
A New problem

[The categories for the trainer function are further divided in 4 subcategories. These subcategories include jutsu, physical, spiritual, and special training. Please note that a certain level of proficiency in the physical and spiritual trainings is required to practice in the jutsu and special categories.

The physical training includes the following: Strength, Speed, Stamina, Dexterity, and Endurance.

The spiritual training involves the following: Chakra Reserves, Chakra Control, Chakra sensing, Wisdom, and Awareness.

The jutsu training involves the following: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Dojutsu, Kinjutsu, Fuujinjutsu, Iryojutsu, Senjutsu, Bukijutsu, Kenjutsu.

The special training involves the following: Sensing, Tracking, Sneaking, Traps, and the like.

Please select three categories to start the training.]

Now, that was actually logical. I could see the reason the system restricted the jutsu training until some physical and spiritual parameters are met. More than logical, it was obvious, really.

How could you expect to be able to do a, say, rasengan if you don't have enough chakra reserves, or worse, chakra control.

The same goes for taijutsu. How could you master the academy style, for example, without having enough speed to switch between the katas, or enough dexterity to actually maintain them. It was, all in all, very obvious.

But, it didn't mean I was just ready for the choice. If the system could've helped me plan a path according to my necessities, things could've been easier. But of course, it could not. At least, that's what it told me.

So, I was left to find the most useful routine for myself. To take a line from the Nara, this was bothersome indeed.

But it wasn't like I didn't know where to start, because I did. I really, really did.

I didn't watch, read, and pretty much memorized Naruto for nothing. I knew the basics.

First thing, I had to know what my stats were. My strong and weak points. That way, I could see what I had to work on. And as if answering to a command I didn't give, the system showed them to me.

[Name: Yuuki Ganju.

Age: 2-7 (years-months)

Bloodline: Uchiha / (¿:?)

Rank: (None)


Strength: 1 (E)

Speed: 1 (E)

Stamina: 7 (E)

Dexterity: 1 (E)

Endurance: 1 (E)


Chakra Reserves: 8 (E)

Chakra Control: 2 (E)

Chakra Sensing: 0 (E)

Wisdom: 27 (D)

Awareness: 4 (E)


Taijutsu: (None)

Ninjutsu: (None)

Genjutsu: (None)

Dojutsu: Sharingan (Two Tomoe) Beginner.

Kinjutsu: (None)

Fuujinjutsu: (None)

Iryojutsu: (None)

Senjutsu: (None)

Bukijutsu: (None)

Kenjutsu: (None)


Sensor: (None)

Tracker: (None)

Sneak: (None)

Traps: (None)

Please note that categories without any training will not be shown from now on.]

Now, after I read that, I was not sure how I felt. All of those numbers, all of those letters, all of those categories, honestly made me feel a little bad. But only a little.

Ok, not really. It made me feel terrible.

Was I supposed to have a stamina of 7? Then why the hell did I feel so tired while I was running through the forest? It didn't make sense. It didn't make any sense. Not to me, at least.

Also, having those chakra reserves was a good thing, really. That was probably the reason why I could activate the sharingan so often and don't succumb to chakra exhaustion that early.

But still, all of my stats were crap. A ton of crap.

Yeah, they were what you would expect from a two-year-old, but it made me see the absolute weakness of my body.

I had a fucking sharingan, and I still could not beat any civilian. Probably not even a kid.

Sure, I could predict his movements and evade most of them, but there was no way I could win or escape, not with my speed. And once my chakra was over, the sharingan would go off, and so would any chance of not losing, let alone winning.

So yeah, I was a little bummed.

But, it served my purpose. I now knew where to start training.

I still wasn't sure about what path I wanted to follow. A ninjutsu specialist like Kakashi, only with a bit more destructive jutsus. A taijutsu specialist, just like Guy. I could even be a Genjutsu specialist, like Kurenai and just like the system suggested. It would be very easy with my sharingan. But there was one thing I knew all too well.

I was too weak to even consider it.

Yes, that is right. With my stats being so low, I wasn't going to be anything in any short notice.

And there also is the matter of my combat experience.

I had none.

So, even if I had a system and the opportunity to train in pretty much everything I want, I still had to hone my body and spirit. My wisdom is my highest stat, and I'm pretty sure it has something to do with my 30+ year old mind. So, I did what every sensible person would do in my position.

Stick to the basics.

And so, I started thinking.

At my age, there were few things I could do about my body. Any strength I gain could've been easily acquired by simply growing up, so that was put on hold. My stamina was pretty good and dexterity would not be very useful yet, so I chose speed.

There were few things more useful than speed, if used correctly. For example, taijutsu. Knocking down an enemy usually depended more on placing a punch in the right spot than having it be a strong one. And, to place it correctly, you needed to beat your opponent's stand. So, speed was a necessity.

As for my other two choices, there was little choice. And one thing that clan kids usually did in Naruto, if I remembered correctly, was chakra control exercises. So that was a no-brainer. The third choice, however, was a little more complicated.

Being honest, my best weapon right now was the sharingan, but I couldn't keep it active for extended periods of time, so I had to reluctantly opt out of that choice. But it was still pretty high up there in my priority list. And so, I went for an option that would allow me to prolongate my use of it. So, chakra reserves it was.

All in all, I ended up choosing three of the basic five categories, but it was what I thought the best option was.

This limited to three categories was a real bother. I could probably have better results training something else, even if slightly. But, everything was done and there was no way for me to change my choices. Not until I reached another level, I guess.

[Speed chosen. Target: Get your speed to genin level. Methods available: Red Muscle (Hard: Advantage for strength). Pink Muscle (Medium: Balanced strength and speed). White Muscle (Easy: Advantage for speed). Please choose a method.]

And that is how a very easy decision looks like. Red muscle? No. Not even at the fullest potential it has a good speed. I'd be capped at some point or another. White muscle? Nope. Would be easy reaching very high speeds, but strength, even if a little, is necessary. So, pink muscle it is. If I develop that to a high level, it would serve my purpose.

[Pink Muscle Method chosen. Please consult the inventory to start.]

[Chakra control chosen. Target: Get your chakra control to genin level. Dancing Leaf method selected. Please consult the inventory to start.]

[Chakra reserves chosen. Target: Get your chakra reserves to genin level. Academy Meditation method selected. Please consult the inventory to start.]

[Quest "Genin Speed Training" received. Reach genin speed levels in two months. Reward: 50 achievement points.]

[Quest "Genin Chakra Control Training" received. Reach genin chakra control levels in two months. Reward: 50 achievement points.]

[Quest "Genin Chakra Reserves Training" received. Reach genin chakra reserves levels in two months. Reward: 50 achievement points.]

[Quest "Spiritual Basics" received. Finish the two spiritual training missions. Reward: "Lucid Dreams Meditation Technique" scroll.]

[Please note that failing to complete any quest in the allotted time will result in a penalization for the trainee. Its severity depending on the level of the training and progress before failing.]

And after that, I started to regret starting the training right away. Because I knew we were being watched. And being recognized as a genius without even being a citizen of Konoha was a bad, bad idea.

If I only knew the quests would be activated and they had a deadline… If only…

I sighed. I curled next to Seigo and went to sleep.

Whatever problem I had, it was a problem for tomorrow. Right now, I was right beside my brother, and a stupid punishment from a system would do nothing to erase my happiness.


Hello there! I hope you enjoy this, and be sure to leave a what you would like Yuuki's training path to be. I have an idea already, but I will take any others in consideration.

Thanks for reading and please drop a stone if you enjoyed!

Ethereal_Nymphcreators' thoughts