
The Silver Monarch of Pirates

Carrying the ability of eternal youth and immortality of the first King of Silver from 'K,' he crosses over to the world of One Piece. Although he becomes a pirate, his goal is not to become the Pirate King. His only aim is to live freely on the sea, just like that, so simple. this is a translation of a Chinese Novel.

alpa_cowsep · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 4 The Oro Jackson

"Hmm? Why does it suddenly feel so heavy?"

Weismann, still half asleep, felt like he was being crushed and had trouble breathing. He drowsily opened his eyes to find Shanks and Buggy sleeping soundly on top of him.

"These two guys are using me as a pillow."

Weismann was somewhat speechless, so he unceremoniously moved both of their heads to the floor. However, even after this, neither of them showed any signs of waking up.

"Are they pigs?" Weismann muttered to himself about the two.

Originally, it was just him and Shanks drinking together last night. However, he didn't know when Buggy had joined. The three of them got into quite a mess, and even the tensions between Weismann and Buggy were released in last night's revelry.

But thinking back to the scene from last night, Weismann couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Was it him who drank so much last night? It felt like he had consumed more alcohol than in his entire past life.

"Could it be that I've suddenly become a heavy drinker? No, it's just that I couldn't resist Shanks' enthusiasm."

Every time he didn't want to drink, Shanks would shove a full cup of alcohol towards his mouth or just pour it down his throat.

"I never thought a twelve or thirteen-year-old in this world could handle so much alcohol."

But this also made Weismann realize that his ability was not immutable. For example, last night, he drank too much and ended up completely unconscious.

"It seems I have a long way to go in understanding this unchanging ability."

After finding a secluded spot to relieve himself, Weismann noticed that most of the Roger Pirates were still asleep.

"If another pirate crew were to attack now, I wonder if we would all be wiped out."

"Hey, new guy, up early, huh? How was last night? Did you have fun?"

At this point, a pirate Weismann didn't know greeted him.

"Very fun." Although he didn't know the man, Weismann replied politely.

"That's good. After all, there will be many more days like that in the future." The pirate chuckled.

"Oh, by the way, want to have breakfast with us? If you wait for them, it'll at least be noon."


Weismann agreed without hesitation. Although he wasn't hungry, having breakfast together was an opportunity to bond and integrate more quickly into the pirate crew.

By noon, the crew of the Roger Pirates had all woken up.

Roger stood on a large rock.

"Our journey is about to begin. Are you ready?"

"Ready!" The crew below cheered. While the party was enjoyable, they were pirates and preferred adventures on the high seas. Besides, parties could be held on the ship as well.

"Then let's get ready to board the ship."

The group marched to the seashore.

"So this is the Oro Jackson, indeed worthy of being the Pirate King's ship. It's quite majestic."

Weismann thought to himself.

"What do you think? Our ship is pretty nice, huh?"

Shanks patted Weismann from behind, sounding proud as if the ship were his own.

"Yeah, it's the first time I've seen such a magnificent ship."

"Of course, although it's not as big as Whitebeard's Moby Dick, in terms of cost, it's not inferior to any pirate crew."

After everyone boarded the ship, Weismann was extremely excited. This was his first time on a ship, something he had never experienced in his past life.

After familiarizing himself with the ship, Weismann stuck close to Shanks. It seemed like he got along best with Shanks among the crew. Or perhaps, others looked down on his strength and didn't want to associate with him.

"Hey, Shanks, can you find a mirror for me? I want to see what I look like."

"Oh, right, you kept following me, and I forgot why."

Upon hearing this, Weismann was speechless. Was his request so insignificant?

"Follow me, let's go to the warehouse."

They walked to a room beneath the ship's deck, with the word "warehouse" written on the door.

Upon opening the warehouse door, they were greeted by treasures of gold and silver, as well as dozens of knives.

"You put all the valuable stuff here, and it's not even locked. Aren't you afraid someone will steal it?"

"Steal? Why would we steal? We don't need these things."

"Uh, true, you're pirates. If you want something, you just take it."

"But I remember Buggy likes these things. I often see him sneaking into the warehouse, then he gets fat and sneaks back into his room. When he comes out again, he's back to his original size."

"Does anyone else know besides you?" Weismann asked cautiously.

"Of course, everyone on the ship seems to know besides Buggy himself."

Hearing this, Weismann was stunned. No wonder he would be called Clown Buggy in the future. Not only did he look like a clown, but his behavior also resembled one.

"We've told Buggy he can take whatever he wants, but I don't know why he likes this sneaky feeling. Maybe he's addicted to it."

Shanks shrugged innocently.

After searching for a while, they finally found the mirror Weismann wanted. The warehouse was so messy that finding anything specific was a challenge.

"Is this me?"

Looking at himself in the mirror, Weismann was somewhat stunned.

From this face, he could still see some features from his past life. It could be said that this face evolved from his previous one, with just some minor changes.

"I've become more handsome, and my facial features also look very kind. If I said I'm a pirate now, nobody would believe it."

"Have you seen enough? If so, let's go."

"Huh? Oh, okay." Weismann was still somewhat incredulous that the handsome guy in the mirror was himself, but since it had happened, he couldn't change it.

Weismann smiled confidently, relieved to have seen his face.

Before leaving, Weismann also took a sword from the warehouse for self-defense.

"Oh, by the way, when are we going to train with the Vice Captain?"

"If you want to train, you can do it anytime."

"Really? That's great. Let's go train now."

"Sure, it's been a couple of days of rest, and my body is starting to rust."