
The secrets of bumblebee

Zliph · TV
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

Mech- Male

Femme- Female

Sparklings- Baby and toddlers

Winglet- Sparkling that are seekers

Groundlet- Sparkling that are grounders

Femmling- Female sparkling

Mechling- Male sparkling

"PLEASE STOP!!!" a yellow predaling screamed watching as its creator's head fell to the ground.

A dark huge shadow walked closer to the beaten predaling its shattered optics widening one with fear and the other filled with rage seeing two other sparkling beaten to near offline one a blue seeker and the other a green groundlet.

"LET US ALONE!!!" the predaling hissed.

"Don't be afraid" the dark mech smirking grabbing onto the predaling's wings and pulling on them "It will all be over soon"

The young predaling let out a sound-breaking scream as the only thing left of its past was being ripped off its back.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Bumblebee screamed jumping out of her berth.

Bumblebee gasped for air as she wiped her faceplate feeling an energon tear. He sat there trying to forget those horrible memories the ones that broke her the ones she never wants to see happen to anyone again.

'Why did it have to happen to us?' Bee thought to herself feeling what used predacon wings on his back.

She felt helpless, and so scared there was only two other bots that understood her for all she knew they could be dead. Everyone thinks they know Bumblebee the mech that is the most childish and most immature but they don't, Bee will stay up for hours every night crying that the nightmares would stop but they never did. The reason Bee never told anyone about her past is because she promised not to keep herself safe but them the bots that keep her fighting.

"I wonder how brother and sister are?" Bee said quietly looking outside at the calming winds rustle through Prowl's oak tree.

"They can't be dead, He couldn't have found them," the young reassured herself before walking back to her berth.

Bee rubbed her helm being careful not to touch the sensitive horns. Bee rubbed her tired optics she forced to stay awake. Bee yawned but didn't want to back to recharge, she didn't want to go back to her nightmare recharge.

Bumblebee yawned he was exhausted and on the worst side, his Spark hurt it ached. Bumblebee rubbed his Frame.

"If only you guys were here" Bumblebee sighed.

She looked around her berth room it was dark and quiet. Bee wanted to tell her team everything she really did but the thought of them thinking she was a violent predacon and deserved to be put offline. Bumblebee knew her fri- teammates always thought less of her image how much they would think less of her if they found out she was a predacon a mistake to the cybertrionian name Ratchet would say despising the techno-organic bots. Bumblebee knew the promises she gave to her creator many she always broke but this was one she could never break a promise she made with her siblings that they would take to their graves.

Bee looked at her berth "No recharging for me tonight," Bee said walking outside and climbing onto the roof of their base looking at the stars.

'We will all reunite soon I promise'