
The Silver Dragon

(BI-Weekly updates between Monday and Wednesday) Instead of dying, what if Summer was saved by another silver-eyed warrior who could transform into a dragon? If you don't like crossovers or harems, don't read the story!

All_Watch44 · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 8: Revelations

(Uta POV)

"What do you mean that's not your name?" I asked with fear, as I knew he was serious.

Does that mean everything I ever knew about him was a lie? Does that mean all the good and happy moments we had were a lie? Does that mean his feelings for me were a lie?

My mind was racing with so many possibilities that I had to shut it down before I began to panic. I'll just listen to what he has to say. If he lied for a good reason, I won't be too mad at him, but if it's not...please be for a good reason.

"Exactly what I meant," he said stoically with a plain tone. "My name isn't Cain Adamson; it's Draco Morningstar," he revealed, and he continued. "And this isn't what I really look like," he pressed a button on his watch and saw his appearance change before my eyes.

His fiery red hair turned black as midnight, his light brown skin was now bronze, and his beautiful, bright golden eyes changed into haunting, soulless silver eyes.

I examined his appearance several times and concluded I prefer this look over his former. While he did look handsome with the lighter and brighter colors, they just felt so...off. I could never put my finger on why it felt like that at the time, but now I understand why it did. The light and bright colors didn't reflect him at all. It was like oil and water; it didn't mix at all. Dark and gloomy suited him more and, if even possible, made him even hotter...

I mentally shook my head and had to fight down a blush. It wasn't the time to be checking him out!

"Why? Why with the disguise and name change?" I asked.

"It's a long story, so I'll keep it brief. You see my eyes?" Ca--Draco pointed at them, and I nodded. "Tell me, have you ever seen someone with silver eyes?" I shook my head. Now that I really thought about I never did see anyone besides Cain--I mean, Draco with Silver eyes. I've seen people with every possible color in the spectrum except silver, which is odd. It must be a rare trait; I wonder what his eye color has to do with this, though. "Well, that's because individuals with silver eyes have been hunted down to near extinction by an unknown group of entities," he revealed, making my blood go cold and my expression pale in horror. " You with me so far?" I shakily nodded.

"W-Why would anyone be after you just because of your eyes?" I asked, barely being able to contain my emotions.

"It's because I belong to an ancient race known as Seraphs or what some would call a Silver-Eyed Warrior. A regular Seraph's eyes grant them the ability to emit a unique form of energy from their eyes that can petrify, paralyze, or disintegrate any Grin under the Titan and Ragnorak Classification," he revealed, shocking me.

Thats so cool and such total bullshit! I want pretty overpowered silver eyes! Wait a minute, did he say that's what a regular Seraph can do...

"Wait, did you just say thats what a regular Seraph can do? Are you implying there's more than one type?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Yeah, there's two types specifically, with the other being an Arch Seraph. They're several times more powerful than a regular Seraph as they're physically superior and have access to far more abilities than their lesser counterparts," he explained.

"What are the other abilities?" I asked curiously.

"My other abilities include creating constructs from the same energy that comes from eyes, having illusionary awareness, 360-degree vision, vastly superior Aura density, control and reserves, combat adaptation, and limited Aura negation via touch," he revealed, making my Jaws drop.

"W-Wow...y-yeah, I can definitely understand why someone would be after you...thats ridiculously overpowered," I replied, causing him to sigh.

"True, but the powers aren't without their drawbacks, I'm afraid. You see, a regular Seraph's ocular abilities can only activate when Grims are near, making them somewhat difficult to train, and the energy is only effective against Grim. However, Arch Seraphs don't have the same limitations as their lesser counterpart, as we can use the energy regardless of whether Grims are around, and the power can harm anything with or without a soul. However, our weakness is that our psychological state can affect our abilities. If we're depressed, our power, speed, Aura reserves, and semblance strength decrease significantly. If we're angry, our control over our abilities becomes unstable. To use our powers effectively, we must be in a state of happiness, tranquility, or indifference at all times."

"That makes sense...having that kinda power is bound to have some downsides..." I responded slowly. "That last part also explains why you hardly show any emotions..." I slightly laughed. "I honestly thought you were kinda an edge lord or an emo when we first met," that comment earned me a snort from him.

