
The second son of the fallen Royal is reincarnated

In a world where one's value is determined by their status, Raven was born in the deepest parts of the lawless city. Raised in an orphanage along with other kids, he trained to be a knight of a low rank Nobel family and rose upon the ranks and made it to captain at the age of 27, ten years later a war broke out and house Silver was destroyed. As his mind was slowly fading away, he couldn't help but think what would life been like for him if he was born as a nobleman himself, "would I be corrupted by greed? Or would I uphold the values of my home like the prideful master of house Silver?"

Victor_Progress · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The awakening


Are you trying to tell me you succeeded in going to Fracia?


That's right.


And this girl is from Fracia?


Thats right.


Not only is she from Fracia but she's also the second daughter of the chief there, Chief Shaka of the Seomanu tribe.


Actually my father is just one of the 4 chief's of the island. It's not like the whole island is his.


I see, welcome to our home. I am Joshua, Ravens father. This is Ericka his mother and Kyle his older brother. It's an honour to have you here.


Can we go to your study? I have somethings I have to notify you of.

Ravens family along with Khaya head for the study. After entering raven notified his father that he couldn't find any beast core, but he has discovered a new way to help them fight. He hands them the scroll that was given to him by Shaka.


This is a method for developing this so called "Fighting spirit"? Huh. I see, but something tells me this isn't what you wanted to tell me.


Correct, I developed my own method. By taking the fighting spirit technique and aura technique I developed the "white flame" method.


What flame?


The fighting spirit is when you store all the aura in your body and not your heart and use the heart as the centre to connect the muscles and aura. My "white flame" is when you do both this and the typical aura method, but you create circles around your heart and the more you have the stronger you get.




Think of them as additional cores but they surve as back up power sources for the original core.


With father's broken core and my half one, do you really think we can pull this off?


Kyle, my white flame method won't work on you two, but it will surve as a blueprint for you and father to create your own fighting style. You guys have a year and 7 months before I turn 15, when that happens I plan to get father to a higher status. If your resolve to succeed is strong as mine, you will come through. Anything I can do, you can also do. After all your also our parents child like me.

Kyle:(holding in tears)

Thank you l, Raven. I won't let you down.


Now, Josh. Are you also up to the task? Our boys have made their resolve in all this.


Are you kidding me? Of course I'm in. I can't let the boys have all the fun, can I?

A year and a half go by, both Raven, Khaya, Kyle and Joshua trained their bodies and Minds to the limit. On his spare time, Raven has been looking into for John's little sister in the kingdoms lands. Raven soon got a hint that she was last seen in a B rank dungeon in the south mountains of his home land. He, along with Kyle, Khaya and two members of his own knight troops quickly head there.


Kinda think of it, this is my first ever real mission with Raven. Although I'm confident that nothing bad will happen, I can't help but think that I might hold him back a bit. I just managed to reach the strength of a green rank last week and he managed to reach blue, although he didn't train that much because most of the time he was helping me and father. Apart from me everyone here has some battle experience. If I rank khaya as an aura user, she should be between green and blue. Effel(Elf girl) is a yellow ranker and Liam(boy from ivy village) is yellow like as well...now that I think of it, Raven sure made a strong troop in just two years, It'll be a shame if someone of his caliber doesn't become big in future.


Brother, you seem to have a lot on your mind. What's wrong?


Oh? It's nothing. I was just thinking about something.


If you ask me, I think The young master is just nervous.


Yes, I think so too. It's not just anyone who can accompany lord Raven on his missions.


Ray, we're here.


This is the spot?


Yeah, it is.


Listen up you guys, we don't know what awaits us in there. I want you guys on your gaurd at all times. I'll take the front, Effel you and Liam cover me on the wings, Kyle stays in the middle and Khaya will be at the back. Ready?




Alright, let's go.

After making their way in the dungeon, Raven and his group notice that there's blood on each floor they walk.


Umm, Raven. Are dungeons supposed to be this bloody inside?


No, this is a sign that we are not alone in here. I want everyone on their guard, there's no telling who or what did this.


Judging by the foot prints I'd say it's a group of five like us. But the claw marks on the wall are something I've never seen before.


Should I be worried?


It depends on their strengh, if they are anything like that guy I fought with your father years back then they would be a problem.


Was he truly that good?


Yeah,was he truly that strong?


He was a White Ranker




My lord, are you saying you fought a guy on the vice captains level and somehow managed to survive?


