the mightiest of pirates, does Roger's crew deserve such a title. As for these, you'll see for yourself soon enough what I mean."

Shanks then guided Weismann to a safer location before returning to the fray.

But unexpectedly, Weismann encountered Buggy there.

"Well, well, Buggy, what a coincidence. You're here too," Weismann greeted him.

"A coincidence? This is the first time I've seen anyone come here," Buggy replied.

Weismann couldn't understand why Shanks had sent him here, as it didn't seem safe to him.

Chapter 5: The Departing Visitors

Just as Shanks and Weismann were preparing to climb the stairs onto the deck, two loud bangs reverberated across the sea around the ship.

The huge noise and the violent shaking of the ship startled Weismann.

"What's happening?!" he exclaimed, steadying himself by grabbing onto the railing and turning to Shanks for answers.

"Looks like someone's come to bid us farewell," Shanks replied, seemingly unfazed by the situation and even sporting a slight smile.

As Weismann ascended to the deck, he overheard someone reporting to Roger.

"Captain, those three pirate ships appear to be some inexperienced newcomers this year."

"Is that so? Newcomers daring to challenge us. Such courage," Roger remarked, though it was unclear whether his tone was complimentary or disdainful, whether he was praising their audacity or mocking their ignorance.

But Weismann sensed a hint of disdain, given Roger's pride as one of the dominant figures in the New World.

Perhaps they thought they were too weak to take on Whitebeard or Gol D. Roger, hence why they challenged him.

Weismann then rushed to the edge of the ship, witnessing the three pirate ships approaching with full speed, their imposing presence undeniable.

Suddenly, he noticed a black cannonball growing larger before his eyes, hurtling toward him at increasing speed.

Instinctively, he raised his hands to shield himself, his mind going blank with fear, forgetting even to flee.

Just as he thought his end was near, a figure appeared before him, wielding a sword. With a swift stroke, the cannonball split in two, veering off to either side.

"Kid, stay below deck. You're in the way here," a voice commanded, and Weismann opened his eyes to see Rayleigh standing before him.

At that moment, Shanks arrived and ushered him away.

"Weismann, you're still too weak. It's too dangerous out here," Shanks cautioned.

"I know, but I can't help wanting to see. It's my first time witnessing a battle between pirates. I want to see what it's like," Weismann replied earnestly.

"A battle? Don't be ridiculous, Weismann," Shanks retorted.

"What's wrong? Am I not right?" Weismann asked, puzzled by Shanks' tone.

"Of course not. You have no business joining a battle with them. Only when facing Whitebeard or Kaido, the mightiest of pirates, does Roger's crew deserve such a title. As for these, you'll see for yourself soon enough what I mean."

Shanks then guided Weismann to a safer location before returning to the fray.

But unexpectedly, Weismann encountered Buggy there.

"Well, well, Buggy, what a coincidence. You're here too," Weismann greeted him.

"A coincidence? This is the first time I've seen anyone come here," Buggy replied.

Weismann couldn't understand why Shanks had sent him here, as it didn't seem safe to him.

Not only could he observe the surroundings, but it also seemed to be the primary target area for cannonballs. Perhaps it was because Buggy was there.

After all, any place with Buggy couldn't be considered safe, but it was not dangerous.

"But thinking about it, it makes sense. After all, you're currently the weakest one on the ship," Buggy remarked.

Upon hearing this, Weismann felt a twitch at the corner of his mouth.

"Buggy, did you forget that I won our last duel?"

"Ha ha, Buggy-sama hadn't exerted his full strength then. Otherwise, you would have been defeated with a single blow."

"Fine, then. I'll look forward to seeing who gets defeated with a single blow next time."

Weismann replied with a hint of hostility.

After that, Weismann didn't engage in further conversation with Buggy, instead focusing on the battle unfolding before him.

"What's there to see?" Buggy questioned.

"Aren't you worried the captain and the others will lose?" Weismann asked though he knew Roger wouldn't lose, he still asked.

