
Audience Part 1

Like this, a week or so went by. It was hard to tell when you are in a place with no windows.

Food was delivered 3 times a day into our table, as well as a spare set of clothes. Also, sometimes when we woke up, our bandages had been replaced and our wounds tended to.

All in all, beside the isolation and the clear captivity, we were being taken care of.

So, yeah, Konoha it was. Neither Kiri nor Iwa would even bother to do something like this.

"Yuuki-nee, when are we going out? When are we seeing Kaa-san?" Seigo asked.

Honestly, I understood why he would ask me stuff like that, but I am pretty sure our watchers were quite surprised by this development.

After all, I looked and gave the impression of a 2-year-old girl.

"I don't know, nii-chan. But, hopefully soon…" I said and had to add a sad tinge to my voice. I was sad for not seeing mom, but not enough for it to show. I knew she was mostly okay. But, I had to convince our spectators.

My brother and I kept talking about inconsequential stuff. The colour of the walls, how many tiles the floor had, and we played some games. Mostly games. Later that day, probably around noon, if the time we received our meals were any indicator, the door that I presumed was the exit, the one that was kept locked for the entire week, opened. And with it, Kakashi in his anbu uniform entered.

Seigo got paralyzed from fear. Sure, I told him that he was not a bad guy, but he sent him unconscious and, after all, he was just a boy.

So, in a way that I'm certain looked pathetic, I placed myself between my brother and him. After that, I realized he was being accompanied by two shinobi wearing a green vest. Probably chunin, but jonin was still on the table.

"Uchiha…" I said, still defensively. Sure, I knew he wasn't, but I was trying to give the impression of a child. An obviously observant and smart child, but a child nonetheless.

"Sigh… Why do you keep saying that?" He asked, a little bothered.

"Your eye." I said and took my hand to my left eye, signalling his sharingan.

"Well, aren't you a smart one… But anyway, you are going with them." He said, signalling to the other ninja.

"Where?" I asked, letting myself relax a little.

"Too see your kaa-san, of course." He answered and I trembled a little. Not pretended to, actually trembled. It surprised me, but I guess I was more worried than I thought.

Seigo, on the other hand, was almost ecstatic.

"Kaa-san! Yuuki-nee, we are going to see kaa-san!" He said, tugging my arm.

I eyed the three ninja who could kill us in a second carefully, trying to give my glare a bit of distrust, but eventually nodded.

With that, we left the apartment and started walking.

And let me tell you. Konoha was NOT how it was depicted in the manga. Not even the flashy scenes in the anime.

For starters, the village was very, very big. At least twice the size the anime showed. But, more than that, it was… pretty. The colourful houses, the different architecture styles, the Hokage Mountain, it was pretty, to say the least. I would've catalogued it as beautiful more than anything.

But, somehow, I just wasn't in the mood. We were on our way to meet mom, and it was the only thing in my mind. Even Seigo, who was looking at every nook and cranny of the village, seemed to be dismissing them in hope to meet mom.

And Seigo was a two-year old boy who had never seen more civilization than a relatively small town.

So yeah, calling us a little anxious to see mom was an understatement.

At some point in time, Kakashi disappeared from sight. If he left or was following from the shadows was anyone's guess, but we were still being accompanied by the other two fellas. I looked at them warily and grabbed Seigo's hand. This caused a smile to flourish in one of them.

We reached the Academy/Hokage Office/Mission Desktop/PrettyMuchTheBuildingForEveryBigDeal after walking for a few minutes. We were being held relatively close to the building, but I never would've found it on my own.

We entered the Academy grounds and I could see some kids running in the hallways, eyeing us curiously.

Of course, once we reached the Hokage's Office, there were no more kids. Well, none other than us. Kakashi appeared in front of us in a flicker and knocked on the Hokage's door.

"Come in" A voice I seemed to remember spoke. I couldn't identify it, but I was sure I knew it. Kakashi opened the door and flickered to the Hokage's side. We entered the room, and the first thing I did, contrary to my instincts, was to look for mom, instead of identifying the Hokage. I found her standing very close to us.

"Kaa-san!!!" Seigo and I yelled at practically the same time. We jumped forward, and each one hugged one of her legs tightly. Mom petted our heads, and then I saw her face.

She was smiling in relief and was shedding a few tears. She had a few bruises here and there, which made me want to kill everyone in the room except her and Seigo, but I managed. She looked happy, but didn't lift us up or kneeled to hug us.

Why was that? Oh, right. The freaking hokage was in front of us. My mom caught my eye and cleared her throat.

"I'm fine kids. I'm fine." She said, at which I nodded and Seigo, well, he didn't give any signals of having heard and was just tugging her leg tight. Mom smiled fondly and started to pat his head some more.

