
The Silver Monarch of Pirates

Carrying the ability of eternal youth and immortality of the first King of Silver from 'K,' he crosses over to the world of One Piece. Although he becomes a pirate, his goal is not to become the Pirate King. His only aim is to live freely on the sea, just like that, so simple. this is a translation of a Chinese Novel.

alpa_cowsep · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 2: Is this children playing house?

"What is this place?" In the midst of darkness, the consciousness of the young man awakened.

"Who turned off the lights? I can't see anything."

"Hey, stop joking around, is anyone there?"

However, no matter how the young man shouted, he received no response.

Gradually, after an unknown amount of time, he began to calm down, feeling very small in the vast darkness before him.

He found himself in the void, with nothing beneath his feet, yet he could stand steadily.

Suddenly, in the distance, a dazzling white light appeared.

"That's... the Sword of Damocles of the Silver King." After the light gradually dissipated, he could see what was surrounded by it.

As an ordinary young man from Earth, he had naturally seen some Japanese anime, and by chance, "K" was one of them.

Moreover, the ability of the Silver King in it was naturally the one he liked and wanted the most, the Immortality, which could be said to be an ability to never age or die, and could even make oneself fly.

He wanted to approach the Sword of Damocles, and his body slowly flew over with his consciousness.

When his hand touched the sword, the Sword of Damocles emitted a dazzling white light again, and then, he lost consciousness.

After an unknown period, he felt his ears filled with noise, as someone who liked quiet, he naturally couldn't stand such an environment.

"Hey, can you guys stop making noise? It's annoying, and it's preventing people from sleeping."

Just as he finished speaking, his eyes also opened.

"Hey, Captain, that kid is awake."

Just as he opened his eyes and hadn't recovered his senses yet, a somewhat sharp voice suddenly came from his ear, and he seemed to be somewhat familiar with this voice, as if he had heard it somewhere before.

Then, he suddenly sat up, because he realized that this was not his home.

"What happened exactly?"

He covered his head with one hand, trying to recall what had just happened.

"Hey, kid, who are you?"

At this point, Roger walked up to him and asked him, but he didn't respond, seemingly lost in thought.

But when he saw that his captain's question was ignored, Buggy couldn't bear it and walked up to him, kicking the white-haired youth lightly.

"Hey, our captain is asking you a question, you know?"

"What?" He came to his senses after being kicked, but he couldn't figure out why the big-nosed guy had such great strength.

"We asked you who you are."

"What kind of person? I want to ask you guys, why did you tie me up here?"

"We tied you up? Kid, you fell from the sky to our place yourself, we didn't tie you up."

"Are you kidding? How could I fall from the sky?"

"I also feel like it's a joke, but you did fall from the sky, and there was a silver-white giant sword, but it disappeared when you fell."

"Giant sword, could it be... not a dream." He suddenly remembered the Sword of Damocles from his dream.

"Then where is this place?"

"This is a deserted island."

"Deserted island? Which deserted island is this?"

"Of course it's the New World."

"New World, New World? New World! Pirate King?" When he realized this, he looked up at the big-nosed man before him, who indeed bore some resemblance to his impression.

"Pirate King? Not yet, but you're quite knowledgeable, our captain will definitely become the Pirate King in the future."

"Ah! Wait, I'm supposed to be the one asking questions, why are you asking me? Tell me, who are you?"

Buggy found himself angry after being unknowingly tricked.

"I'm Adolf K Weismann."

"Oh, what do you do, a pirate, a marine, or a civilian?"

"I don't know, I've forgotten everything except my name."

Weismann could now be very sure that he had crossed into the world of One Piece.

"Oh, I see."

This sentence came from Roger's mouth. He had been listening to the conversation between Weismann and Buggy all along.

And he could also judge that Weismann was lying, but he didn't know which sentence was the lie.

"So what are you going to do in the future?"

"I don't know, but can I follow you guys?" This is a big opportunity, so he wants to seize it now.

"You want to follow us? Kid, we're pirates, we could die at any moment, and we don't take in useless people."

He observed Weismann, who was probably weaker than an average strong man.

"I'm not afraid of death, and I'm not useless. I feel like I'm stronger than that red-nosed kid."

Weismann was definitely afraid of death, but he couldn't say it now.

"Red nose? Me? Kid? You dare to stand up, I'll show you the power of Buggy-sama."

Hearing what Weismann said, Buggy was furious. He absolutely couldn't tolerate being called a red nose.

"Alright, as long as you can defeat Buggy, I'll agree to let you on my ship. How about that?"

"Thank you, Captain."

"Wait a minute, don't call so hastily, you haven't defeated Buggy yet, so you're not my crew member."

"Don't worry, Captain, sooner or later."

Hearing this, Buggy's anger rose another notch. It was obvious that he was not being taken seriously.

As for why Weismann chose Buggy, it was because in his perception, Buggy was very weak, just lucky.

When he heard that Buggy was going to duel with the person who fell from the sky, the other members of Roger Pirates were also very excited, and they voluntarily formed a circle to watch the excitement.

"You're called Buggy, right? You go first, I'm afraid if I wait for my turn, you won't have a chance."

"Darn it, you dare to underestimate me now?"

Weismann is now twenty years old, while Buggy is just a twelve-year-old kid. He didn't think he would lose to Buggy.

Buggy ran towards Weismann with his fist raised.

"Watch me knock you out with one punch, Buggy Fist."

When he ran to a distance not far from Weismann, Buggy suddenly jumped up and swung his fist at Weismann's head.

And Weismann protected his head with both arms, blocking the blow.

"Ouch." In the instant of receiving the punch, Weismann felt as if his arm was being hit by a hammer.

But this pain only lasted for a moment before disappearing.

Although Weismann didn't know what was going on, the battle in front of him was more important for now.

"You hit me with a punch, now it's my turn."

Weismann also punched Buggy, but it was easily dodged.

Then, the two of them fought like children, hitting each other back and forth.

"Really boring." Some of the onlookers were already yawning.

After struggling for more than ten minutes, neither of them was injured, but both were panting heavily.

"Kid, you forced me to do this." At this point, Buggy pulled out a dagger from somewhere and held it in his hand.

Then he instantly stabbed towards Weismann, the speed faster than before.