
The secrets of bumblebee

Zliph · TV
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Bumblebee pulled herself into the living room seeing her teammates look at her with worry.

"What?" the predacon snarled causing most of the Autobots to jump.

"You okay bee? You looked tired," A girl with red hair named Sari asked.

"Yeah, you recharging well buddy?" Ratchet asked pulling out a scanner.

"I am fine," Bee grumbled.

"You sure don't look fine," Bulkhead stated.

"Agree maybe a check-up will make you feel better," Ratchet said grabbing onto Bee's arm.

"BACK OFF ME YOU SLAG!!!" Bee screamed pulling out her stingers and her eyes changing from their normal blue energon color to a deep shade of red.

"Bumblebee put them away!!!" Optimus demands pulling out his axe.

"Fine," Bee said retracting her stingers.

"Good," the leader said putting his axe away.

"I need some fresh air." the bot said transforming into her vehicle mode and driving off.

"Did you notice when his eyes turned red?" Bulkhead asked.

"Yeah I noticed it as well," Optimus stated just as he received a call from the elite guard. "Hang on it is sentinel"

"Optimus, Optimus? OPTIMUS!!! Are you sure this thing is working?" the elite guard leader asked Jazz his second in command.

"It is sir You're just muted," Jazz replied pointing to the red volume button on the screen.

"Oh," Sentinel said embarrassed.

"What do you need sentinel?" Optimus asked rolling his optics.

"Ultra Magnus wanted us to talk about something," Sentinel said angrily.

"What?" Prowl asked.

"We are heading to talk about it in person," Sentinel said blocking someone from the screen. "Stay back!!!"

"Uhhhhhh…Who are you talking to?" Sari asked.

"Nobody flesh bag, Now we will be there in 5 clicks oh and Optimus make sure Bumblebee is there okay," Sentinel said

"About that senti-" Optimus started before sentienl ended the conversation.

"Rude," Sari said sticking her tongue out "How long is 5 clicks?"

"In human terms 5 hours," Ratchet said.

"Alright prowl You and Sari find bumblebee," Optimus said.

"You got it boss," Sari replied jumping onto the transformed prowl and driving off.

"Ratchet you tidy up the base while me and bulkhead go off on patrol," Prime said transforming into his firetruck.

"You got it prime," the medic said seeing both bots drive off. "Time to start cleaning,"

<b>At the Decepticons base</b>

"Lord Megatron," the seeker Starscream said.

"What is it Starscream?" Megatron questioned looking at a map he had stolen from Prime.

"We have detected an energon reading on the outskirts of this city," Starscream said.

"Autobot or Decepticon?" the tyrant asked.

"Neither," Starscream said.

"You, Arachnia, and Streakbreaker find this bot and bring them to me," Megatron demanded.

"Yes lord megatron," Starscream said walking off.

'Stupid primes!!!' Arachnia thought to herself stabbing into a picture of Optimus and sentinel before hearing a faint knock on her door. "WHAT???"

"May I come in?" Starscream asked.

"Come in," The spider bot said seeing the worried seeker walk in. "What do you need?"

"L-lord Megatron told me to get you and streakbreaker," Starscream mustered out.

"Why?" arachnia asked lifting an optic brow.

"We have found a new spark signature and lord megatron wants them for some reason," Starscream said with what little courage he had.

"Fine but if you try ditching me again I will rip you apart part by part got it?" Arachina said in a threatening manner.

"Y-yes ma'am," Starscream said feeling like he just had an oil leak.

"Let's go," Arachnia said walking out of her room and to a transport ship now being used as the Decepticon's new carrier.

In a small forest

Bee was struggling to even walk I mean who wouldn't when your main source of energy came from organic beings sure she still needed energon to survive but unlike the others, Predacons needed minerals that only organics contained.

"I am sorry little buddy it is you or me," Bumblebee said looking at a rabbit she had captured.

"Well, what do we have here?" Arachnia questioned seeing bumblebee just looking at the rabbit.

"This makes no flarging sense!!!" Starscream screamed slamming his hand on the device. "It says there is a neutral here but all I see is a lousy Autobot,"

"I-It doesn't matter let's s-squash ze Autobot," Streakbreaker said pulling out his two cannons.

"Wait," Arachnia said stopping streakbreaker. "He is doing something,"

"Goodbye baby bunny," Bumblebee said before revealing a set of sharp teeth and biting into the animal.

"HOLY SCRAP!!!" Starscream screamed.

"WHO IS THERE???" Bee questioned pulling out her stingers.

"We are Autobots and we are taking you down," Starscream said menacingly.

"Bring it," Bee demanded pulling out her mask and getting in a fighting position.

"DECPTICONS!!! ATTACK!!!!" Starscream screamed transforming into his jet and flying toward Bumblebee.