
Chapter 11:The Approaching Shadows

The sun has set and darkness covers za warudo.


A figure can be seen sitting under a tree as the chilly wind blew by. His back was resting against the tree trunk.

"*pants in exhaustion**gulps saliva in nervousness*"

The figure looks like he got fucked up. This is because his whole body was riddled with injuries and he's practically covered in blood.

"*pant**pant* Dammit all!!What a blunder!!" He shouted in frustration. His right hand was currently covering his eyes while his left hand rests on his thigh.

Both of his arm was injured, the sleeve of his black yukata was shredded to pieces. In fact, his whole clothing was torn all over the places. The abdomen, the legs, his back and his neck.

Hell, even his butt got a scratch mark. It's as if whatever that did this actually tried to molest his ass.

"Dammit! It happened again! 'He' came out again!" He proceeds to slide his hand upwards unto his black hair as he clenches it.

His face was finally shown to the world, lo and behold! It was actually Yamato Kibutsuji! Our very own Mc!

"This is a mess, 'He' just can't help coming out huh….then again, this is kinda my fault.." He sighs as he stares in front of him.

The sight in front of him can be described with one word.


There were bodies everywhere on the snowy ground, blood was seeping into it and turning the pure white snow blood red.

It's as if a painter went mad and splashes a white canvas with red paint randomly and calls it art.

Worse, some people bought it for a high price and calls it 'a beautiful piece of art' or 'a masterful portrayal of the artist's passion, truly remarkable!'.

The sight in front of our Mc ain't that beautiful though, perhaps those critics with a 'refined' taste would call it savagery.

Why? because corpses of wolves were everywhere, limbs littered the ground, some of the bodies are headless and some of them were cut in half.

The weird part was that some part of the wolves had unusual injuries. Some of the wolves looks like they got bitten on the neck, others seems like they got their snout broken and ears torn off.

That's not the craziest part, one of the wolves and only one of them got a bizarre injury.

It's ass….there was a fist sized hole where it's asshole used to be….

Our mc closes his eyes and raises his head towards the night sky before sighing. He then opens them and stares at the stars.

"....how did this happen anyway?"

Good question, let's see what happened to our Mc that led up to…..this, shall we?

Flashback starts


"What, what did you say just now Ryu-san?" Gudo said with a bewildered tone of voice as he looks at me.

I just gave him what I consider as a rougish grin, "Well...I just said that we're gonna have wolves for dinner."

He closes his open mouth as he fixes his expression, "I...see..and how long will you be out hunting?"

I held my chin and closes my eyes as if in deep thought, "That depends, how many wolves are out there?"

A moment pass and I didn't get any answer. I opened my eyes and glanced at him. His mouth is opened in shock once more and a stupefied expression adorns his face once more.

"Gudo-san?" This seems to snap him awake as he blinks his eyes and shook his head from side to side.

He then sighs as he closes his eyes and pinches the bridges of his nose, "Are you thinking of hunting them all Ryu-san"

I once again grin towards him, "Of course! How else will we feed the other villagers?"

He swivels his head so fast towards me that i became worried that he might just snap his head off.

He stares at me for a moment with a blank face, "Ryu-san.....are you saying that...you're going to feed the whole village?"

I stare back at him for a moment before smiling widely, "Of course."

Actually, I could but he doesn't need to know that. I then look towards the side towards the kids playing around.

"But why? Why would you do that?" His voice was quivering, I was confused about this so I turn my head back to look at him.

Then I noticed that his eyes were slightly teary, what the heck?

He quickly looks down towards the ground and proceeds to wipe his eyes and, "I-I'm sorry, I got something in my eyes."

Hmmm...there must be a reason for this reaction. Welp, not my place to meddle if he doesn't want to explain anything.

"Hmm....well, you see..." I let my words hang in the air in order to get his attention which worked splendidly.

I stare at the village, or to be specific, the starving villagers. "I just feel that they're quite pitiful..." I turned towards him and gave him a small smile, "That's all there is too it, sympathy."

'that and the extra reputation boost. After all, the best way to a person's heart is through their stomach, figuratively....or literally.'

He looks at me blankly for a moment before suddenly hugging me.

I was quite surprised with his action, thus I couldn't decide my next course of action. That's when I heard sniffles coming from him.

'Is he....crying?'

"*sniff* I-I'm just so happy." Gudo said between his sniffles.

"I've seen many people I know die from hunger. Seeing them becoming bones and suffering was hard,very very hard."

"I f-felt so useless, I wanted to help them, I had a thought to share our food with them.."

"But I couldn't...I won't do something like that or else me and my family will end up hungry instead..."

"I want to help them, but I wouldn't harm my family doing so.."

"Even we couldn't escape from it, our food stock kept decreasing and we would've run out of it soon. That's why we took the risk and went hunting at the mountains for food."

"Perhaps we would've died to the bear if you hadn't come and saved us, you even shared the bear with us."

"And now, you're saying that you're gonna feed the whole village..this sympathy is truly what we needed."

"Thank you for showing your sympathy to us..thank you."