"How could that be possible? Apart from that mad dog(Monkey D. Garp), Captain Roger won't flee from anyone without a fight."

"Is that dog really that strong?"

"Of course. While the world claims Whitebeard to be the strongest man, that dog, with his bare hands, is not far behind Whitebeard."

"But even so, the captain wouldn't flee without a fight."

"Humph, although the captain isn't much weaker than that dog, you haven't seen the dog go mad. When you see that, you'll understand why the captain wants to escape. That relentless pursuit is enough to give anyone a headache."

"So, even if the captain faced both White Beard and Kaido simultaneously, he wouldn't want to face that bastard, right? People who haven't seen Kaido have no idea how powerful he is."

As he spoke, Buggy shivered, showing how deeply the encounter with Kaido had affected him.

Just as Weismann turned back around, he saw the three pirate ships split in two and sink into the sea.

"What... What's happening?" Weismann exclaimed in astonishment.

"Heh heh, you're just not experienced enough. We have at least three great swordsmen on board. Any pirates who aren't strong enough won't even qualify to engage us in ship-to-ship combat."

Buggy stood up, smirked, and then walked out from the shadows, joining the celebration of this hard-won victory.

"So, this is the Roger Pirates? At least three great swordsmen?" Weismann once again found himself in shock, realizing that one could never truly understand how many talents were hidden within the crew unless they joined the Roger Pirates.

When it came to great swordsmen, the first person Weismann thought of was Hawk Eye, the world's greatest swordsman in the future, the one who effortlessly destroyed meteors.

"So, Weismann, have you seen the strength of our pirate crew?" Shanks approached, patting him on the shoulder.

"Well, I can only say they truly live up to the reputation of the Roger Pirates, one of the Three Great Powers of the New World."

"Haha, the captain didn't even have to take action this time. Wait until you see the captain in action, then you'll truly understand the strength of our crew. Let's go, let's have a celebration," Shanks suggested.

Chapter 5: The Departing Visitors

Just as Shanks and Weismann were preparing to climb the stairs onto the deck, two loud bangs reverberated across the sea around the ship.

The huge noise and the violent shaking of the ship startled Weismann.

"What's happening?!" he exclaimed, steadying himself by grabbing onto the railing and turning to Shanks for answers.

"Looks like someone's come to bid us farewell," Shanks replied, seemingly unfazed by the situation and even sporting a slight smile.

As Weismann ascended to the deck, he overheard someone reporting to Roger.

"Captain, those three pirate ships appear to be some inexperienced newcomers this year."

"Is that so? Newcomers daring to challenge us. Such courage," Roger remarked, though it was unclear whether his tone was complimentary or disdainful, whether he was praising their audacity or mocking their ignorance.

But Weismann sensed a hint of disdain, given Roger's pride as one of the dominant figures in the New World.

Perhaps they thought they were too weak to take on Whitebeard or Gol D. Roger, hence why they challenged him.

Weismann then rushed to the edge of the ship, witnessing the three pirate ships approaching with full speed, their imposing presence undeniable.

Suddenly, he noticed a black cannonball growing larger before his eyes, hurtling toward him at increasing speed.

Instinctively, he raised his hands to shield himself, his mind going blank with fear, forgetting even to flee.

Just as he thought his end was near, a figure appeared before him, wielding a sword. With a swift stroke, the cannonball split in two, veering off to either side.

"Kid, stay below deck. You're in the way here," a voice commanded, and Weismann opened his eyes to see Rayleigh standing before him.

At that moment, Shanks arrived and ushered him away.

"Weismann, you're still too weak. It's too dangerous out here," Shanks cautioned.

"I know, but I can't help wanting to see. It's my first time witnessing a battle between pirates. I want to see what it's like," Weismann replied earnestly.

"A battle? Don't be ridiculous, Weismann," Shanks retorted.

"What's wrong? Am I not right?" Weismann asked, puzzled by Shanks' tone.