Well I didn't actually fight him alone. Khaya's father is one strong man, even if he's strength is equal to that if a new white user and it helps that the opponent was over confident in his skills and looked down us.


Wait, so your telling us that a green rank and a new white rank took down a mid white rank? That shouldn't be possible.


Young master only broke through to blue a month ago and that's because instead of training his aura for the past year and a half his been focusing on managing his father's lands and training the troops, had it been that he focused on himself I'm sure he would've reached blue at least a year ago. Regardless, I knew he was a monster but to stend toe to toe with a white rank and come out with no major injuries? regardless if he was looking down on him or not, this guy is just to op for his age. 15 years and a blue user? That's not normal.

Raven and his group reach a tunnel with five paths. Sensing the strong energy coming out of the one in the middle, Raven walks in, Khaya takes the one with the second strongest energy, Liam, Kyle and Effel take the one with the lowest energy.

At the end of each tunnel they all meet with their opponents.

(After a while)


Who might you be?


The names Zorra, who's asking?

(Khayas side)


Do you have a reason for bloking my path?


Lilly received orders from Zorra that Lilly shouldn't let anyone pass here.


Well, I was told that I gotta eliminate anyone who stands in my way.


Silly girl you are, do you think with your current strength you can beat Lilly? Lilly hates the weak and you are weak, so that means Lilly hates you.


I'm weak? Haha, let's see who's weak.

(Kyle's side)


May I ask what bring you gentlemen to this dungeon?


Big bro Tyran what should we do with them?


I don't know, let me ask big bro Tyron. Big bro Tyron, what should we do with these guys?

Tyron:(sitting on a rock)

Isn't it obvious? Kill them, that's what Zorra

wants. They don't look that strong anyway, I'ma sit this one out. Tyron Tyren they are all yours. Don't hold back.


How dare they look down on us.


Young master, please sit this one out as well. We'll take care of these two.


Young master? He must be a noble or a royal. If his one of the two that means his strong. For now let me see how he reacts to this fight.


Allow us to introduce ourselves, I'm Tyren.


I'm tyran, that's Tyron. The 3 of us a triplets.


Is it me or are they too chatty?


Lets shut them up.

Both Liam and Effel charge at the two people standing infront of them, without much effort, Tyren and Tyran fend of their attacks.


Hey, big bro. Is it me or are their attacks sloppy?


Yeah, I thought so too. Big bro, can we just kill them? Playing with them would be a waist of time.


Fine, do what you must.


You hear that? Sorry but we gotta end this.

Tyran and Tyren both clash ther sowrds and release a aura Shockwaves from them aiming at their enemies. Liam and Effel in a desperate attempt to save Kyle both take the attack head on and after blocking it they are both left injured.


Oh? I didn't except that. Now(looks at Kyle) What's your move, "young master" ?


Oh no, I didn't think those two will be taken down so quick, looks like I have no choice but to run, why on earth did Raven bring me along here...wait Raven.( He remembers Ravens words)


"If your resolve to succeed is strong as mine, you will come through. Anything I can do, you can also do. After all you're also our parents child, just like me."


Effel, Liam. I can't belive you two are already down, you bring shame to my brother's name as his troop members. Tyran, Tyren and Tyron, allow me to introduce myself. I am Kyle Nightingale, brother of Raven Nightingale, who is also known as "The Demon of the northern lands."

All triplets are shocked to hear what Kyle said.


You gotta be kidding me, right?


Brother of the Demon of the North?


Guys, get a grip. If his truly the elder brother of the Demon he shouldn't be a treat, compared to his little brother he has zero talent. If I heard correctly, you're just a joke who reacked oranged 2 years ago....Guys attack.

Tyren and Tyran:


The two charge at Kyle with attacks aiming at his heart. However with just a single strike he blocked them.


Huh? That shouldn't be possible.


Are you sure your just a orange ranker?


Well, that's correct. However, you know what the best part about having a Genius of a brother is?


What's that?


He develops way to help me surpass my limit.

Kyle engages in a fight with the two, despite both of them being yellow ranked.


How's this possible? Are you using artifacts?


No, not at all. This is just my brother's genius skills in play. Now, Liam, Effel. You've been asleep for too long, wake up already.


Sorry about that.


Yeah, we took a beating there. But I must ask,the amount of pressure you're goving is that of a green rank, why's that?


This is simply the work of Raven.


I see, his wisdom know no limits.


You guys handle those two, I think I'll have a chat with sir Tyron over there.