I let him finish before patting his back. His sobbing increases as he continues hugging me.

'*sigh*, poor kid....welp,this is the least I could do...hopefully this won't happen again after I feed the villagers or something...'

Kimetsu~(Chibi Gudo crying while Ryu pats his head.)

Gudo finally stop crying, he seems embarrassed as he avoids looking at me in the eye. He keeps staring at the ground.

I just chuckled at that, but before I go hunting I need to do something first.

"Gudo-san." He flinches before looking to the sides. "What is it Ryu-san?"

"I need to know where Joho-san lives." He turn his head back to me with a raised eyebrow.

"Joho-san? The old man? What business do you have with him?" His face was oddly....serious?

I gave him a smile, "I have a message for him from an old friend of his."

Gudo blinks his eyes before nodding his head. "Ah I see, that's understandable. Follow me then." He stands up and motions me to follow him.

I followed him as we walked towards the opposite side of the house. We reached a small house after perhaps a few minutes of walking. The house seem to be a bit further from the other houses, isolated just like The Okitsu's and Akagiri's houses.

"Joho-sann!! Are you there??" Gudo cups his hands in front of his mouth to amplify his voice and started calling for Joho.

A few minutes of calling his name and nothing happened. No one answered back and the door stayed closed.

"Hmm.....perhaps he went out or something...he would've already opened the door if he was at home. I'm sorry Ryu-san."He scratches the back of his head before turning towards me and smiling sheepishly.

I shook my head."It's okay, perhaps he'll be back soon and we can visit him by then let's go back-"

I turned around and started walking away. But then I felt something or someone looking at me.

I swiveled my whole body around abruptly and started looking and scanning around the area.

"What's wrong Ryu-san?" Gudo asks me but I ignored him.

I kept looking around before I noticed a crow sitting on top of the roof of Joho's house....that...wasn't there before...right?

I kept staring at it and I felt as if it stared back at me...huh, it can't be...right?

"Ryu-san!!" Gudo's loud voice shook me awake from my staring contest. I then looked at him.

"Is there something wrong?" he asks me with a raised eyebrows.

I shook my head, "No...everything's fine." I then take one last look at the crow before turning around and walking away from the house.

Narrator POV

None of them noticed the crow's red eyes gleam once as it kept staring at the demon and human teen walking away towards the place they came from.


In a certain place, a certain individual can be seen surrounded by orbs of sorts. The individual was looking at one of the orbs which is showing what the crow is seeing currently.

"A Demon?....no...there's something different about it. There seems to be no malice....at least not right now...."

"...I can't take the risk, I'll be heading back there right after I'm done with my work...for now, I'll have to keep my eye on it."

With that, the crow flew towards the sky as it gradually turns invisible before following the pair from afar.


We left Joho's house and head back to Gudo's house together before walking to the east entrance. We reached it after walking for a while.

We both just stare at the horizon and I can see what looks like trees...a forest? the hunting ground perhaps?

Gudo turns back to me, "Are you really going to do this Ryu-san?"

I smile widely at him, "Of course, just sit tight and wait for the food."

He sighs, "Well....at least you took along something to carry the bodies."

We then both turn and look towards the sledge that I pulled along from Gudo's house when we returned from Joho's house.

Well....I call it a sledge but it's just a huge basket with two piece of wood tied on both sides of its bottom as handles.

'It'll do' I smile widely once more before I hold its handles and lifted it up a little bit.

I turn to Gudo, "Tell your whole family and the Akagiri's to create fire in the town center and gather the other villagers after the sun sets, prepare everything that is needed for a feast.

"We need to prepare early after all, so when I come we only need to skin and cook it all."

He nods, "Alright, please be safe Ryu-san."

I chuckled, "Of course, of course. I'm a careful guy." I then rushed outside while pulling the sledge.

I ran as fast as I could while pulling the sledge.

A grin slowly appears on my face without me realizing it.

Not long after, I laugh, I laugh boisterously.


I continued cackling as I kept dashing forward with the sledge in tow.

.....I ended up running into a tree trunk face first. I comically fall backwards and laid flat with my back on the ground.

"Ouch.." I rub my face before sitting up...gotta be more careful.

I carefully set the sledge near the tree before stretching myself.

'I didn't even notice that I've arrived since iw as having fun just then...I mean, you can't do this in Malaysia, we only have two seasons after all. The rainy season and the Hot as hell season.'

'First time seeing snow in real life, feeling snow and eating it.'

I then took a look around me.

...it's still quite early...how about I meditate for a bit...

I then climbed into one of the trees and tried to meditate.

Not long after, I entered the white zone again. I turn around to the red blob before running towards it and sending a flying kick towards it...

...only for me to sink into it like it's a balloon before being sent flying back...once more.

I slid and rolled around on the white ground before ending up on my back.

"....FUCK!" I raised my body and tried to stand before sending a glare towards the red blob.

I walk towards it, all the while glaring daggers towards the sphere.

I reached in front of it not long after. I then sent a jab towards the blob and gave it a 1,2 combo till I'm satisfied.

