
The Secrets of Chaos

Chaos, Entropy, the power of causality. The energy that makes every universe slowly decline and finally perish. The Destruction of Taoism, the birthplace of all demons and also the seed that creates universes. A secret everyone knows, but very few carry. Chaos and Causality, two forces that rule the universe itself. A simple goblin, imprinted a dagger and spent millennia chasing after it. Millions of lives and millions of adventures. His fate is one of high importance. One that will decide the fate of the multiverse itself. But who decided his fate? A Goblin with a pitch black dagger, travelling from universe to universe, acquiring strength and wisdom, all for the sake of reversing karma. Reversing the Heavens. Going against fate itself. And who would make such grandiose plans? Why, but the weakest of all creatures... A mere goblin... ---------------------------------------- This novel is bound to be big. I'll be going through a lot of lives, with a lot of different ideas. It's basically going to be all your favourite stories, blended into one protagonist. I haven't written the whole thing yet, so I'm open to ideas. If you guys want to see something specific you can always comment. Have a read, and hope you enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: Cover found on artstation.com

Kyomu_ · Fantasie
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67 Chs

Kar vah ti Kote!

As the goblin was running to the light, a small whisper in his ear made it turn around.

He looked around, only to see, illuminated by the giant light, a lattice of an unbelievable number of doors.

They were everywhere. The further he looked, the darker the lattice was. It appeared endless.

The goblin took another look at the bright light, before turning back and walking towards the door that was closest to him.

He stopped right in front of it, and stood still for a couple of seconds, staring at it.

After another last glance at the bright light, the goblin opened the door.

Inside it, absolute darkness.

Empty. Void. Tranquil.

A small beating sound resounded.

The sound of a fainting, small drum.

The goblin took a step inside the door, when suddenly-


Everything went scarlet bright. So much so it blinded the goblin.

Determined, it run towards the light.

He run and run, until-

Two tiny pitch-black eyes opened.

They were attached to a small, cute, green face with a nose that was a bit longer than normal.

"What the hell is this?!", the creature inwardly wondered.

It stared at its small hands in disbelief, when a pair of burly, green hands picked him up, and two bored-looking, brown eyes stared at him.

"Kar vah ti Kote!"

The green man said.

The green baby looked at the man, with an amusing expression.

He was a baby!

"He just said my name is Kote? How come I became a baby? This is so weird!".

He looked behind him and saw a woman.

She was neither beautiful nor ugly. Her skin was rough, and there were cuts and bruises all over her body.

Her face was terrifying.

Not because she looked scary, but because her eyes were devoid of any will to live.

Any will to keep going.

Eyes so empty of emotion, one would think she was merely a husk.

Her stomach was inflated, until-


Another small goblin came out of her.

The burly man put Kote down and picked up the other goblin.

"Kar vah ti Gorde", he yelled.

The woman weakly looked at both goblins and noticed Kote staring at her.

He instinctively gave the smallest and cutest, well as cute as a goblin smile can be, to his apparent mother.

A tear in the woman's expressionless face.

Suddenly Kote felt his head ringing.

Memories, a buttload of memories almost made him puke.

"I have been here before! My birth, this has happened before! What is going on?!".

Kote remembered the life he had after his birth. He was exceptionally talented.

He managed to train his body to unprecedented limits, even for goblins, and although he had a bright future ahead of him, he massacred his whole tribe.

The reason? Something inside him snapped when once, he walked inside a small cave isolated by the tribe. The elders had specifically warned them that they should not enter it until they get older.

Kote, curious as he was, went inside the cave and saw ten, human women, chained to the walls. Their skins were rough and beat-up, and their eyes were expressionless and dead.

He realized that, at some point, his mother was chained up there, and although he never saw her after his birth, something inside him had deep feelings of affection.

Filled with anger and regret he massacred everyone in his tribe and left to chase after other goblin tribes, planning to take them down too.

While adventuring he gained an enormous amount of skills, and although as a goblin he had limited space for skills, he managed to become one of the strongest people on the continent.

When eating at a tavern, he coincidentally heard a legend about a pitch-black fang of a mythical dragon that could grant any wish, through power.

When he heard the conversation something inside him moved.

He set out to find the dagger, and he did, until those cursed spirit protectors almost killed him.

His last memory was the black pulse of darkness that send the protectors flying.

Kote was left with his mouth hanging open.

He looked at this mother, seeing all the pain she endured in her eyes.

His eyes, although a baby's, momentarily emitted a red,murderous light.

"This means I'm back. I am back to where I started from, that's why I understood the language.

But wait, if I returned by going through a door, does that not mean that every door is another life? But I only have memories of one life what is going on? I am so confused!".

Slowly, but steadily, Kote put everything in place and understood what happened.

Somehow, he managed to gain access to all his previous lives. He wasn't a big believer of past lives, but now he had no choice but to believe.

"Does this mean that I can go back every time I die? This sounds way too good to be true. But I already lived this life, and I have no regrets other than the dagg-…WAIT! THE DAGGER!

It can grant any wish, can't it?

So maybe that's why I came back! But that doesn't explain the other doors…

The dagger... I need to find it again!".

And with that thought, his chest suddenly shook.

A small pitch-black dagger, proportional to his tiny body, came levitating out of his chest.

Thankfully, they had put all the baby goblins in a corner to sleep, and he was alone.

He was startled.

His eyes were shining like jewels.


He yelled inwardly.

Inside his mind, a small static noise, and amidst it all a name…


He was confused, as to how he still had the dagger even though he died.

Or did he?

"Well the fact that I have you, means you are the one responsible for my rebirth.

I wonder…If I use you, could I enter all the other doors?".

Inside the tiny goblin's eyes a small tinge of adventure.

He touched the dagger, which stopped vibrating, and the moment he did, he felt some strange energy, that seemed to be pulling him towards the dagger.

But he had a small body, so the dagger, being proportional to it, had a limited force of attraction.

"Now what can I do with you…?", he pondered.