
The Second Demon

What happens when the first demon that Muzan turned happened by accident due to his ignorance? ~ What happens when that demon's soul couldn't handle the stress, dies and his body was thrown away? ~ And what happens when a foreign soul got reincarnated into the body of the said demon? ~ Follow this story as we explore the journey of the second demon as he strive to live in the world of Kimetsu No Yaiba and alter the fates of the characters. ~ Kimetsu No Yaiba doesn't belong to me, I only own my OC characters, all other characters in Kimetsu No Yaiba Belongs to Koyoharu Gotouge Sensei. ~ Trigger goes click click, Pigs go eat eat, Please Read this fanfic, You might like it. .. ... Did..did that rhyme? Do..do you like it? FYI!! The Cover Picture is not mine, I only edited it a little bit!

TediousHamster · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 10: A Good Samaritan….or is he?



(A/N: Our pacing is too slow and confusing.)

Yeah, simple is better after all, the chapters so far are a bit…..crappy.

(A/N: Agreed, let's kick it up a notch shall we?)


'So….this is the mother of the twins…'

Said woman was currently patting and cooing at her little daughters while they're laying on her lap.

'…huh, the whole family are posers…I wonder if Kibo is the same as well…meh, I couldn't care less for someone I've known for a day.' I thought for a moment before looking somewhere around me.

'….everyone seems to be doing their own things. The older twins are currently talking with Gudo and his sisters, Hana and Minako, Taka kept glancing at me and the little brat Ichi was just staring at them while sucking at his thumb.'

I need to do something 'productive'...at least in my opinion.

I turned towards Gudo, "I'm gonna sleep for a bit while waiting for the food to be cooked…do not disturb me and keep it down please."

They all turned towards me and Gudo nodded his head, albeit hesitantly.

I then stood up and walk over to the one of the walls before sitting with my back against it.

I closed my eyes as I tilted my head slightly to the right while using the wall as a makeshift pillow. I sat with my legs straight and crossed with each other, I then crossed my arms across my chest.

This is the position I always use when I sneak some shut eye in class. Which is common practice among us students.

Now, one might think I am sleeping but no…I'm trying to enter a comfortable position to try and meditate without showing it openly…...hopefully.

I then proceed to close my eyes and took slow deep breaths.

I don't know how long it took but my vision was gradually turned white as I opened my eyes, it seems like I end up in this place again…I turn around and there it was.

The red blob.

I gave a small sigh as I look towards the top part of the blob.

Yep….the flashing notification is still there…

I remember that I heard the voice that sounds like Dio coming from that part yesterday, I have to check it out.

If its Dio the body stealer…I might as well kill myself and hope that I'll reincarnate once again or find a way to remove him from my body…permanently.

I then back away from the red blob a little bit. Jumps in place a bit to psyche myself up before dashing towards the red blob and jumping before I crashed towards it.

I...jumped a little bit too high and went over the red blob instead. Good thing I managed to land on my feet in the classic superhero landing once again, man deadpool would've been proud.

I stood up and dusted myself, "Yeah….I shouldn't forget that I'm a demon now, damn, I jumped to hard just then."

'Also, I might need to fix my habit of talking to myself loudly when I'm, might be labelled with the word 'crazy' again in this world.'

I walked back towards the blob and stop a meter before it. I then looked towards the top part and jumped towards it.

Thankfully, I managed to reached it easily this time and didn't send myself flying over it once more.

"Thank goodness I made it, making the same blunder twice would've been quite embarrassing." I mumbled briefly before crouching down on the sphere with one of my knees touching it.

I then look down at the source of the flash and saw words that are a darker shade of red than the red blob with one same colored star on the top right side of the writing. 

The words were, 'You thought it was a system, but it was me, Dio! Wryyyy!'


"Am I dreaming?" I said out loud before realizing how ironic that statement was.

'Well, reincarnating into a manga universe is as 'bizarre as it goes so….'

I touched the flashing words and it disappeared as a red screen appeared in front of me.

The words written were, 'Insufficient Funds.'


"What the f-" I mutter before the whole place shook as if being hit by an earthquake.

I laid myself flat on the blob and hold on unto it. "What the hell is going on!?!?" I shouted loudly in panic. I then heard that voice once again.

"Oh? Someone's approaching you."

'...yup, no mistaking it. That was indeed the voice of Dio, but how did-' my thoughts died prematurely due to something bizarre.

