
Chapter 11(Edited)

"What got over you so suddenly , You were such a stiff guy as you never gave me any attention ,Why so suddenly?" Asked lady death while laying on her lover chest ,She had quite the time with her cousin , As they had sex for a long time .

"I guess after I've gone to slumber , I woke up reborn and ...." He replied to which she asked :" ... And?"

He then brought her even closer to him and whispered to her ear :" I guess I wanted to mark what's mine ." And with that said he bit her neck marking her , Literally.

"Oh my , I guess you indeed changed completely huh ?" She said

"Ah right , You won't mind if I killed you're simp fan will you? Maybe not now but eventually." Ashborn asked suddenly.

"Hmm? That poor purple fool , Did he insult you or something ? " She replied with a question of her own.

"No, But i feel that we will cross swords eventually." He said while looking into her eyes.

" I am not his mother or his babysitter so you do as you wish ."She said while closing her eyes.

" Alright , Time to go, my cute white Haired. How about this? Why don't you take an avatar in a body on the planet earth as I am planning to go there and have some fun ." Ashborn said after getting up and starting to get dressed.

" Hmm, Alright as it will be a way to get rid of boredom for sometime ,And some interesting planet you choose to have your fun though." Death said, trying to hide her annoyance .

"Take your time though , And .... choose a year between 1990 to 2000 , I will find you ." He said , Then searched for Beru location using his shadow , And after finding him he turned to her and said his last word while deeply kissing her :" ... Even though we didn't talk much as i am not the talkative type i got to know you ... I will see you later gorgeous ." After saying that he vanished to hos shadow .

3rd pov

The wasteland of Svartalfheim has been lively for the last couple years as two parties were having a hide and seek game ... The bloodier one. And in between two mountains of the many mountains that exists in the realm you could see two armies facing each other , In a battle that feels so intense that it looks like the final battle. On one side you could see a number of 1001 figures that look like glowing purple ants while having a humanoid ant that looks like the leader in front.

And in the opposite party , You could see an army or what's left of it of what looks like A dark elves that is impossible aa they are rumors to be extinct , And they are numbered in 2500 .And from it a figure that looks like the leader step out and said loudly for everyone to hear .

" You damn ants !!! You arrived so suddenly and you brought death with you to our people by attacking us while our guard was down when we were in hibernation , Our numbers has dropping so much in the last couple of years from fighting you , And we have to admit that you have proven that even though you are ants are still a formidable foes ." He said then add with the same loud voice : " But today , You're end is here , As under my command, Me Malekith we will come out with a victory ." The leader now named Malekith said boldly to Lifts his army morals with a speech that infact is idiotic and his leading his people to their death without them knowing.

"Yeah !!!" "Victory will be ours !!!" Cheered by the unimportant and insignificant soldiers that are about to die like ants by ants .

" Skeech , I had dragged this for too long. It's time to finish my lord's order , And give me that stone ." Beru said loudly after stepping out while pointing to the aether that Malekith is hidden inside of Malekith's container.

" Why don't you ant try and taking it from me." Malekith said while charging his plasma gun that is powered by the The Reality stone.

And with that no more words were needed as both armies marched to face each other.