

When I woke up, I found myself inside a room. I didn't remember much, but I did remember mom arriving and Seigo being okay, if a little bruised. I exhaled in relief.

From what I could tell, I was in good condition. Hell, I was even bandaged. My arms and legs were sore, and the bandages had a little bit of blood. Running through a forest without training suddenly seemed like a very bad idea. Case and point, my own injuries.

So, if they didn't harm me, and even went as far as to help me, surely mom was okay. And so was Seigo. And probably, most likely, we were in Konoha. In fucking Konoha. That was something I never thought I would say with a straight face.

I was feeling relieved, yes, but I still needed to check on Seigo and my mom. So, with not a little effort, I stood up and walked to the door.

And damn did my body hurt like a bitch.

Once I opened the room, I could see little more. We were in an apartment. Or a prison designed like an apartment. Not that I cared that much, anyway.

Apart from the room I woke up in, there were three other doors. I supposed them to be the exit, another bedroom, and a bathroom. Because who would live in a house without a bathroom, right? I hope it wasn't wishful thinking on my part.

I walked to the door farthest from me. It didn't budge. Not even a little. Closed from the outside, probable.

It made sense. A family brought from hostile territory to the heart of the village. They didn't know our origin and intentions. Honestly, I would've done the same.

I left that door alone and proceeded to the next one. It wasn't hard to open it.

A bathroom, great. Which only leaves one of them.

I walked a little faster towards the last one. It was, honestly, really close, but remember that my legs were tiny. Really, really tiny. I opened the door to find the figure of my brother. He was breathing. And he was bandaged. Good.

I looked around the room, but didn't find much more. Which meant mom wasn't here. Well, that made me feel a little panicky, for a very short time, but I still panicked. I mean, why couldn't I just be with my mother?

Of course, the rational part of my mind understood the deal with this arrangement. Konoha, no matter if it was lead by a bunch of old people without morals, which I really hoped was not the case, would never take two kids under 3 to interrogate them. Besides not being good for PR, it was a dumb idea in general.

What could we know of our town? I could answer that, and it was pretty much nothing. But mom, on the other hand, probably knew some stuff. Including why they attacked us, and probably why we have the freaking sharingan.

Which I still wasn't used to say out loud, let alone think of it, by the way.

So, mom was probably being interrogated. Hopefully, hopefully not tortured, since I remember Konoha being the nicest village of them all. Of course, a lot of things could change, starting from the status the elemental nations had as "fiction" in my other life. She just had to cooperate, which she probably would, and she would be okay.

With that out of my head, I moved closer to Seigo. I sat by his side and started to move my hand across his bandages. They didn't have blood, so my brother probably had a better trip through the forest than I did.

What worried me most about him, however, was his chest.

From below the bandages I could see a very subtle yellow mark, which probably meant he was bruised pretty bad. But nothing he couldn't walk off in a week or so. That was if our bodies worked the same way they did in my las world.

Which, with the inclusion of chakra, jinchuriki, flight, and a mouth that can spit flames but doesn't get burnt, I seriously doubted.

But, if anything, it should only speed his recovery. Hopefully.

I then moved to lay at his side. We always shared a room, and I wasn't going to stop now.

I didn't have a pillow and he was hogging the covers ¬—as usual—, but it was still comfortable. I fell asleep almost instantly.

Some time later, I woke up to my brother's movements. He, too, was waking up. I merely sat up, waiting for him to come back to reality.

I didn't know if this was the first time he woke up before Kakashi knocked him out —I don't care, I will still beat the crap out of him for that—, so I was ready for anything.

He slowly sat up. He opened his eyes and started looking around. When he saw me, he practically shot towards me in a hug. Man, I love these.

"Yuuki-nee! You are fine! You are fine!" He started saying, even if sobbing a little.

"Yes, Seigo-nii, I am okay. Don't worry, you are fine too. Kaa-chan is fine too." I said, patting his back and just enjoying the feeling.

"She is?" Seigo asked with big eyes.

"Yes, she is. She probably is explaining what happened to the ninjas." I said. Seigo got angry at that mention.

"They killed tou-san." He said. And I could almost feel his killing intent spreading everywhere. And I mean everywhere. His eyes then changed, flooded with blood. Sharingan activated.