The red blob in front of me rippled suddenly. The ripple started from below my abdomen and spreads to the whole sphere.

A giant hand that had the same color with the blob suddenly emerged and punched me in the guts.

Needless to say, I was sent flying before falling down towards the ground and sinking into the white ground once again, I rapidly lose my consciousness and the last thing I thought was.

'That blob was alive!?'

Then, I lost consciousness.



I then slowly snapped my eyes open as I slowly look over my surrounding, the others were in their original seats but all of them were looking at me except for the sleeping kids.

Kibo, Arai and Hoemi is here as well so that means…the grub is ready.

I then felt a presence near me, well more like a saw a small silhouette near me but that's beside the point. I look at the figure and saw Taka standing there with one of his hands reaching towards my shoulder but not touching it.

He then gives me a toothy smile when he saw me looking at him. "You're finally up Ryu-san, food is ready so mom asked me to wake you up." He said so before turning around and jogging back to his siblings.

I turn my sight towards them and I can see Hoemi smiling at me as she waves at me.

"Come here Ryu-san! The food is ready."

I look at the 'food', no, I'm not talking bout all these people, they're nice so I'll keep them alive.

'….I still have reservations eating another human though even if it's for my survival.'

I mean, I'm a 'normal' guy from modern 21st century who suddenly gets thrown into another world without context or reason whatsoever. You don't expect me to suddenly accept myself as a demon and go on an eating spree no? I'm 'normal', at least I think so of myself.

My actions so far was for me to run far away from danger that is currently the Kibutsuji's, a noble's influence in the feudal era of Japan is nothing to scoff at.     

...but we humans adapt fast after all, I'll have to eat humans sooner or later if I want to keep existing and grow stronger as a demon in the kimetsuverse. I have to accept what I am now, a demon.

'That doesn't mean I can't choose how I live or who I eat though, even I have standards. I won't just go eat random bystanders or innocent people.'

'I'll eat em criminals or evil people, to at least quench my morals. Cleaning the world of the dirt of humanity seems to be a good enough reason to pacify myself of the guilt of eating another human being and to keep my sanity intact.'

'besides, the pleasure of seeing vile men who breaks down after knowing that they're facing something beyond their league would be quite...ECSTATIC.'

Without realizing it, a sadistic grin appears on the mc's face as he chuckled darkly to himself, this turn out to be a bad move as it sent shivers down the spine of everyone in the house. Taka teared up and choked a bit before he turned his gaze towards the floor.

(A/N:Good thing the younger twins are currently sleeping. Unfortunately, the thumb sucker had his back facing the mc…tch, lucky brat.)

This made Kibo don a serious face as he sent a worried glance at Arai which he promptly returns back with a shake of his head. Too bad our mc with his heightened senses caught on to this small exchange.

'Why are they doing those gestures and have weird expressions on their face??...Wait a minute…'

I promptly cover my mouth with my hand, damn…..I let that side of me appear again….gotta be careful now, would want 'him' to resurface once more..

I rub my face with both of my hand to fix my expression and freshen myself up. I then removed my hands when I feel relaxed, and lo and behold! The grin has disappeared and in its place is a wide embarrassed smile that reeks of fakeness.

'Good thing I'm good at fake smiles and quick expression shifts. These are skills needed in order to survive in the modern world after all, Fake smiles for the win!!' I thought in my head as I rub the back of my head with embarrassment.

"A-Ahahahaha, I'm sorry, I just remembered a certain stupid joke from an old friend of mine and can't help grinning to myself." I said so to them as I close my eyes to emphasize the silliness of the joke.

'I hope they'll buy into it.'

"It must be quite the joke for you to grin happily like that, I wonder if you'll share the joke with us, ohohohoho." Hoemi reciprocate against my words as she cover her mouth with her palm while laughing like an anime ojou-sama.

"Maybe next time, it's quite the dark joke Ahahahahaha" I laugh a bit louder in order to put an end to the conversation.

"Is that so? Maybe next time then Ohohohoho" She tilts her head backwards a lil bit to and laughs a bit louder.

For a moment, our laughter filled the whole room while the others just stare at our awkward interaction.

I then ended the skit by coughing loudly into my raised fist. "So, food?" I said awkwardly.

Hoemi stops laughing and points at the floor, or to be more specific, towards five plates sitting there, with dozens of meat skewers stacked and lined up on top of each other with steam coming off of them.

