
Shinobi Training System

So, before we start, let me take a bit of your time to answer some things I have been reading about in the comments. Especially from the last chapter, referring to Yuuki's sharingan.

I said that "two more tomoes appeared", which people took as Yuuki's sharingan completely maturing. Before three. That's completely game breaking. Let's wait at least until she's four, right? Right? Yeah, didn't think so either.

What I was trying to say, and I apologise if I wasn't clear enough, was that Yuuki got two extra tomoe, yeah, but between both of her eyes.

So, she had two tomoe in total (one in each eye), and when two were added it meant two tomoe in each eye. Get it?

Yeah, I understand how it could be confusing, and I completely apologise for that. So, from now on I will be counting the tomoe for each eye. One means two, two means four, and three means six. UNLESS I specify otherwise. You know, different number of tomoe in each eye.

Well, that was all I wanted to say. Now, I will leave you alone with the newes chapter and hope you enjoy!


I blinked once, and my new two-tomoe sharingan disappeared. Not that I knew about it, anyway. I didn't even notice it's activation, much less its evolution.

But I knew one thing. I had decided.

Decided everything that I needed to decide.

Konoha and it's will of fire?

Fuck it.

The rookie 9?

Fuck them too.

The Kyubi attack?

I would have to take precautions, but not that I give a damn.

Any single crap that could potentially happen to any of the characters, it was not my problem.

I was going to use it to help my family, my precious people, even if I had to die for it. And the only way to accomplish it, was going to be through power.

I needed power, and a lot of it. I needed to be feared. To be talked about in the same breath as Madara Uchiha, Hashirama Senju, and all of those legends. I needed to exceed the S rank. I needed to be an existence that people could only hope to never see.

Was it going to be difficult?

Abso-fucking-lutely. Everything worthwhile is. But it wasn't going to stop me. Nothing was.

'I will become powerful. More than anyone in the world. Like that, when the time comes, I can destroy Obito, Kabuto, and every other that could threaten my family before they even get a chance to come up with a plan to do so.

Was it killing innocent people? Ah, the centuries old philosophical debate. Maybe it was, or maybe it wasn't, but I couldn't give any more fucks about it. They were dead, and nothing would make me think otherwise.

I knew the future, and so I could avoid it. Change it. Control it.

All I needed to do so, was power. And I'd be damned if I don't get it.

I clenched my fists in resolution and made a bow to myself. A bow that I would always keep, one I would always abide by.

"I will NOT let my family suffer, even if it means the end of me. This I swear."

I closed my eyes, and then, something that I had only read about happened.

[Initializing Shinobi Training System… System initialized.

Activation parameters met: 3 of 3. All activation parameters met.

Analysing host… Host fully analysed.

Updating library… Library updated.

Soul resonance found, soul perks being unpacked…

Preliminary setup finished. System rebooting.]


That pretty much summed up my thoughts for the next minute or so.

I mean, I have read about it, most people had. Reincarnated people usually had some sort of system aiding them, but really? Me? Now? Why the hell not a month ago, when I could've used the stupid system to help my dad!

But oh boy, this was going to help me reach my goal. Never letting anyone take my family away from me. This was my ticket to the S rank.

Suffice it to say, I was utterly and thoroughly confused about my situation. On the one hand, it would be pretty helpful, If what I read was something to base my opinion on. On the other hand, this is some shit that never happens. And I mean never. Reincarnation was hard as hell to accept as it is, now, why not add a fucking system to finish of my remaining sanity. Sounds like a great idea.

While all of this was going through my mind, the other voice inside it was counting to —and quickly approaching— 100 percent.

'Oh boy, this is going to be interesting.' I thought with a wry smile in my face.

[98%...99%...100%. Reboot complete. Sorting data… Data sorted. Preparations finished. Welcome, Yuuki Ganju, to the Shinobi Training System. Your soul was chosen to undergo the process of reincarnation and was considered worthy enough to maintain your past memories to a certain degree. Please note that, in normal cases, these memories will be eroded over time, until you no longer remember them. You are advised to write them down or find a solution to your problem. The system will now explain its function:

The Shinobi Training System is a spiritual trait your soul gained during its past reincarnation, and as such, it cannot be detected or transferred by any normal means.

The System has five basic functions and an advanced function which was obtained by special means. The system will now enumerate them.

The first function is the "Trainer" function, which objective is to help you reach your highest potential. This function has different categories in which it can help you train. The level of accomplishment of each item will be displayed differently depending on the training selected.

For specific jutsu and the like, the levels are, in ascending order, beginner, novice, proficient, adept, expert, master, and specialist.

For physical and spiritual stats, the level of accomplishment will be numbered from 1 to 100, which is encompassed in 8 ranks. The Academy or "E" rank encompasses the values from 1 to 10. The Genin or "D" rank goes from 10 to 30. The Chunin or "C" rank from 30 to 50. The Jonin or "B" rank, from 50 to 70. The Elite Jonin or "A" rank from 70 to 80. The Kage or "S" rank, from 80 to 90. The Legend or "SS" rank from 90 to 100. The God or "SSS" rank encompasses values over 100.