She was about to say something when I slapped his head. Gently, but still enough to slap him out of it. He took his hands to his head and looked at me like I betrayed him.

"Yuuki-nee, you hit me!" He said, voice a little high. I looked at him with my serious eyes and then looked towards the Hokage's desk. Seigo knew what my glare meant. It meant important stuff, so he only pouted and let go of mom.

After that, I could finally look around the room. And holy fuck was this a very, very impressive formation.

Sitting in the Hokage's desk was Minato freaking Namikaze. Yondaime Hokage. So yeah, Kyubi attack hadn't happened yet. At his sides were Kakashi in his anbu and Sarutobi Hiruze, Sandaime Hokage, wearing white robes, but without the hat.

But definitely, the most surprising member of our little audience was a tall, stoic, black-haired man. If I had to guess, he was Fugaku Uchiha, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan. So, a lot of trouble from that one, if my assumptions were correct.

"Hello there, Yuuki-chan, Seigo-chan." Minato said with a smile that could melt glaciers. I had to give that one to Kishimoto, he portrayed Minato's personality really well, if that greeting was anything to go by.

"Hello." "Hi." Seigo and I said, once again at the same time. At our response, Minato's smiled widened a little more.

"Do you know where you are?" He asked.

"Iwa, Kiri, or Konoha, probably Konoha." I answered in a cold voice. My tone surprised mom and Seigo, but what I said surprised Minato, who paused in his words for a second.

"And why would you say that, Yuuki-chan?" He asked.

"Tou-san said Iwa, Kiri, and Konoha were attacking the town, and you appeared. And Kaa-san asked Uchiha why would Konoha consider us friendlies." I answered, really trying to make myself look like a smart little girl. At the mention of the name Uchiha, mom, Kakashi, Fugaku, and Minato tensed slightly. I could guess why.

"And who is this Uchiha you are talking about?" Minato asked, interested.

"Him, with the silver hair." I said while pointing a finger at Kakashi. Minato smiled and Fugaku remained still as ever, but I though I saw disdain in his eyes.

Right, Uchihas and their megalomania, I almost forgot.

"Why would he say he is Uchiha?" Minato asked. I turned to see my mom, and she was looking nervous. Seigo just looked lost, not knowing exactly what to do.

"His eye." I said, pointing at my left eye. Obviously referring to his sharingan.

"What about it?" Minato asked once again. Oh boy, he was really trying to figure me out. I must be acting over the top.

"He said it was the eye of the Uchiha." I answered firmly.

"And when did he say that?" God, Minato, exactly when you think he did.

"When he saw my eyes" I answered, trying to look a little confused.

"What about your eyes, Yuuki-chan? How did they look?" He asked once again.

"Like nii-chan's, and like his." I answered. Now, all of them tensed.

"Can you show us?" Fugaku asked, being very rude while at it. I had a conflicted look for a second before I looked over to my mom. She thought that I didn't know how, so she tried to relax me instead.

"It's okay if you can, Yuuki-chan. It's not important." Mom said smiling.

"I… I think I can… I don't know…" I answered, sounding completely different from before. That was me, the one from my last life. I care about you? I am the sweetest person ever. I don't? You might as well drop dead and I wouldn't even falter a step.

"Can you try, Yuuki-chan?" Minato asked soothingly. Maybe he thought my change in temperament was caused by the question. I just nodded.

After that, I tried my best to feel the tingling sensation —chakra— I had been feeling all my life around my eyes. Reluctantly, I also started to remember my dad's death.

Now, why would I go out of my way to flaunt my talents, you ask? Because it was better to have the attention of two hokages, an anbu, and a clan head than not have it. Especially with fucking Danzo 'The Cripple' Shimura around.

After a few moments, I felt something click in my eyes and a little, almost negligible pain in them. When I opened them again, I could see everyone stiffen, and my mom gasped. They were looking at me like a monster. Why? I mean, mom and Kakashi already saw them, what's the big deal?

Apparently, my expression was clear, and Seigo, god bless his soul, answered.

"Nee-chan, your eyes are different." He said. "They are scarier than last time." He said, and I was confused even further. Why would they be? Changed?

And then, the most ridiculous idea started forming in my mind. Maybe, just maybe, I got fucking Mangekyou? That would explain why they would be scary.

Oh man, Mangekyou before three! This is awesome! It will help me protect them. Fuck yeah!

Of course, it was a short-lived dream and reality came crashing in the form of an Uchiha clan head.

"Two tomoe…" He murmured, but everyone heard him.


Hello everyone! This chapter was a little long, so I divided it in two. Hope you enjoy this! Leave your stones if you did, and Thank you for reading!

Ethereal_Nymphcreators' thoughts