"Of course not. You have no business joining a battle with them. Only when facing Whitebeard or Kaido, the mightiest of pirates, does Roger's crew deserve such a title. As for these, you'll see for yourself soon enough what I mean."

Shanks then guided Weismann to a safer location before returning to the fray.

But unexpectedly, Weismann encountered Buggy there.

"Well, well, Buggy, what a coincidence. You're here too," Weismann greeted him.

"A coincidence? This is the first time I've seen anyone come here," Buggy replied.

Weismann couldn't understand why Shanks had sent him here, as it didn't seem safe to him.

Not only could he observe the surroundings, but it also seemed to be the primary target area for cannonballs. Perhaps it was because Buggy was there.

After all, any place with Buggy couldn't be considered safe, but it was not dangerous.

"But thinking about it, it makes sense. After all, you're currently the weakest one on the ship," Buggy remarked.

Upon hearing this, Weismann felt a twitch at the corner of his mouth.

"Buggy, did you forget that I won our last duel?"

"Ha ha, Buggy-sama hadn't exerted his full strength then. Otherwise, you would have been defeated with a single blow."

"Fine, then. I'll look forward to seeing who gets defeated with a single blow next time."

Weismann replied with a hint of hostility.

After that, Weismann didn't engage in further conversation with Buggy, instead focusing on the battle unfolding before him.

"What's there to see?" Buggy questioned.

"Aren't you worried the captain and the others will lose?" Weismann asked though he knew Roger wouldn't lose, but he still asked.

"How could that be possible? Apart from that mad dog, Captain Roger won't flee from anyone without a fight."

"Is that dog really that strong?"

"Of course. While the world claims Whitebeard to be the strongest man, that dog, with his bare hands, is not far behind Whitebeard."

"But even so, the captain wouldn't flee without a fight."

"Humph, although the captain isn't much weaker than that dog, you haven't seen the dog go mad. When you see that, you'll understand why the captain wants to escape. That relentless pursuit is enough to give anyone a headache."

"So, even if the captain faced both White Beard and Kaido simultaneously, he wouldn't want to face that bastard, right? People who haven't seen Kaido have no idea how powerful he is."

As he spoke, Buggy shivered, showing how deeply the encounter with Kaido had affected him.

Just as Weismann turned back around, he saw the three pirate ships split in two and sink into the sea.

"What... What's happening?" Weismann exclaimed in astonishment.

"Heh heh, you're just not experienced enough. We have at least three great swordsmen on board. Any pirates who aren't strong enough won't even qualify to engage us in ship-to-ship combat."

Buggy stood up, smirked, and then walked out from the shadows, joining the celebration of this hard-won victory.

"So, this is the Roger Pirates? At least three great swordsmen?" Weismann once again found himself in shock, realizing that one could never truly understand how many talents were hidden within the crew unless they joined the Roger Pirates.

When it came to great swordsmen, the first person Weismann thought of was Hawk Eye, the world's greatest swordsman in the future, the one who effortlessly destroyed meteors.

"So, Weismann, have you seen the strength of our pirate crew?" Shanks approached, patting him on the shoulder.

"Well, I can only say they truly live up to the reputation of the Roger Pirates, one of the Three Great Powers of the New World."

"Haha, the captain didn't even have to take action this time. Wait until you see the captain in action, then you'll truly understand the strength of our crew. Let's go, let's have a celebration," Shanks suggested.

"A celebration? What are we celebrating?" Weismann asked.

"Of course, we're celebrating our victory over the other pirate crews."

"Do we need to celebrate that?"

"Of course, regardless of how weak a pirate crew is, after being defeated by us, they deserve to be mourned."

Weismann's mouth twitched again, realizing how darkly humorous it was.

"With such frequent celebrations, will there be enough wine and food?" Weismann thought, only to witness someone pulling a small Sea King onto the ship from the sea.

Weismann's mouth twitched once more.

"Well, forget I said anything."