
The Secrets of Chaos

Chaos, Entropy, the power of causality. The energy that makes every universe slowly decline and finally perish. The Destruction of Taoism, the birthplace of all demons and also the seed that creates universes. A secret everyone knows, but very few carry. Chaos and Causality, two forces that rule the universe itself. A simple goblin, imprinted a dagger and spent millennia chasing after it. Millions of lives and millions of adventures. His fate is one of high importance. One that will decide the fate of the multiverse itself. But who decided his fate? A Goblin with a pitch black dagger, travelling from universe to universe, acquiring strength and wisdom, all for the sake of reversing karma. Reversing the Heavens. Going against fate itself. And who would make such grandiose plans? Why, but the weakest of all creatures... A mere goblin... ---------------------------------------- This novel is bound to be big. I'll be going through a lot of lives, with a lot of different ideas. It's basically going to be all your favourite stories, blended into one protagonist. I haven't written the whole thing yet, so I'm open to ideas. If you guys want to see something specific you can always comment. Have a read, and hope you enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: Cover found on artstation.com

Kyomu_ · Fantasie
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67 Chs


Iono rushed through the forest, looking for Ballu. What he needed was a reason to be gone for a few days, without anyone noticing. Ballu was the perfect excuse.

He jumped from tree to tree in the middle of the night, looking for the Black Panther.

Sometimes he would encounter "Awakened" Beasts, but he only needed a swift movement with his daggers to send them to the afterlife.

"Awakened" Beasts, were creatures that managed to open their energy channels and accept energy in their bodies. Those creatures could create a core and further enhance their physique, mana and aura.

Ballu was such a beast, and Iono, as part goblin himself was a distant cousin of these creatures.

Unlike normal people, beasts had to forcefully open their channels, either by accident or by gaining momentary enlightenment. The way they improved, was pretty much the same as humans, other than the fact that they could evolve.

Just like Yusef started from a mere goblin to a Goblin Lord, and Ballu started from a simple housecat, to become the Black Panther of Nundram, so many other Awakened beasts can strengthen themselves, and evolve to higher species.

This is an arduous and difficult process, that depends largely on luck, but the gains are tremendous. Iono himself is very much looking forward to evolving to a higher species. He still doesn't know what he wants to evolve to, but it's not like he can choose. This process is natural. It happens because of the rules of the world, not because someone simply wants to.

In his last life, he only managed to trigger two evolutions, but they were both extremely ferocious. This time, he hopes to invoke even more.

He was strolling through the forest, looking for Ballu's hiding spot, while casually fending off attackers.


A couple of hours later, just before dawn, Iono found a small cavern that was hidden between bushes, and it was covered with a couple of simple concealing energy rings. The energy around this place was distorted, so it would look like the place wasn't really there, and the entrance of the cavern looked a bit ethereal.

Such simple energy rings were nothing to Iono's vast experience, after a couple of minutes of fondling the energy in the atmosphere, the rings collapsed on themselves, perfectly revealing the cavern.

From inside a Black Panther came running, to see who the intruder was.

The moment he saw Iono he gulped loudly, and was left with a foreboding feeling.

Ballu had gone hiding because of what happened between him and Iono, but it had been 3 years since then, and he was almost ready to leave this place.

Of course, he was still scared shitless by Anna, so he would tread lightly, even if he left.

All this time, he was expecting either Anna or Yusef to come beat his ass, but not Iono himself. So when he arrived, the Panther was momentarily stunned. While standing on a tree above Ballu, the sunlight illuminating his daunting features, he spoke with his chest elevated.

"Hey there kitty! I am going to need your help for a few days. So come out of the hole that you are hiding in like a rat, and be my servant! Ha-Ha! ". Iono yelled while wearing a prideful smile. It seems he had become very arrogant after realising how quickly he grew to strength. Of course, he was also teasing Ballu a bit.

The Panther was obviously much stronger, but Iono had Yusef, and Anna, behind him so he had little to be afraid of. He jumped from the tree he was standing on, landed in front of Ballu, and looked at him with a hint of disdain.

"Long time no see, brat. You've gotten even stronger than I remember. I guess you could be my match in a few years, but for now, you are still a pup. So stop acting tough in front of me, and turn your ass so I can give you a beating for treating me like your pet.", Ballu said, trembling a bit. His words held courage. Too bad it was only his words.