I involuntarily gulped a saliva, 'Those actually seems to be quite delicious, I can literally smell them from here….then again, I haven't eaten my fill last night which means I'm still hungry right now….hmm I wonder if this'll taste as crappy as last night's meal.'

I approached them all and sat in one of the empty spaces….which is right next to Sora, oh joy.

She turns her head towards me and I thought she was gonna start posing, but she gave a small smile instead, perhaps a genuine smile? I dunno, I've seen too much smile that looks real but is actually fake.

"Thank you for going along with my children's posing Ryu-san. They've never had someone posing along with them other than me and the older twins, I'm really thankful for your help."

I have no idea what she's talking about, perhaps she noticed my confusion cause I'm pretty sure that I'm currently raising one of my eyebrows.

She covers her mouth with her one of her hand as she giggles, "Oh, I apologize, it seems I made you confused." She said so before removing her hand and patting the head of the sleeping twins that are currently sleeping on her lap.

She looks down at them with a smile. She then proceeds to pat their heads a moment longer before raising her head and looking at me.

"You showed them that they are others like them out there, that they weren't the only ones that do this sorta thing, a kindred spirit to be specific." She flashes a smile at me.

I nodded my head in understanding before remembering something, I snap my head back towards her, this made her jolt a little bit, perhaps due to the speed of my head turn?

"Then what about the older twins? How did they cope with the whole, 'kindred spirit' thing before I appeared?"

She stares at me for a moment before laughing, she then used both of her hand to cover her mouth as she tries to stop her laughter, which is clearly failing as her whole body is currently shaking. Seems there's a funny story about the handling of the older twins.

She keeps trembling for a moment before the shaking calms down gradually until it finally stops. There were tears in her eyes as she removes her hand and wipes it off with a smirk on her face.

"Oh, that story is quite hilarious it was-"

"*cough**cough*" Sora was interrupted as a coughing sounded in front of me, I turned towards the sound and saw Kibo sitting there.

"Sora, quit playing around and wake the kids up, we're about to eat." He said so with a serious face as he looks at her.

He then turned towards me, "I'm sorry for interrupting your conversations Ryu-san, but we should eat the food before it gets cold."

….He had this serious look on his face but you can clearly see a bit of red on his cheeks….aw shucks, he's embarrassed. Must be a pretty funny story then.

The twins were woken up by Sora as they rubs their eyes groggily. "Now then! Let's start eating shall we!?" Hoemi took on the role of a host as she announces the start of a 'feast' of sorts.

"ITADAKIMASU!!" resounded across the room as basically the whole occupants said the phrase said it with different vigours in them.

Each one of us grabbed a skewer of meat and proceed to eat it. Needless to say, everyone was loving it.

"*chew**chew*, *grunts*"

"Ara, ara the meat is quite tasty."

"*chews* The meat is actually quite good, I didn't savour the taste when I ate last night."

"It's actually not that bad, acceptable I suppose?"

"Poor bear, *chews**chews*"

"Heh~so this is how a bear tastes like…"

"*munch**munch**gulps* more, *munch* more please!"

"Hmm *chews* it actually taste even better than last night's"

"OHHH, delicious! It tastes so good~!"

"Tastes even better-"

"Than last night's!"

"Finally some-"

"Good food!"

Each of them had a different reaction to the food presented in front of them, but they all are about the same, they think the food is delicious and fulfilling.

I look at the meat skewer in my hand, 'Alright then, here goes nothing.' I then proceed to bite unto a piece of meat, chews it before swallowing it.

I bowed my head down and stare at the floor. "Delicious" I deadpanned, but no one seems to notice I did so.

My hidden facial expression was currently deadpanned, 'seriously? It still taste crappy like yesterday. It's like biting into a piece of tyre and chewing it before trying to swallow it.'

I did managed to swallow it but it tastes disgusting and weird. I then glance at the plate of skewers in front of me. 'Welp, beggars can't be chosers. Besides, this'll at least fill my stomach….hopefully.'

The feast then proceeded as normal.

Kimetsu~ (All chibified characters currently eating meat skewers)

We were all currently resting as we had just finished our happy feast.

'The taste might be ruddy but at least in filled me….somewhat' I had that thought as I stared at the ceiling as I was currently laying on my back.

Suddenly, two silhouettes towered over me. I look at the owner of said silhouette and saw the two younger twins currently looking down on me while smiling playfully.

