
The Secrets of Chaos

Chaos, Entropy, the power of causality. The energy that makes every universe slowly decline and finally perish. The Destruction of Taoism, the birthplace of all demons and also the seed that creates universes. A secret everyone knows, but very few carry. Chaos and Causality, two forces that rule the universe itself. A simple goblin, imprinted a dagger and spent millennia chasing after it. Millions of lives and millions of adventures. His fate is one of high importance. One that will decide the fate of the multiverse itself. But who decided his fate? A Goblin with a pitch black dagger, travelling from universe to universe, acquiring strength and wisdom, all for the sake of reversing karma. Reversing the Heavens. Going against fate itself. And who would make such grandiose plans? Why, but the weakest of all creatures... A mere goblin... ---------------------------------------- This novel is bound to be big. I'll be going through a lot of lives, with a lot of different ideas. It's basically going to be all your favourite stories, blended into one protagonist. I haven't written the whole thing yet, so I'm open to ideas. If you guys want to see something specific you can always comment. Have a read, and hope you enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: Cover found on artstation.com

Kyomu_ · Fantasie
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67 Chs

Breaking Flesh and Bones

The sun was still high in the sky. It's rays, could even boil water if given enough time.

Iono turned to look at Ballu, who was standing on the side, looking at Iono's grimace expressions.

"I am almost in the Flesh tempering stage, would you mind joining in my training?", he suddenly asked the panther.

"You are almost WHAT? When did you even-, forget it, why am I even surprised? Sure no problem, but easy on the stomach. I just ate." The panther answered. It's worth mentioning that, entering flesh tempering usually happened at 14-15, when someone had successfully opened his channels and refined a core.

Iono bend both of his legs, and placed them perpendicular to each other. He put his left hand, on his lower back, and his right hand's elbow was at a 90° angle facing towards the big cat. The back of his hand hid Iono's face, from Ballu's menacing stares. He invented this stance a while back, and although he looked like he was wide open to any incoming attack, when actually facing him, one could see that every opening was actually a trap, setup to explode against them the moment they aim for it.

"This stance is perfect, where did he learn this stuff? Whatever... Like a stance could overrule absolute domination in terms of strength.", Ballu thought to himself while squaring off with the small goblin.

Iono took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He felt the medium and directed prana to start forging his body once again. Under the constant pain he would fight with someone he had no chance against, and hone his body and instincts amidst battle. When he opened his eyes again, the pain hit him like a drug. He felt like there were millions of insects eating him from the inside. If one paid attention, they could see something moving under his skin. Of course this was just the energy, working on destroying and reconstructed the flesh.

Ballu obviously noticed it, "Are you insane? You are going to fight while tempering your flesh? Do you want to kill yourself? I am not going to let you do that! No matter how wicked you are, you are still Yusef's son! ", he said.

"What's wrong scaredy-cat, afraid you're going to lose your tail? Come at me!", Iono said with a domineering voice.

Ballu's eyes were masked in darkness, and in a low growl he said, "You f*cking brat!". He then revealed his claws, snarled, and dashed towards Iono. In the blink of an eye he appeared before him, and slashed downwards.

Too fast!

Iono, barely had any time to react, when he pivoted on his back leg, and used his right palm to push the paw to the side. The paw hit the ground and opened a small crater. Iono's hand was trembling. He looked at the puma with a sense of danger, and the puma looked back at him with disdain.

"Who would have thought you would manage to avoid. Even redirect it. I'm impressed.", he said with a smug grin. Iono didn't not reply and returned to the stance he had before.

"But I have to ask, where did you learn martial arts, if Yusef didn't train you? There isn't enough talent in the whole world to make someone reach where you are on their own.", the puma said a little puzzled. He had no idea that regressors were a thing, and even if he did, he wouldn't be able to tell.

Iono smiled and replied, "I am honoured that you think I am talented, but this was taught to me by a friend. I still haven't got the hang of it, but it should he enough to spar with you without dying.".

