
The Secrets of Chaos

Chaos, Entropy, the power of causality. The energy that makes every universe slowly decline and finally perish. The Destruction of Taoism, the birthplace of all demons and also the seed that creates universes. A secret everyone knows, but very few carry. Chaos and Causality, two forces that rule the universe itself. A simple goblin, imprinted a dagger and spent millennia chasing after it. Millions of lives and millions of adventures. His fate is one of high importance. One that will decide the fate of the multiverse itself. But who decided his fate? A Goblin with a pitch black dagger, travelling from universe to universe, acquiring strength and wisdom, all for the sake of reversing karma. Reversing the Heavens. Going against fate itself. And who would make such grandiose plans? Why, but the weakest of all creatures... A mere goblin... ---------------------------------------- This novel is bound to be big. I'll be going through a lot of lives, with a lot of different ideas. It's basically going to be all your favourite stories, blended into one protagonist. I haven't written the whole thing yet, so I'm open to ideas. If you guys want to see something specific you can always comment. Have a read, and hope you enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: Cover found on artstation.com

Kyomu_ · Fantasie
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67 Chs


Yusef's aura just kept getting higher and his killing intent started suffocating the poor feline. His purple mana was swirling around him, creating small purple flames and small gusts of wind, that created ripples in the atmosphere. This indicated Yusef's elemental affinities, and the level he has trained them.

Ballu was trembling, and cowering like a bunny in front of a wolf. He knew he was the prey, and that he had to do something, or he would end up decorating Yusef's living room.

"Yusef, It's my fault, I apologize. I was wrong, I'm sorry. He asked me for guidance and I took it upon me to test his limits. I didn't mean trouble, I only wanted to help. Come on, old friend, you know I meant no harm. If he couldn't handle it, I wouldn't push him. He just kept getting stronger after every exchange, that's why insisted.".

Ballu was freaking out. If someone saw the Black Panther of Nundram, looking like he is now, they wouldn't believe their own eyes. The king of the Nundram region, and the monster that parents used when they told their children stories, was now trembling like a kitten.

Then again if they saw who it was, that Ballu was facing, and how mad that person was, not only would Ballu's situation be understood, but they would sympathize with the panther. Yusef was well known as the second strongest person of this continent, the first being the Dragon of the East. No one dared go against him. And if they did, "no one could save their sorry asses". That's what the king of the Eastern Kingdom said about his son in-law.

Yusef strength was unrivaled on the continent, and it was something unprecedented. Not only because there hasn't been someone with such strength for a long time, but because he started as a mere goblin, and worked his way up. What scared people most wasn't his strength, that, they respected. What scared them, was the trials that he had to go through to reach such a level, and how they affected his mentality. To grow from 0 to 100, one would have to go through hell. And that hell would be imprinted on their character, for the rest for their lives.

And of course, when a person is angered, they succumb to madness, and release all their inner demons. That's what made Yusef so scary. And that's what made Ballu almost run away with his tail between his legs. Yusef was approaching the trembling king, when Iono woke up and grabbed his fathers clothes.

"No, Dad, stop. He is a moron, but its partly my fault. I knew I reached my limits and I still kept going. But that's because if you don't surpass your limits, they will always keep you down. I think you know that better than anyone. So let the housecat go, and let's go home because I'm starving. Really starving.", he said with a sad look and a growling stomach.

The moment that Iono, grabbed his clothes, Yusef had already restrained his mana and aura, and a gentle look had replaced his murdering intent. He looked at his son with great affection, hoping that he didn't see his father's dark side.

"Iono, how long have you been awake? ", he said with a perplexed look, hoping his son didn't hear his foul-mouthed outburst.

"Not long, why? Did something happen? ", he said, imitating an innocent child. The truth is that, he had been awake this entire time. Iono's body this time around was a bit special and given that he had entered Flesh Tempering, he had exceptional vitality.

"Well, nothing much. Just in case, if you heard anything that daddy said, do not, and I repeat, do not, say it in front of your mom okay? Please. Now, don't worry about Ballu, I'll let him off this time, but you have to be careful. I don't know when you got so wise, but, exceeding your limits is fine, as long as you don't forget where they are. Let's go home, quick now. And when we do, if you don't want your friend here to be hunted down by the whole kingdom, tell your mom what you told me". He then turned to Ballu.

"I'll try and explain to Anna, and calm her down, but honestly, you know her temper. I would suggest you hide, I don't know how she will react. ", he said with a terrified expression.