"Not the first nor last time I'll hear that," he said with an amused tone. "I can slightly understand why people would assume that I guess...so are you upset with me?"

"Depends....Was anything between us or you a lie?" Draco shook his head.

"Besides my name, everything about me and us was true," I sensed no lies from him and internally sighed in relief.

Thank Oum. I don't know if I could recover if everything between us or he were a lie. I know that sounds dramatic, but it's true! Besides Weiss and Klein, I pretty much had no one.

Dad was a cunt, Winter was a bitch, Mom was an alcoholic, emotionally unavailable wreck, and everyone that tried to get close to me cared about my status, wealth, looks, or all of the above.

However, Draco was different from everyone else. His personality, while rough around the edges and can be a total asshole, especially in training sessions, was fun to interact with, is nice when he wants to be, and isn't afraid to speak his mind.

However, most importantly, he cares about me and only me. He didn't care about Uta Schnee, just me...he went above and beyond for me without expecting anything in return, never judged me at my lowest, listened to me whenever I needed to rant or just needed a shoulder to cry on, and always protected me from Dad when he was really angry...how could I not fall hopelessly in love with him?

"Good," I replied with a smile.

I then walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I then pulled into a deep loving kiss, and I felt his hands grab my ass.

(Draco POV)

I grabbed her backside and gave a firm squeeze, causing Uta to moan into the kiss. She opened her mouth, and I felt her tongue press against my teeth. I opened my mouth, pressed my muscular organ against her, and our tongues swirled together.

Uta grabbed fistfuls of my hair and pressed me deeper into the liplock, so in return, I dug my fingers deeper into her magnificent rear.

As this session continued, I couldn't help but compare Uta and Summer's bodies. Uta's body, while not as firm as my fellow Seraphs, more than made up for it with her softness and physical potential.

Despite only being a year older than me, her development was astounding as she already rivals Summer in every desirable physical aspect a man can conceive of when it comes to an ideal woman. However, Uta has the older woman beat in the hip, backside, and thigh department.

By the time she reaches eighteen, I have no doubt Uta will surpass Summer in terms of sex appeal, and I look forward to when that day happens.

I lifted Uta by her ass and carried her into one of the bedrooms. Once in a room, I gently laid her on the bed without breaking lip contact.

I was now on top of her with her hands still grabbing onto my hair, and not too long later, her legs wrapped around my waist.

Uta use her legs to pull my lower region down, pressing our thinly clothed sexes together. She then began rubbing her crotch against my length, causing it to harden quickly.

I growled into the kiss and returned the favor. I applied more pressure against Uta's lower region and rubbed against it, earning an erotic moan from my beautiful fiance.

I then gently bit her lip before going to kiss her neck. I then gently pressed my teeth on her neck, causing her to moan louder as the friction between our sexes and the neck biting increased the pleasure she was receiving.

After I left several decently sized teeth marks on her neck, I claimed her lips again and increased the pace of the rubbing of our sexes.

It didn't take long for her to experience an orgasm since it was her first, and once it passed, I broke the kiss to let her catch her breath.

She was breathing heavily, her face was bright red, and her bright purple orbs were hazy. After a few moments passed, I asked.

"You good?" she nodded.

"Yeah," she lightly giggled. "We should've done this sooner...that was awesome," I chuckled.

"Yeah, we should've..." I agreed. "You wanna go further?" I asked with a barely noticeable smirk.

After Jacques interrupted my session with Summer earlier and what just occurred, the desire to pounce on Uta became unbearable.

However, If I can't get what I want with Uta, I can just go to Summer, but the thought of fully claiming the beauty below sounds far more appealing.

"W-What?" she asked, looking at me with a beet-red face.

"I asked if you wanna go further?" I slid my hand into her panties and rubbed her nub, causing her to gasp.

"L-Like sex?" she stammered while heavily breathing.

"Only if you want to...if not..." I slipped a finger inside her, causing her to moan loudly. "I don't mind going down on you..." I know I'm playing dirty, but she's not fighting against it, so...

Uta bit her bottom lip and contemplated for a moment while bouncing her sex up and down my finger, causing my digit to go deeper inside her.

"I w-wouldn't mind..." she cried in bliss as I brought her to another orgasm.

I smirked in victory.