"Let's play-"

"A game-"

I sigh to myself, 'I can't say no to them when they insist to do so and after hearing what their mother said. Besides, I've promised to play with them for a bit.'

I raised my upper body into a sitting position before turning around and looking at both of them. "Sure let's play then, what do you want to play?"

This put a smile on their faces, they practically shined as they beamed towards me.

"Let's Go- " She grabs my right hand.

"Play outside then~" She took my left hand. 

I then followed them to go outside and play with them, the other teens and kids followed behind us as well. Perhaps to exercise for a bit to help with digestion.

We went outside and the kids started playing snowballs (I controlled my strength which ended up with me being covered in snowballs) and create snowmen.

The twins finally let go of me as they continue playing around with Ichi and Taka. I then take a much needed mental rest. Man, taking care of kids ain't easy work at least mentally for me. Their energy and enthusiasm blinds me.

I saw Gudo sitting near one of the snowmen that the kids made outside of the house. He was resting his back aginst the snowman while looking forwards with a focused expression.

I then had the idea to prank him so I sneak up on him and only when I am a few centimeres from his do I surprised him.


"WAHHHHHHH!" Gudo reacted by jumping forward and planting his face into the ground, again.

I quickly went over and lifted him up, "Sorry, sorry, didn't expect you to be so surprised" I said so with a little smirk on my face.

He gently caress his chest with his right arm and gives me a wry smile. "Y-yeah, it's fine Ryu-san, I was just focused with something."

I then sat next to him and stares in front of me, "So? What were you focused with hmm?"

He returned to his former seat and position before sighting tiredly, "I just feel bad about the other villagers, they're going to be starving and die one by one while we just had a feast in our house. I know that we couldn't do anything about it and sharing our only food wouldn't do us any good..I just felt that if I were stronger perhaps I could've helped the villagers."

"Why don't they just find food nearby the village? The should be foxes and rabbits at the very least right?" I asked full of confusion.

Gudo smile wryly once again, "It wouldn't be this bad last year and the year before that. This happened this year since dozens of wolfs were sighted around the usual hunting grounds near the village. It's quite weird since these wolves started appearing at said place early winter."

He then sighs, "If only I was strong enough, I could've hunt those wolves and feed the villagers so that they can at least fill their stomachs."

"Where's the hunting grounds?" I asked him.

He then pointed towards the other side of the village with his right hand. "Exit the village from the east entrance and a few minutes later you should be able to reach the hunting grounds that's currently the wolves den."

I then look towards the east of the village, 'Huh, killing the wolves while seeing how far do I go with my combat abilities and giving the meat to the people should be quite a good boost to increase favorability with the townsfolk…What a bargain! One stone, 3 birds!'

I then grinned to myself, 'I'm gonna be their 'Good Samaritan.'

Narrator POV

Meanwhile, in the Okitsu's house. Four people can be seen currently facing each other in a circle.

"Should we report this to Joho-sama? Won't the boy die? Plus we're still alive and hadn't turned into his meal yet…Is he tricking us or something?" Hoemi said so uncertainly.

"It'll be fine, he won't be harmed if he's not what we think he is." Sora speaks confidently. "Besides, I don't their kind would take it kindly to my kids actions, the fact that he reciprocate their poses speaks volume of his chatacters and also I am very thankful to him for making my children smile" She ended her words with a small smile.

"….I think there's a high chance he's one of them. I would've reported him still even after his help due to my suspicion. Also the fact that we cannot trust anyone from their kind. That creepy smile of him gives me a bad feeling as well, evil or not, we still need Joho-sama to be here with us if we want to confront him about his real identity." Kibo spoke with seriousness and a grim face.

He then sighs, "The fact that he asks about Joho-sama is a suspicious point as well, so we must proceed with caution."

"*nods*…Indeed, covering himself under the sun. Burning his eyes after getting a direct hit from the sun and that inhuman strength, there's a high chance he's one of them or at least a new one." Arai spoke longer than usual.

"*nods*Indeed, all this points out that he could be-" Kibo agreed with Arai's words before pointing out his own conclusion.

"A Demon."

Ayo guys, sorry been busy lately, grandma kept getting better then suddenly getting sick again, *sigh well the only man in the house has to do what a man should do and take care of her no?

Also familial problems, damn Inheritance wars, can't a grandson write fanfics in peace?

Anyways, enjoy the chapter and do vote and review if you think the amount of chapters so far is good enough for one ok?

Hamsters, rollout~

TediousHamstercreators' thoughts