
Prologue: An end and a beginning

The Saiyan race has always been a fighting race. If you had to describe them warlike, prideful, obsessive in training, driven and ruthless. Exceptions existed as nature versus nurture played a role. They possess a remarkable healing factor. They are capable of growth after surviving deadly encounters an ability they call zenkai. A Saiyan improves after each fight and has a capacity to adapt during a fight to possibly overcome great odds. Legends speak of a legendary super Saiyan who appeared 1000 years prior and caused the destruction of their home planet Sadala. Later a group of Saiyans landed on planet Plant. The home of of the Tuffles and coexisted until they decided to take over. Once the war was over, the Saiyans had conquered the planet. An alien race later approached then with a deal, a planet for their technology and so began the Saiyan mercenary lifestyle. Later they were annexed by the emperor of the universe Freeza who found them to be decent mercenaries but upon seeing how quickly some of their race grew in power began to fear them.

The Saiyans had an odd system when it came to their young. They were given 2-3 years in the incubator after their birth Their power level was then tested. Those that had too low a power level were either sent as infiltration infants or made engineers. The cut off was 150 battle power. Usually the decision was based on the sex of the infant. An infiltration infant was sent to a low level planet in order to grow and eventually conquer it. The Saiyans had no real expectation they would succeed. It was in effect a culling of the weak. Only on successful completion could they return to become a true warrior. The class system on planet Vegeta was largely based on power levels. Which is to say that their was a chance to advance to a higher tier. Their was obvious disparities between the ranks in duties, rewards, punishments and decision making.

over 10,000 = Elite = King Vegeta and Prince Vegeta.

5,000 to 10,000 =Mid-Class Warrior = Nappa

3,000 to 5,000 = First-class Low-Level Warrior = Bardock

1,500 to 3,000 = Above-average Low-Level Warrior.

1,200 to 1,500 = Average Low-Level Warrior= Raditz

Below 1,200 = Below-average Low-Level Warrior = Goku

Planet Vegeta year 739

A Saiyan couple gaze upon their son in the nursery, an infant with very spiky black hair (think Goku's hair fused with adult Gohan's but a bit more wild looking), heterochromic eyes, a partially blue one and one usual black one, white skin and a longer tail than usual was lying in front of them. The nursery is unusually noisy, there is a familiar crying infant staying in the nursery, which is disturbing all other infants but this is not his story.

The couple are lower class warriors. The mother Lotus is an engineer as was her appointed path as a child. She never had to leave the planet for missions as was the life of engineer. She still had a drive for combat as any Saiyan but invested most of her efforts into learning, her relationship with Cress and would spend any spare time near her baby's incubation pod just talking to him and trying to liven his days with stories. The father Cress is an ex infiltration infant who completed his mission. Finding himself disgusted with his slaughter of civilians during his mission he tried to find himself a better way to live. His answer a code of conduct for warriors but unfortunately it wasn't something he could apply flawlessly as being part of the Saiyan mercenaries wasn't truly a choice it was the only job on the planet other than engineer and healer which usually was filled by aliens from Freeza's army. He had to obey orders usually, as he was always surrounded by other Saiyans or aliens, but if he could we would spare the civilians and hide them. Needless to say this isn't typical of Saiyans, which usually pair up as breeding pairs based on strength not emotion, who would usually disregard their infants and who are usually ruthless to a fault. They have had to hide their differences from others for being seen as weak or weak-hearted in this society would be a sure way to be sent on a certain death mission.

"look at our son he looks so peaceful and so full of life. I wish we could prevent him being sent as an infiltration infant. "Lotus said with tears in her eyes.

"I know he wont have an easy time of it. I still remember all the fights, close calls, dead ends and the loneliness I had to face while I was on my infiltration mission." Cress said as he remembered all of it.

"The pods they place us in tell you to revel in the fight, to live only for the slaughter, to place our pride as a race at the forefront of our minds and that everything we do is for the prosperity of our race. The truth, as you later find out through the nightmares you'll have at night, is that the only way you can be useful in anyway is to be a killing machine." he said placing his hands on his face feeling disgusted thinking of the past.

"Cress don't you love fighting though? "Lotus said pensively.

"A fair fight and a slaughter are two very different things. Fighting a warrior even if he's weaker then you can help you push past your limits as you never know if they have an ace in the hole. A warrior lives by the sword and should expect to die by it. There is honour in it. While slaughtering weak civilians, without true combat, can only feel empty, dishonourable and shallow. Lotus as an engineer you have never had to see the battle field you should count yourself lucky."Cress stated.

