
The Runt Who Got Rejected

Being the smallest has advantages. But for Amelia James, it is a disadvantage because her mate, Elijah Roberts, the Alpha of the Silver Feather Pack, because of her size. She is heartbroken by the rejection. Now, she is going to learn how to be on her own after the rejection and how to become a parent. Meanwhile, Elijah is going to learn what a big mistake he has made by rejecting his one and only mate because of her appearance. Three years go by, and Amelia is the owner of a popular interior design company and a mother of two healthy twin boys. Meanwhile, Elijah has grown into his role as the Alpha of the largest, and still ever-growing, pack and decides it is time to expand with the land. Their paths cross once again.

Kora_Darden · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

Amelia's P.O.V

Here I am at Alpha Elijah's ceremony, standing next to my two best friends. I stood there waiting for his father, former Alpha Ryan give him the title and responsibilities of Alpha. I looked around to see every member dressed their best for the ceremony, and I glanced at my outfit.

I chose to wear a black crop top and black business pants with black six-inch stiletto heels, a diamond choker, and diamond earrings. I glanced at Nikki's outfit, and she chose to wear a skin-tight black dress with black high heels before glancing at Maggie's choice of outfit to see she was wearing a black jumpsuit with blue shiny floral print and black strappy boots.

I laughed quietly to myself because we really didn't coordinate our outfits, and we were standing in black.

Nikki looked down at me and raised an eyebrow slightly while she asked, "What are you laughing at, Mia?"

I pointed out, "Look! We're all wearing black."

"She's right, Nikki. We didn't even plan this at all."

I stopped laughing when I felt my stomach turn in knots and explained, "I'm going to go to the bathroom for a moment. I'll be right back, girls."

They nodded their heads in response as I quickly headed to the closest bathroom. I closed the door behind me and quickly kneeled down, puking loudly and gripping the toilet tightly. I realized that I didn't lock the door when it opened as I glanced a little to see Luna Samantha.

She came down at my eye level and rubbed my back comfortingly while she stated, "Sweetie, you have a different smell to you."

I grabbed some toilet paper and wiped the puke off my mouth while I asked, "Do I smell bad, Luna?"

"No, it smells like you are pregnant? Are you pregnant, Amelia?"

I really did hate when people use my actual name instead of my nickname while my eyes widened in shock, and I whispered, "Me pregnant? No, Luna."

She cupped my face like I was her daughter as she said, "You should take a pregnancy test, and that way you will know for sure if you are pregnant."


I slowly stood up and walked over to the sink, washing my mouth and hands before she gave me a pregnancy test while she said, "It's going to be okay, Amelia."

"Thank you, Luna."

She fixed my high ponytail and stated, "By the way, it's Samantha now."

"Thank you, Samantha."

She nodded with a smile on her face and exited the bathroom while she called out, "I'll be right here if you need anything."

I looked down at the box and bit my bottom lip slightly, not believing that I could actually be pregnant with Elijah's baby. I slowly opened the box and pulled out the stick, looking at it like it was a disease.

I placed the test down on the sink and pulled my pants and panties down before I sat on the toilet and grabbed the stick, placing it underneath me and peeing on it. I never thought peeing on a stick would be so hard, but it is when you are super nervous about the result of the pregnancy test.

Once I was done peeing on the text, I grabbed some toilet paper and placed it on top of the sink before putting the used pregnancy test on the paper. I pulled my panties and pants up and waited for the results as I paced between the shower and the door, biting my bottom lip and fiddling with my fingers.

Five minutes passed by, and I walked over to the pregnancy test and look to it was positive. I am officially carrying Elijah's baby as I cried out loudly, and Samantha quickly opened the door and pulled me into her warm embrace as she rubbed my back softly and whispered, "It's going to be okay, sweetie."

I shook my head and cried into her nice dress, "No, it won't!"

"Why not, honey?"

I glanced up at her and whispered, "I'm pregnant with Elijah's baby."

Her frown turned into the brightest smile that you could ever see as she hugged me tighter and exclaimed, "That's wonderful! I'm going to be a grandma soon!"

"No, he rejected me, Luna."

"He what!?!" She cried out in anger and left the bathroom with me holding a positive pregnancy test.

I threw the pregnancy test away and turned the light off in the bathroom, heading back to the big backyard and walking over to my two friends. I threw a fake smile right on my face as I waved to them and smiled weakly.

Maggie smiled a little and tilted her head to the side while she asked, "What's wrong?"

I didn't get to answer when I felt the mate bond's spark again, and I looked up to see it was Alpha Elijah holding my right hand while I quickly bowed my head and said, "Alpha Elijah."

He hissed, "We need to talk alone, right now."

Nikki immediately grabbed my free hand and said with attitude seeping through her tone, "No, she doesn't need to talk to you, asshole!"

"Leave us alone." He said in his Alpha tone, and I watched my two friends back down and threw me sad looks before leaving me alone with Elijah.