Ballu heard his words and his hair stood up abruptly. He knew that to be married to Yusef, Anna herself must be quite the nut job. He heard stories of the people that dared cross her path, and none of them ended well. He turned around and run without even saying goodbye.

With a heavy sigh, Yusef picked Iono up, and returned to their home. What took Iono almost one hour, every day, to transverse, Yusef did in one minute. You could barely discern a shadow crossing through the vast forest, and that was him casually strolling through. Iono appreciated his father's speed, and thought inwardly, "I still have a long way to go... ".

When Yusef entered the house Anna was serving dinner, placing the plates and cutlery on the table. " We're home!", Yusef said. "Welcome back honey, how's Io-", the plates fell of her hands and shuttered on the floor. Her eyes widened and she run to get a hold of Iono. "Yusef wha-.. How-...who-... ", she couldn't even make a full sentence. Iono's malnourished body was quite a shock.

"He was training in the forest, and asked for Ballu's help. Ballu thought it would be good to push him to his limits, but forgot that his is still a child, and his limits are much smaller. And well, he ended up like this. Do worry I checked up on him his okay, better than okay actually, he just needs a lot of food. ", Yusef said, while trembling a bit. He knew that he wasn't the second strongest like everyone thought. He was the third. Anna was the second.

"Don't worry mom, I am fine. I pushed myself a bit too much, don't blame the housecat, he is a good friend. ", Iono said, while employing big, blue baby eyes operation, which seemed to work a bit this time.

Anna was speechless, but too worried about Iono to give a damn about the panther. She carried Iono inside, layed him down, and fed him. She looked at Iono with such love, that it almost made him want to tear up. It felt weird getting fed by his mother, but given that he couldn't move a muscle, he didn't really mind.

After a plentiful dinner he fell asleep on his mother's embrace. She carried him to his bed, and then turned to Yusef.

"Did you teach that damned cat a lesson? Because if you didn't I'll go hunt him down myself. Yusef, I was scared. Iono's body is so withered, I got goosebumps. If you say he's okay then I trust you, but I just can't stay still!", tears welled up in her eyes and she looked at Yusef with a frustrated face. One look at her expression and one could tell how shaken she was.

"I'm not letting anyone touch my baby! But I...I know I can't always be there, I'm not that naive. Yusef you can start training him in the sword. I'll train him in magic, or we can both train him in magic. It would be better for him to learn everything before his channels open, and he will even have a headstart at school. I can't let anyone harm him, I'll do anything to prevent that.".

Yusef looked in her eyes, and saw the pain she had been through today, and the resolve she had gathered about protecting her son. He took her in her arms and said,

"I gave the housecat a scare, and I said that I won't hide anything from you, so he's probably hiding somewhere, afraid of your retaliation. But it really wasn't entirely his fault. I lost reason when I saw Iono, but I can't really blame Ballu. First of all I realized our son is growing up. He told me that he wanted to surpass me and that's why he wanted to train. He was the one who stopped me from harming that damn Ballu, and I'm really proud of him for that. He is very smart for his age.

I don't know where or how he got such wits but, I'm really excited for him. So don't worry, because I'm not worried. He'll be fine. Of course I'll train him. And, just so you know, his channels are already open. Not only that but he reached Flesh Tempering. I saw it when I checked up on him before. I'm not sure about this, but I think I even sensed a core, although that would be too crazy. He is a genius, far surpassing me. I'm sure I won't even be his match in a few years. I think I'll send him to his godfather for a year before he attends school."

Anna looked at Yusef with wide eyes when he explained Iono's growth. She couldn't believe it. It was the first time she had heard of a four year old, not only having open channels, but entering Flesh Tempering. There was even a possibility of a core, that was unprecedented. She was happy of their son's talent, but as a mother she was worried.

"But if he is so talented, won't he be ostracized but his peers? Sought after, from people with villainous ideas? Talent is a gift but also a curse. We have to talk to him, make him understand that. And we also have to be prepared for anything that might come. I know it seems that I'm not excited, but I am, it's just... Yusef I'm scared. I don't care how talented, or strong or whatever he maybe be. I would love him the same even if he had no talent. He is my son, and I refuse to let anything so happen to him. I just want him to be safe, and happy.", she said crying in her husbands embrace.

Since Iono's birth this was the first time she was actually concerned about his future. After all, up until now, she had blind trust in Yusef. Only now did she realize that there will be times, when they can't be there for him. This world isn't that thoughtful.