"I wish I could keep him here with us. He could have a little bit of childhood like I did as an engineer. Damn the laws which makes us send our own kids away!." She said with an intense anger and sadness at losing her first born. She was squeezing Cress's hand strongly, without realizing, until it drew blood.

"He was sooo close he has 148 BP how is this fair!" Lotus said as she started crying.

"There is nothing we can do about it. Do you want to face the disciplinary corps? You know as well as I they have already scheduled his launch. If he goes missing, they will come after us and it wont be a simple execution that will be waiting for us! We can always try again maybe our luck will be better next time" said Cress a deep frown of his face.

Noise started coming from the corridor. Moments later a familiar Saiyan appears. Seeing that it was only Bardock. His previous squad captain and comrade. Cress relaxed until he noticed the bruises and the look on Bardock's face. A look of horror and determination marked his face.

"Bardock what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on Kannassa fighting the psychics?"Cress said with worry.

"Cress you have to listen to me. Freeza is coming to destroy us all! After we where done with the job on Kannasa, he sent Dodoria to kill my team and I! I barely survived and one of the Kannasans cursed me with precognition, so I could see our end and it is coming! He is supposed to be here within the hour. Join me we must muster a force to try and fight back against that monster before its too late!" Bardock said emphatically while clenching his fist tightly.

"Whoa Bardock it's not that I don't believe you but why would he do this to us? We have been his mercenaries for decades. We have won him countless victories. Surely that counts for something!"Cress said with disbelief on his mind.

"Bardock wouldn't lie about this to us. You know as well as I how much he cared about his team."Lotus said with fear in her eyes.

"Cress I believe its because his family has always feared the coming of a super Saiyan from that stupid legend. He has seen how quickly we can grow in power. He has decided to nip us in the bud before we can be a threat to him." Bardock said with irony.

"Bardock if this is true then what are you doing here?" Cress asked.

"I'm planning on sending Kakarott away today and wipe the computer of the location I sent him to. At least he may survive even if our race is doomed. You may want to do the same for your kid. We only have one chance and that is when he launches his attack. Only then will we be able to mask the launch." Stated Bardock.

"Also is this your son? what did you name him after all?" Bardock asked looking at the infant with peculiar eyes and usual Saiyan spiky hair.

"We called him Cade. We will send him off also. Where are you sending yours? Maybe we should send ours there also."Lotus asked.

"I am sending him off to some backwater world called Earth. A world with a very low battle power, detected only recently this week by our probes. I removed it from our databases today. You can send him there also. We have to act soon my wife Gine fixed my son's pod so it wouldn't relay his location to Freeza and wouldn't show him the instructional videos that you and I remember. Instead she put a few survival skills videos, some education and a message from us. I can get her to do the same for yours if you want. But we must go rally an army now so say your goodbyes quickly!" Bardock said with a glint of hope in his eyes.

"What of Raditz, your first born, are you going to do the same with him?" Lotus asked pensively.

"I can't he became a grunt for prince Vegeta. They are on assignment off planet and are probably being monitored." Stated Bardock with disapproval of his son's choice showing on his face.

"That's what we'll do then. Goodbye Cade mom loves you please live well and be better then we were" Lotus broke down crying.

"Goodbye son I wish I could of seen what kind of warrior you would of been. I wish I could of trained you. I hope you live well." a steely resolve grew in Cross's eyes.

"Time to go raise an army!!" They yelled.

Bardock and Cross left in a hurry. Bardock warned many of the Saiyans he knew personally. He encouraged them to launch their kids during the attack also. Leaving Lotus and Gine with their kids and their work on the pods. Both pods would take different routes to avoid being traced to their destination.

On the eave of the destruction of planet Vegeta, both pods were ready to be launched. Both mothers were crying with their babies in arm. They placed them in the pods. While above the planet, Bardock and Cress fought like mad-men against Freeza's minions.

"HAHAHAHAH taste this you arrogant monkeys!! Planetary Death Ball!!!!"Freeza says while laughing maniacally.

"Do it now!!!"Cress said into his comm device.

Hidden in the destruction cloud of the planet, the 2 pods were escaping the planet masked from view and sensors by the energy release in the explosion and the dust. A few other pods could be seen in the horizon heading off to unknown worlds. Soon both pods heading for earth, split off to take their separate paths to a common destination.