You can choose three items to train simultaneously, but you must reach a certain level of proficiency before choosing another item.

Please note that you must train anything you choose completely by yourself, and the system will not grant any sort of mastery outside of the user's accomplishments. The role of the system is uniquely to provide instructions, correct mistakes, and enhance the overall training experience.

The second function is the store, in which you can exchange achievement points for techniques, jutsu, items, and information in general. It is also possible for you to buy unique items spread around the world, and the item would disappear from it's original location and appear in the user's inventory. Of course, the stronger and rarer the item or technique, the more expensive it is. You can gain achievement points through quests.

The third function is the quest log. In this section, you will be given "missions" to complete in exchange for achievement points or some other rewards. The harder and longer the mission, the higher the reward.

The quests vary from simple, miscellaneous quests such as running an errand, to nigh impossible ones, such as defeating a tailed beast in a one-on-one combat. The quests will be received the moment the conditions are met, and it is usually impossible to reject. There are also permanent missions, which include mastering jutsu, defeating bingo book shinobi, and the like.

The fourth function is the inventory. It is the most straightforward function of the system. It allows you to store your possessions and other items, keeping them in a time-void, so food will never rot, a fire will never be extinguished, etc.

The items bought from the store or received as a reward from a quest will all be stored here. You can also store objects from your daily life and access them when needed. There is a weight limit for a single item, and it is impossible to store living beings; be it a plant, an animal, a human, or even a tailed beast.

The fifth function is the Status. In here, the user can see numerically his traits. Such as the level of your endurance, your speed, strength, or even your chakra reserves. It also lists the different types of jutsu you know and their current level of proficiency. It also shows the current condition of your body, and the suggested treatment for recovery. This is the only function in the system that is upgradable.

The advanced function was unlocked due to the soul perks found in the soul resonance. It is called the Destiny function. It is the rarest functions the system has the ability to use, and as such it is, arguably, the most powerful one.

The Destiny function works as a wish section, so to speak. The user can make a wish with or without limitations, and it will be fulfilled. The magnitude of the wish depends heavily of the type of destiny item you use in exchange. A destiny amulet is the most common one, and could allow you to instantly master a technique, or to be able to use an elemental nature you have no affinity towards. The rarest destiny item is a destiny seed, with which you could, potentially, alter reality to your liking. Space, time, those do not matter when using a destiny seed. As such, they are almost impossible to get.

You currently are in possession of three destiny straws, which is a high tiered destiny item. You can wish the destruction of a country or the creation of another, if you so wish. It is also capable of bringing back de death, but its uses are too limited by its rarity. Please remember that a straw is only able to fulfil one wish, so you must use them wisely.

That concludes the introduction of the Shinobi Training System. You are currently able to select three categories of training, so please choose wisely.]

"What the actual fuck…" I said in a low voice, almost a whisper. That would be a… very interesting tool.

Granted, it would not let me be as overpowered as I knew other people with systems were, but those were all fictions, and this was… well, a fiction-like reality, but reality nonetheless.

It was also, thankfully, just what I needed. I almost couldn't wait to explore the possible options the system had to offer. And I most definitely couldn't wait for my training to start. But I was being observed, and that was a little of an inconvenience.

'System, can I give mental commands or the like'? I asked and hoped for the best. It wouldn't be optimal to voice my commands constantly. Would make me look like a crazy wom… err… girl.

[Yes, you can give mental commands.]

'Great. Show me the list of techniques and jutsu I can start training on.'

[The system highly recommends an aptitude check and a planned training path. It will only be available once, and it is the best course of action. Start the process?]

While I had not expected that, it made sense. It was better to know where I was going instead of just training in random things that would make me less than stellar in any specific area. So, I agreed.

[Starting check… Check finished. User's aptitude in in chakra control, chakra capacity, speed, and stamina. Recommended training path: Genjutsu specialist. Continue according to the recommended path?]

Well, I had to admit genjutsu was a pretty useful skill, especially if used accordingly. And I could definitely reach S rank with that alone, but it wasn't enough. Not nearly enough. I could not be able to terrorize a country all by myself. For that, I needed highly destructive jutsu. And the ability to use them, of course.

After a few minutes of hesitation, I rejected. It would maybe be something I would come to regret, but there is simply no way in hell I could do it. My goal is more important than anything else. And if to achieve it I wouldn't be able to play my specialty, well, that was another thing entirely. And most of all, I probably had time. Kakashi looked too young for this to be an advanced part of the timeline.

So, with that in mind, I gave the order that would change my life and hopefully, the life of my loved ones.

'System, show the categories for the trainer function.'

I steeled myself and hoped for the best.



Well, this is a different kind of systemcompared to the ones I have read about so far. Instead of instant mastery, it requires practice. But it is still a system, so the opness should be limited.

I hope you like this kind of 'training' system, and I hope you enjoyed the chapter in general. It was a bit of an info-dump, but it was necessary for you guys to know, and I tried to make it acceptable.

Anyway, Thanks for reading!

Ethereal_Nymphcreators' thoughts