
: Arrival and survival

Last time on The Saiyan Immortal, our hero's parents learned of the incoming destruction from Bardock and decided to heed his warning and send their kid away. A few other Saiyans saw reason and did the same. As the planet exploded, their pods escaped undetected.

A few months later, Cade's pod was currently entering the solar system of the planet Sadala. This planet used to be the home planet of the Saiyans until it was destroyed a millennia ago. Rumors speak of the destruction being caused by the legendary super Saiyan while fighting the evil members of his race. Who knows how true gossip, rumor or legend truly are? A bright light suddenly flashed in this system sending off a wave of blue and red energy hurdling into space from the epicenter. Shortly after the wave had left the system, appeared a vortex sucking in the remnants of that system. Soon the pod found itself stuck in the vortex's pull.

Warning! Warning! Warning! Gravity well detected! Trying to divert thrust to escape! Failure! Brace for impact with anomaly! Diverting power to shielding system to protect pod! Successful diverting! Entering anomaly! Mostly stable space tunnel detected! Large drain on shielding system detected! 100%! 80%! 60%! 40%! 20%! 15 %! 10%! 5% power remaining! Successful exit of space anomaly! Detecting nearby habitable planet!

An extremely large planet, at least 1000 times the width of planet Vegeta, appeared in view of the pod as it escaped the tunnel. It strangely looked like a giant version of Earth.

Warning! Warning! Gravity of 3 times planet Vegeta detected (30 times earth)! Pod cannot fight excessive gravity with remaining power! Impact inevitable! Pod will try to decelerate to within survivable speed of impact! Deploying impact foam to prevent movement of infant during impact! Using air pressure of decent to reduce speed! Adjusting re-entry vector!

The night sky had a red comet flash across it. Until it landed in a forest in the mountains of what would be Ontario on earth.

Meanwhile the comet had caught the attention of a few beings on this continent.

In the east, near the Atlantic ocean,

"Did you all see that comet? It has to be heavenly material. Our sect has to find it first! I'll gift some extra resources to whoever finds it but those resources will be taken from all of your other brothers and sisters in the sect!" said a man with pitch black eyes, a sombre expression and a vile aura.

"Yes sect master we will send all acolytes to scour the continent. We won't rest until we find it!" replied the grunt.

"Ha as if I'll lose out on those resources. I'll manipulate the information to give myself an edge." thought the grunt.

Elsewhere in the plains further to the south, in what would be Pennsylvania, A massive, red, western dragon is assembling all the beast in his domain.

"I have seen a great ball of fire across the sky. I believe it to be miraculous material. I need its materials for my ascension to the next realm of power. I order you all to try to find it. Whoever finds it may request something within reason from me. But if you try to take it for yourself no that my wrath is without equal." the dragon overlord said aloud to all its subjects.

And to the north, in what would be Hudson's bay,

"Hahahahaha this has to be the material our sect needs to create our Blood refining artifact!! Can you imagine how easier it will be to fight those self righteous bastards once its ready!! Just the thought of being able to absorb their life-force to power ours without our current side effects is already more than reason to risk exposure. Send all our junior brothers out to find it RIGHT NOW!" A shadowy devilish man screamed his orders out.

A few days later, Back at the pod, the hatch opened, a child with a tail was trying to crawl out under the immense gravity. The hatch had opened as the pod had no more power and very little food remained in its life support system. The child was none other then Cade who had been in the pod for a year since leaving planet Vegeta. He was now 4 years old. During his trip in the pod he learned some basic fighting techniques, Ki control, first aid, basic survival skills, basic math, basic language and some information about his race. Unfortunately learning and doing something are usually two very different things as our protagonist will find out shortly. Their was also a message from his parents that went as follows.

"I don't have much time so I'll try to make this quick. Hi Cade this is mom my name was Lotus. I was a Saiyan engineer. Your father was named Cress he was an infiltration infant like you were supposed to be. He saw the horrors of slaughter while accomplishing his mission. It disgusted him as there was no honor in senseless slaughter. Combat is supposed to be a sacred thing between warriors according to him. Our way of life perverted that. We sent you away as the planet Vegeta was about to be destroyed by a space tyrant named Freeza. Know that I love you, I hope you grow strong and live well. I know you will be drawn to battle later on as is normal for Saiyans. Please live and fight more honorably then we did. Be better then we were. Also be sure to hide you pod properly. God I wish I had more time to talk to you but your father is fighting for us right now and I must go join him." the message ended leaving a sniffling Cade to ponder its meaning. So with tears in his eyes young Cade slowly trained to be able to overcome the gravity. In a week, he could move normally thanks to his Saiyan biology. Finding a cavern he rolled the pod into it with great effort. Before leaving he tried to get a good idea of where he left the pod. His stomach growled loudly.

"wow I didn't think I'd be this hungry. I guess I gotta try hunting."(Cade) thought while equipping his modified scouter from the pod and thinking of the lessons about survival from the pod.

"oh shit lots of high power levels are coming this way. I have to hide!" Cade climbed to the top of a surrounding tree and started using the trees as cover while trying to leave the area.

So he spent the next 2 days fleeing for his life not knowing why they had been coming for him. Meanwhile his hunger worsened to the point where he barely had any energy.

Seeing a small power level of 50 on his scouter he started to try stalking it. Once in view he saw that it was a young boar as such he quickly killed it by jumping down from a tree and smashing it with his fist. He then started to prepare the meat so he could eat it quickly. He quickly grilled it over a flame.

"It's sooo good!" he said while patting his stomach and munching on a thigh.

Just as he was eating, he heard the sounds of a pack of boars coming his way. Realizing he hadn't paid attention to his scouter he checked their power levels.

"3000! average power level and their are 12 of them. This must of been a newborn. I have to leave this part of the forest ASAP." worry filled his eyes as he started running through the trees.


He heard the group heading in his direction releasing angry noises clearly smelling the grilled boar smell in the air. He vaguely saw one while running it must of been over 3 meters tall, brown with dark stripes possessing massive dark tusks pointed in a manner similar to swords looking so very sharp. The sight scared him on an instinctual level as he was but a puny 148 power level kid. Deep inside him a will to live and eventually surpass these boars ignited inside him.

"I will become strong! Strong enough not to fear you boars! Then I'll come back to eat you!. You delicious bastards!!!" Cade yelled out.

You delicious bastards!! you delicious bastards!!.....Strangely the phrase seemed to echo throughout the forest over and over again further enraging the boars.

RHEEEEEEEEEEE!! A very loud group roar sounded from them.

"They can't possibly have understood that right? Oh God I just had to add to their rage didn't I. Oh well that boar was delicious though" thought our runt while trying to escape.

While fleeing he saw a stream coming down the mountain. Deciding to drink he set down from the tree line.

"Oh yeah the simulation said I could wash in water and use mud to confuse some animal's sense of smell." Cade smeared mud on himself after drinking and washing himself and proceeded to flee for a few more kilometres. As nightfall approached he decided to sleep in a tree. The boars had seemed to give up after he had changed his smell but they would likely remember his insult.

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