" A friend you say? What manner of being makes friends with a four-year-old,and manages not only to teach him a technique, but even such intent bloodlust. I think you were swindled by a pervert my dear boy. Be careful of those around you, and don't take free candy, just because they are given to you.", said the puma with actual concern.

Iono tried his best not to laugh. His friend was of course, his future self. He then said, "Don't worry Ballu, even if he really is a pervert, my father is the commander of the Royal army. I don't want to use my standing much, but who dares touch me?".

" Well, that's true. Okay then back to training!", he said and suddenly rushed towards Iono, with swift movements. He attacked with his claws, only to have Iono push his attacks to the side, never hitting him.

Iono's movements were fluid like water. He would intercept the attacks, and redirect the flow of force, making the attacks harmless to him. Of course, given his current strength and, the fact his body is still immature, he only achieved this a few times. The rest where just him bearing the pain and redirecting the flow, which was basically missing the whole point of the technique.

This is a martial art that Iono had created "forward" in the day. It had 72 forms, with the redirection of force, River Flow, being the first one. It was something he spend over a century perfecting, and was said to be unrivalled. There was once a legend of him chopping a mountain in half, by merely using this technique, and his bare body.

Once someone mastered the 72nd form, they would be unrivaled it terms of martial technique. Such a technique was of course, very difficult to master. In fact, the only known master of the technique was its creator, Iono.

This first form sounded simple, but was in fact, incredibly complex. One had to read the flow of energy of the opponent's channel's, and then apply pressure on certain acupuncture points. That would mess with the flow of energy inside them, and so redirect the force of their attacks to where the user guided them. That is why Iono, only succeeded a handful on times, the rest he merely redirected the limp, not the force.

To see the energy flow, and find the acupuncture points, without having special eyes, was something that was only mastered after decades of experience. And for most people it would still be impossible.

After a while of Iono being cornered, and barely intercepting the attacks, suddenly the puma stopped attacking and backed off, with surprised look on his face.

Iono was now glowing red, and his body was so pristine it reflected sunlight. The weird movement under his skin stopped, and Iono stood there with his eyes closed taking deep breaths. His flesh refining had come to an end, and he had successfully entered the Flesh Tempering stage. His skin was glowing red, for a good half hour, and then it suddenly dimmed.

"Congratulations Brat, you made your first step towards greatness. And in record time no less. I can imagine your fut-", but Ballu was cut short by Iono dashing towards him at break-neck speed.

He swung his paws downwards to intercept him, but Iono used River Flow, redirected the paw to left, pivoted on his front leg, and placed himself under Ballu's chin.

Second form,

Mortal, Earth and Heaven!

He struck three times, lunges as fast as lightning, and hit Ballu's lower stomach, left chest area, and left side of the jaw, injuring his core and heart, which was also the place all the channels met, and shaking his brain.

The puma was blasted through a couple of trees, and landed on its back. Staring blankly at the sky.

"Was I just send flying? I didn't see him move, what the hell was that!?". He tried to stand up, but instead, he puked his breakfast. "I thought I said watch the stomach! "

Almost like reading his thoughts, Iono said, "This was the second form of the martial art I showed you, "Mortal, Earth and Heaven". A triple strike of incredible precision, that targets the three spots of the body, where channels, acu-points and nerves all meet. It leaves you basically paralyzed, but I'm not strong enough to show such might. You're lucky Ballu."

Iono had no calms about revealing his technique, since it was apparent no one could master it, given his previous experience. Especially a puma with no opposable thumbs.

On the contrary it would increase Iono's value in Ballu's eyes, and it would make the King of the Forest slowly start respecting an opponent who reveals his hand. Also, Iono liked bragging very much.

"To think I, the Black Panther of Nundram, would be send f*cking flying, by a damn four-year-old. Ha.. Ha-ha... Hahaha!! ", Ballu started laughing uncontrollably.

He sprung back on his feet, and looked at Iono with a serious expression. After a moment of silence he yelled,