Kimetsu~(Chibi Mc boxing the hell out of the red blob)

"*huff**huff*, phew, that feels good." I wipe nonexistent sweat from my forehead.

I then look up to the top, "Now, lemme check that crap once more."

I then jump to the top, I noticed something different compared to last time...

The message.....has disappeared...huh, weird....the star is still there though and it's glowing red.

I pressed it and a translucent red screen pops up in front of me.

"SECURITY QUESTION." I read the words written on it loudly.



"Huh...weird...well, no use debating something I have no clue about...let's see what kind of questions there is.."

Question 1: What's your favorite color?


Question 2: What's your favorite Animal?


Question 3: What's your phobia?

"Spiders, Insects and Clowns."

Question 4: Beef or Chicken?


Question 5: First pokemon?


Question 6: Favorite Stand?

"Killer Queen"

Last Question: Yes or no?


"Password Recovered." A voice came out from the panel suddenly which made me flinch in surprise.

"The password is-" The voice was cut off as the whole place shook once again.

"S-H-I-T" wait, was that Echoes Act 3's voice-

My thoughts got cut off as the world spins around me...no....the blob was spinning....needless to say, I slipped off and got sent flying into the white ground..

I sank quickly to the depths and started to lose my consciousness.

'Dammit, not again!'

I jolted awake from my meditation and heard a howling sound...not far away from me that is...

I turned around and saw a pack of white wolves, meaning 6 wolves...aight,this should be possible.

They were a few meters ahead of me and currently staring at me....quite funny actually.

I then crouch down before leaping towards the nearest wolf with the best axe I borrowed from Gudo.

I managed to reach the wolf and split it's head with the axe.

I landed briefly before leaping towards the next wolf and splitting it's head too and landing once more.

That's when the other wolves barks and growls at me before I heard the sound of snow crunching, as if someone was running on it.

I jumped as I spin around and caught the one of the wolves leaping towards me with it's jaws open.

I cut it from it's jaws and manage to split it's head in two.

While I was still spinning, I caught the other two wolves rushing towards me.

So I catch the upper part of the wolf's head that I just cut off and threw it at one of the wolves while grabbing the body of the dead wolf and throwing it towards the other one.

The dismembered half head hits the wolf square on it's snout and managed to stop it in it's tracks as it whines in pain.

The other one got bodied by the dead body and falls in a heap.

I then landed on the ground before rushing towards the one that got hit by the head. I cut it in half on it's abdomen.

I then turn around and look at the other wolf that's still trapped....wait....where's the other one?

The howling sound I heard answered the question, I turned towards the sound and saw the 6th wolf howling to the skies..

'.....I'll take care of you later...'

I turn back towards the trapped wolf before chopping it's head off.

"Aight, now for the-" I halted my words as I heard many other howling sounds coming from all around me...oh crap...now that I look carefully, is it night time already?

The moon was out and the sun has set. Night has come.

The sounds of cruching came from all over me.

Then wolves started to appear all over me. They were all making a circle and I was in the middle of them.

'S...shit, there's at least a dozen or three of them....crap,i can't do this..'

One of the wolves was slightly larger than the rest and looked as if it's fur is glowing a bit....must be my imagination..

The wolf howled and all of them rushed towards me.

"DAMMIT ALL!!" I prepared myself as I charge towards one of the trees. I'll have to use guerilla warfare to thin their ranks.

I cut one of the wolves head, legs and kept hitting one after the other as I advance towards on of the tree.

Needless to say, I got damaged too, my sleeves were ripped in places and my legs got bitten by wolves.

I couldn't fight all of them at once and got swarmed, I killed one, two pops up, I kill two and three pops up.

Not long after I got bitten here and there, I was starting to get annoyed and felt as if something was about to burst in me.

Then I felt one of the wolves bit me on the neck and a claw scratching my ass.

That's when I felt something snapped inside of me as my vision turned red..

Flashback ends

"That's all I remember before everything became a blur....dammit, 'he' went nuts...ah well, at least everything's solved....*sigh*"

I then look at all my spoils before smiling.

"At least I got the loots, *sigh*. Let's bring them bit by bit to the village...it's won't take long I suppose....but before that..." I then stared at the blood all over me and the blood dripping from the wolves bodies.

"...I wonder..."

Narrator POV

4 shadows can be seen approaching the hunter's hut.

"Are you sure we don't have to rest?" One of the shadow asks the shadow that was currently leading them.

"Yes! We need to rush back to the village as soon as possible, we need to spread these news!" the 'leader' replies back.

The speaker was holding a stack of paper.

The moonlight shined upon the one of the papers.

On it was written...


Sorry for the late post, This chapter I wrote before on the app wasn't saved due to bad internet connection so I had to retype it on my pc using docx....then it went corrupt after I had finished it.....DAMMIT!!

Then I had to redo it again...*sigh, feels bad man..

Anyways...sorry not fulfilling my promise of updating that day AnaqiX...I'm sorry..

...sooo..enjoy the chapter guys and..gals? Also spoiler: we're nearing the end of volume 1, yay!

Hamsters! Rollout~

TediousHamstercreators' thoughts