
The second son of the fallen Royal is reincarnated

In a world where one's value is determined by their status, Raven was born in the deepest parts of the lawless city. Raised in an orphanage along with other kids, he trained to be a knight of a low rank Nobel family and rose upon the ranks and made it to captain at the age of 27, ten years later a war broke out and house Silver was destroyed. As his mind was slowly fading away, he couldn't help but think what would life been like for him if he was born as a nobleman himself, "would I be corrupted by greed? Or would I uphold the values of my home like the prideful master of house Silver?"

Victor_Progress · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Khaya,The warrior princess

(Back to Raven)


Now then, you know my name buy I haven't heard yours.


How rude of me, I'm Ray Nightingale.


A Nightingale, huh? What squad are you in?


I haven't picked one as of yet.


Meaning you just turned 15, correct? Although I am most curious, what brought you to this place?


I'm looking for a girl, the last time she was seen she was heading this way. I got a message for her from her brother John, although it's almost 2 years overdue.


I don't see how that's my problem.


You're in my way of finding her, that makes you the problem.


I made up my mind, I'm gonna kill you right here and now. Even if your a Nightingale. I haven't even heard your name once among the promising youngsters in the family, meaning your just trash waiting to be taken care of.

Chains emerge from the ground and hold Raven, Zorra charges in with Spear among at Ravens heart. But at the last second, Raven easily breaks free from the chains and avaids the attack.


Not bad, you almost got me. Was that a magic skroll you just used now? I heard rumors that there's a land that uses them to fight. I'm guessing you're a refuge from that land, or a spy sent to gather information about us.


You're a fast one, huh?


I try. Let's just end this. My people are waiting for me by now.


Do you honestly believe your "people" can defeat mine?


Well, I did handpick them myself.


You are too cocky for your age, that's gonna be your downfall. Let's see how you act once I rip off your head, little bird.

Zorra attacks with short blades on each hand, Raven gets slashed on the stomach and on his right arm.


Damn, you got me there.


You're not taking me seriously, are you?


You noticed?


Don't you dare look down on me!!

Zorra takes out a skroll and summons a death knight.


This is a little present I got from my kingdom, a death knight made from the corpse of a white ranker. Although it's strength can only measure up to a blue rank like myself, this should be enough to kill you.


So, that's what you had hidden under your sleeve, huh? I'm disappointed. Fine I'll take you serious from now on.

(Raven exhales and his aura starts to manifest around him, Zorra is shocked to see the large amount of aura around such a young man. Raven's hair turns snow white and the aura around him seems calm.)


What did you do?


What you wanted, I'm taking this seriously now.

(Back at Khaya)

Khaya crashes hard into the wall around her.


Damn, that's some power you got there.


Complementing Lilly will not make Lilly spare your life, you weakling.


Spare my life? Don't get me wrong, you brat. I-(Khaya senses Raven and Kyle's auras) well looks like those brothers are having fun. I don't see why I gotta hold back anymore.


Do you imply that you have been holding back in your duel against Lilly?


Obviously. Did you really think the likes of you had the strength to beat me? I hate to burst your bubble, Lilly.


How dare you look down on Lilly!!!!


Wise warriors before me, grant me the power of the past. Seomanu martial arts, Iron blood fist.

Khaya punches Lilly in the face and plants her into the ground.


Damn. That was a good one. Now it's Lilly's turn. Martial arts, rapid flying tempest kick.

Lilly sends multiple sharp gust blades at Khaya, who manages to duck most of them with only a few hitting her.


Had enough?


Not even close.

Both women exchange blows in their fight. Although Khaya's fast on her feet she is at a disadvantage cause she lacks much experience at hand to hand combat. Lilly hits a powerful uppercut on Khaya and sends her flying.


To think you thought you had a chance against Lilly. Pathetic. Now, shall Lilly go help the triplets or Zorra?

Lilly turns her back on Khaya and as she goes near the exist she senses a large amount of bloodlust from Khaya.


Did I say you can leave?


You're up? Impressive.


You know, I thought I could win without it. However, it's clear that I lack experience in hand to hand. Oh well.

Khaya takes out a small stick like handle and focuses her energy in it. It takes the shape of a spear.


You're a spear fighter? Fine. Lilly will face you at your best.

Khaya charges yet again. Although she's tired she refuses to give up. Lilly also seems to be reaching her limit as well. Lilly breaks Khayas spear and lands a fist while Khaya manages to land a kick to the chin. Thier fight continues with both women at their last breath.


Lilly admits. You are a strong foe.


Right back at you. What do you say we end this?


Lilly agrees.

Khaya and Lilly launch in one last slug fest with both of them landing the finishing blows on each other. Both ladies are sent flying and both hit the surrounding walls hard.


A draw? Lillys fight ended in a draw?

Khaya:(gets back on her feet)

Sorry, Lilly. But this is my win. You almost got me there.


Huh? It seems Lilly lost. This is your victory, Khaya.

Both women faints.