
The Secrets of Chaos

Chaos, Entropy, the power of causality. The energy that makes every universe slowly decline and finally perish. The Destruction of Taoism, the birthplace of all demons and also the seed that creates universes. A secret everyone knows, but very few carry. Chaos and Causality, two forces that rule the universe itself. A simple goblin, imprinted a dagger and spent millennia chasing after it. Millions of lives and millions of adventures. His fate is one of high importance. One that will decide the fate of the multiverse itself. But who decided his fate? A Goblin with a pitch black dagger, travelling from universe to universe, acquiring strength and wisdom, all for the sake of reversing karma. Reversing the Heavens. Going against fate itself. And who would make such grandiose plans? Why, but the weakest of all creatures... A mere goblin... ---------------------------------------- This novel is bound to be big. I'll be going through a lot of lives, with a lot of different ideas. It's basically going to be all your favourite stories, blended into one protagonist. I haven't written the whole thing yet, so I'm open to ideas. If you guys want to see something specific you can always comment. Have a read, and hope you enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: Cover found on artstation.com

Kyomu_ · Fantasie
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67 Chs


The morning sun rose once again in Yotum, as the roosters sung and the birds followed.

The weather had just gotten cold enough for the grassy plains to turn blue, as the first month of winter had just started.

Families had already gathered supplies to withstand the harsh climate, as in a still developing country it was hard for the common man.

Although, there were some unexpected and exciting news regarding the kingdom.

As the word had it, a new and progressive technology was underway. A creation of the researchers of various Academies the kingdom possessed.

People could see workers laying metal bars on the road, and nailing them together, covering distances of many kilometers.

Nevertheless, the fact remained that this winter was bound to be a harsh one.

The Rosenblood family's days were spend together, inside their home, as the weather was too cold to wander outside.

Accompanied by the fireplace, the family decided to spend the last month together, in peace. Iono stopped going hunting and Clarissa and Rosette had integrated into the family.

With a cellar full of cheese and dried meat, as well as vegetables and eggs preserved in vinegar, the family's winter was bound to be quiet and relaxing, but full of sadness, as the only son was about to leave for a couple years.

That morning, father and son decided to hold a contest. An energy manipulation contest.

Carving the most beautiful figurine.

Now, of course, it would be dumb to compare a 9 year-old's manipulation skills to the "strongest in the Kingdom"'s manipulation skill.

But while Yusef was clearly classes above, Iono had a very robust and thick energy. The purity of which Yusef couldn't even come close.

His Serpentine body and refined core, had given him the ability to purify energy to the highest degree.

Also, since manipulation is a skill transferable by memory, obviously his was also top notch.

But, contrast to what he showed, Iono wasn't "liked" by the energy of the world.

This "dislike", led to his manipulation skill being regarded as less than mediocre in the large scope of things.

Father and son carved the oak logs in their hands, with complete and utter concentration.

Purple aura fiercly and precisely curved the wood while colourless prana forcefully changed its shape.

After a few minutes two figurines appeared in their hands.

One of them depicted a ferocious Green wolf, while the other depicted a person. A green-skinned young man, with long black hair, tied in a bun, and two strands gracefully falling on his face. His body was small, that of typical 12 year old, but it couldn't hide the vigour of his temperament.

Father and son presented their works to the judges, (the three women), and awaited their decision.

After careful consideration, and a lot of admiring, with a two to one vote, Yusef won.

The two votes were Anna and Clarissa, who were biased since they only picked Yusef's because it looked like Iono.

His father played dirty.

A cheeky smile hung on his face as Iono glared at him.

And such was the atmosphere at the Rosenblood residence, full of laughter and joy.

Sometimes Iono would train with Clarissa while others he would train with his Dad.

But mostly he would spend time with both of his parents.

Just like that a month passed in a blink of an eye.

It was a couple of days before Iono's birthday.

He heavily protested against a public celebration, therefore it turned into a small family dinner.

His mother and Rosette both spend all day decorating the house and preparing meals. It turned out that Clarissa's birthday was about a month away, therefore they decided to host both of them since Iono would be gone by then.

The mood was obviously meant to be joyfull, but Anna hang the ornaments with tears in her eyes.

Her little boy was leaving.

Clarissa also wasn't very happy about this outcome.

She's only known Iono for less than a year, but she spend so much time with him, she had come to think of him as a big brother, even though they were the same age.

His departure caused quite the stir in her mind.

Iono was also not in his highest spirits as he was also hesitant about leaving. He felt like he hadn't enjoyed his parents company enough, even if it was a dream, which he was now hoping it wasn't.

Yusef spend the day outside gathering firewood, contemplating his feelings.

Things that were very unexpected and unique for him, a battle-hardened Goblin Lord.

To think that the man who fought and killed like a maniac would now be raising a child and loving it so dearly.

Life had a simple way to surprise.

It was finally time for the party.

The family and friends laughed and joked around all night long, drinking wine and juice for the under-aged.

Yusef played some music on his teliatan* and Anna danced to the rhythm.

It was a fun and memorable experience that Iono would dearly hold in his heart.

They all fell asleep in the living room as they celebrated until sunrise.


*Next morning*

*Departure day*

The family all stood outside their home as they got ready to say goodbye to Iono.

His father would accompany him for safety reasons all the way to his Godfather's dwelling, which was located at the southern borders of the kingdom.

The Dragon was a sage you see, and as such he was endearing of isolation.

His mother had promised herself to not cry as she didn't want him to depart with that image in his mind and therefore did not shed a single tear.

A princess of the Eastern Kingdom had more than enough ability to control her emotions.

Rosette hugged Iono who she had come to regard to as her own son, wishing him luck and a safe journey.

"Come back safe, young master.", she added.

It was turn for his mother to say goodbye.

"You make sure you eat properly.", she said.

"And don't be disrespectful to your godfather he is an incredible individual.

Also make sure to sleep properly, and rest.

Make sure you don't train too much and stunt your growth.

Also don't forget to write a letter from time to time. Your godfather's crows will deliver it for you.

Please be safe, ok? Your mom will be waiting for you right here.", she said holding back tears.

"I'll be back in a two years mom don't worry about me. I'll be sure to write to you!", he said smiling to her.

Last one was Clarissa.

"Bye, Clarissa.", he said first.

"Make sure you don't slack off on your training. I expect to see you stronger than me when I come back!", he said smiling.

"Oh come on! Be serious!", she yelled exasperated.

"I-... will miss you.",she said, her face facing the floor, too sad to look him in the eyes.



I'll miss you too", he replied.

"Do you have everything you need?", his father asked.

"Yep, I'm ready to go!", Iono replied with a smile which hid behind it a lot of sadness.

His father looked at him, full of pride and joy as well as love and yearning. He was very confused of what he felt, after all it was a first for him.

They both waved their hands goodbye as they departed on foot.

They decided that it would be faster than a carriage.

As Iono's back disappeared into the distance, Anna burst into tears unable to keep it inside any longer. Rosette was there to hold her up.

Clarissa also teared up, feeling rather emotional, as she waved to his long gone back.

*Teliatan: A string instrument similar to the fiddle only played vertically, similarly to the janapese erhu. It was named after the awakened beast whose vocal cords are used to manufacture it.(Yotum Lore)*