At the mention of dad, my good mood disappeared, and I could feel myself joining my brother emitting killing intent.

Well, as much as possible for a pair of two-year-olds. Probably we looked the same as a puppy bearing his teeth.

I felt pain in my eyes and joined my brother with the sharingan. But after a good five seconds, I tried to relax myself, forcing myself out of it. I eventually did, although I don't know how.

When I looked back at Seigo, he was crying. But his eyes had regained their normal brown. I breathed in relief.

"Yes, they did, but not all of them, you know?" I asked my brother.

"There were three teams of shinobi, and only two were the bad guys, I think. When you passed out, kaa-san arrived and said we were safe with one of the teams. I think they were called Konoha, or something." I said.

No matter how banged up I was, there was a 100 percent certainty that we were being watched. Saying more than what I knew was completely out of the question.

And even for a genius, I had to dumb down my speech a bit. I didn't need Danzo fucking Shimura more interested in me than what he probably already was.

"And kaa-san?" Seigo asked, innocently.

"I don't know." I answered truthfully, sounding a little down. "But we'll probably see her soon, I think." I finally said.

"Yes, nee-chan." Seigo said and wiped away the last of his tears.

"Seigo-nii, you should sleep more. You are hurt." I said, gently touching his bandages.

Seigo looked at his body and gasped just a little bit. He then nodded and laid down again.

"Good night, Yuuki-nee." He said and closed his eyes.

"Good night, Seigo-nii."

After living with him for years, I could tell when my brother was asleep. And he was after just a minute. He had always been like that, having no trouble sleeping what-so-ever.

This, however gave me time to think. A lot.

Everything had been very hectic recently. From the escape from the town, to the trip in the forest. Father's death, Mother's intervention, the appearance of Kakashi freaking Hatake, and most importantly my and Seigo's sharingan.

That last one was a bit —completely— unexpected, but there had to be an answer.

I stood up from Seigo's bed and sat with my back against a wall, facing him. A game plan had to be made, and I needed complete calm in order to do so.

First of all, my world. As established, the freaking Naruto-verse. Not a good place to be, but whatever. Second, it was the timeline. Kakashi was born and in anbu, so it was most likely some time after the third great ninja war. Depending on exactly when the hell I am, either Hiruzen or Minato has the hokage seat. Hopefully Minato, so I can do something about it.

Warning Obito was a goner, and so was preventing Rin from impaling herself in Kakashi's raikiri, so there was that.

Third, I have the fucking sharingan. And so does my brother. So, it stands to reason that either mom or dad have some degree of Uchiha blood, if not the sharingan itself. There was no other way.

So why was mom so upset when we were mistaken as Uchiha? Some bad blood there, but nothing substantial. Those were pretty much the important things that had to be analysed.

I knew the future, at least a part of it. So, I have to make sure I use it to my advantage, and hopefully change things for the better. Naruto's status as an orphan, Root's idiotic actions, the Uchiha mass…acre…

I blanched at the very thought. Seriously? What the damn fuck? The best-case scenario is if that already happened, because if it hadn't…

Would be considered Uchihas? Kakashi certainly seemed to think so, so why wouldn't Itachi and goddamned Obito? We were like pigs for the slaughterhouse.

No, I couldn't worry about other people. I needed to help MY family. Save them. Save Seigo and mom, I needed to help them. I have to be strong, I should've been strong enough to save dad.

That darkness, that hate, that helplessness, I wouldn't let it happen again.

I AM going to become a ninja. A shinobi so damn powerful nobody would even think of taking my loved ones again. I will help them, and that is the only thing I wanted. Because god smite me if I am ever as helpless as I was with dad, with tou-san… No, I won't let it happen again.

Unknown to me, my eyes had transformed to the sharingan again. But this time, I didn't feel the pain. And slowly but surely, two additional tomoe started manifesting.


Hey there guys! I hope you liked this chapter. Yuuki is in the verge of a huge paradigm change. Will it be for the better? Gues we'll just have to see. Also, one more chapter for mister freaking-fucking-sama! Oh yeah!

(Little note, it is a wierd system. If you are wondering, read my review in this novel. Seriously, it might get some of your doubts out of the way.)

Ethereal_Nymphcreators' thoughts