Iono's eyes had a weird glint when suddenly his face disorder in a horrifying grin.

"Are you sure you want to talk to me like that kitten? Did you forget how you escaped a beating last time? If it wasn't for my benevolence, and your unexpected usefulness, you would be decorating our living room right now. I have to say, it was one hell of a task keeping my mother in check, trying to stop her from hunting you down like a deranged psychopath. I can only imagine what would happen if I told her our position and your words. Still trying to act tough, kitty cat? ". Throughout the whole speech, he held a grin that would even scare demons. There was a tinge of killing intent, which generally would be not noticed, but given the panther's mental state, it was enough to have him shaking in his boots.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Now tell me what you need me for, and leave me alone.", he replied.

"This goddamn asshole! Ever since we crossed paths, he has been messing with me at every turn. I would rip him to pieces if I could", he thought inwardly.

Suddenly the grin on Iono's face got even bigger, reaching his ears.

"You just thought I'm an asshole, and you would rip me to shreds if you had the chance, right? ", he said making Ballu's eyes widen, and his heart almost stop.

"I wouldn't dare, young master! "

"Now, that's a better response.", the grinning little demon said.

"I'm going away for a few days, don't ask why I just need you to cover for me with my parents. I'll tell them I will be with you, training, and you will agree. If they come looking for me, just say that you send me to look for other beasts to challenge in the forest. I won't be gone for long, mostly four days. If they need something for me that's urgent you'll come and find me. I'll be in Argento. Just go to the port and wait there, I'll come find you once I'm done. Understood? "

"Sir, yes sir. "

Iono nodded at his answer and added,

"If I learn you mentioned anything about this to my parents, I'll tell them the story of how you abused me and made me go to that town, to deal with your shenanigans. Therefore, I ask you this, if you blab about this to them, who, do you think, are they gonna believe? "

It was a funny sight, seeing a 1.6-meter-tall kid threatening a black giant that could rip him to shreds, but it wasn't funny to Ballu. He was properly terrified now, and very angry. But he could only suck it up.

"No worries lad, they won't even notice you're gone. Have a safe trip. ", he said trying to send Iono on his merry way. The faster, the better.

"I was going to mess with you a bit more, but I'm running out of time. Now be a good boy and go back to your cave. I'm setting off tomorrow at dawn.", as he spoke he suddenly disappeared from his spot, mingling with the flora, and returning to his house.


The next morning, after spending last night trying to convince his parents to stay overnight with the guy who last time made them go crazy with worry, Iono set off for Argento. His parents were more than disagreeable, but he used his puppy eyes again to convince them. Understandably, they only gave him three days, so he had to be quick.

Argento was a port city, close to the village, and on the sea borders of the kingdom. It was one of the main supply routes for merchants, and also one of the three entrances of the Kingdom. It was quite the booming city.

After a few hours of travel, from the top of a tree, Iono witnessed the majesty of the city.

Giant Galleons*, small Caravels* and Corvettes*, and many Brigantines* could be seen at the bay.

The bustling air of the city gave it the atmosphere of a huge market. Street vendors were everywhere, and one could see many caravans passing through, collecting supplies.

There were only two huge buildings, namely the Town's City Hall, and the Adventurers/Mercenaries guild.

As you can imagine, Adventurers and mercenaries were muscle to hire, and they were quite needed in places like this, where many businesses were run.

The rest of the city was filled with small wooden buildings, that were mostly lodgings for passing merchants and adventurers, or taverns that were filled with whimsical sounds, loud singing, and enough alcohol to fill a whale. It was rare to find a permanent resident of the city, given the fact that most of it was centred around trading.

One could find anything they wanted in this city. From fruits and veggies to rare treasures. It was one of the main places one could find whatever they were looking for.

Iono's head flooded with memories of the city, and the many monkeyshines he did in his previous life. From setting the City Hall on fire to causing a tsunami, while fighting an awakened shark near the port.

After reminiscing for a bit, he disappeared once again, like a ghost, and run into the alleys of the city, looking for the pointy-eared, whisker-face, disaster of a man...


*Type of ships.