I whimpered a little in pain when he pulled on my wrist and dragged me back to the packhouse. I jumped in surprise when he slammed the door shut and pressed me against the wall like he did the night we have sex, standing up.

I could see anger and disgust in his eyes as he stated, "Let's get this straight! You're going to tell my mother that you are not pregnant with my heir! You got pregnant by some random unmated male at my birthday party like the slut you are!" I could feel tears forming in my eyes while he continued, "You will never be my mate because you are a runt and a disgrace of a Luna!"

"I hate you so much!"

Elijah's P.O.V

I collapsed to my knees and growled loudly in pain when I got a knee to the groin. I could feel the mate bond being broken while I clinched the center of my shirt, feeling my heart being ripped out of my chest.

Tears formed in my eyes as I glanced up to see Amelia standing there with a disgusted look on her face, and I reached out to her and whimpered, "Mia..."

She spat in my direction and hissed, "Only my friends have the right to call me Mia."

After she said that comment, she exited the kitchen and left me on my knees still in my pain. It took a minute to get on my feet, and I took several deep breaths before I headed to the stage to take the responsibilities and title of Alpha.

I stood next to my father as he gave his speech and told the story of how our pack started, but I really wasn't listening to the story and his speech because I was staring at Amelia. But she wasn't looking at me but my father and not giving me a second glance at all.

"Now, I introduce my firstborn and your new Alpha. Elijah Roberts."

I walked over to the microphone and said, "I want to thank my father for that speech. I want to thank you all for coming to the ceremony tonight. I promise that I will be your best and strongest Alpha. I understand a few have worries about me not having a mate right now, but I will find her. But I will protect you and the children first."

You did find your fucking mate! You chose to be a dumbass and rejected her because she is small.

"I, Elijah Roberts, accept the responsibilities and the title of Alpha of this pack."

Everyone started cheering and clapping that you could feel the vibration. I looked at one face, Amelia's, and I can see that she wasn't cheering or clapping at all. She was just staring at me with broken eyes and shook her head at me.

My dad took the microphone and said, "Now, for all of the young wolves of the pack there is an after-party, and everyone is invited."

All of my classmates started cheering but Amelia. I could tell that she was ready to leave the ceremony and never see me ever again. I watched all of the adults, children, and elders leave to go back to their homes, leaving us teenagers in the backyard as I clapped my hands, and the Christmas lights turned on. I could see Amelia standing there with no kind of emotion while I walked off the stage and walked over to her.

Zach knew what I was going to say as he yelled, Don't ban our mate! We need her!

I don't care, Zach! She doesn't deserve to be here!

Amelia's P.O.V

I looked up from my heels to see Elijah was walking in my direction. I folded my arms over my chest and looked up into his warm brown eyes. No, Amelia! You will not compliment this asshole that broke your heart and rejected you with his baby growing in your stomach!

"I, Alpha Elijah Roberts, ban you, Amelia James from the Silver Feather Pack."

Nikki immediately grabbed my hand and shook her head while she exclaimed, "You can't do this, Elijah!"

He glared at Nikki and said, "It's now Alpha Elijah!"

I pulled my friend back and whispered, "Let it go! I was going to leave anyway!"

I turned away from Elijah and started heading back to my house to get a few things from my "old" house and leave the pack.

Maggie called out, "Hey! Wait for us!" They ran quickly to catch up to me while she said, "If that asshole of an Alpha is going to ban you from this pack, then we go with you." She held her hand up and shook her head while she said, "Don't protest or decline this offer! We are going to be with you all the way. We're going to get a nice apartment, and we can be like the younger version of Golden Girls."

I smiled softly and grabbed my house keys, unlocked the front door, and entered the house. I let my friends and closed the door behind me as I headed up to my bedroom and grabbed two duffel bags, throwing random things in them.

Nikki sat down on the bed and shook her head while she whispered, "I just can't that Elijah kicked you out of the pack! Why!"

I zipped up my bag and stated, "His mother found out that I'm pregnant with his child. He got upset and told me that I should tell everyone that the baby isn't his and some unmated male member's baby. He called me a slut, and I kneaded in his crotch"

"He is such an asshole! I hope he dies a horrible and painful death!"

I shrugged my shoulders and whispered, "It's...whatever. If he doesn't want to be in this child's life, then he won't."

I zipped the second duffel bag once I placed the last piece of clothing inside and listened to Maggie, "We're going to go back to our houses and get a few things before we leave this pack together."


I followed my two friends out of my bedroom and saw my parents in tears, well mostly my mother. My mother immediately threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly as I hugged her back, and she kissed my temple softly.

"I don't understand why you are banned from the pack, Mia!"

I looked up at her and started crying with her as I said quietly, "He banned me because I accepted the rejection after he found out that I'm carrying his child."

"I am going to be a grandma!" She exclaimed as the tears really started to stream down her face. "You have to stay, sweetie!"

Dad rested his hands on Mom's shoulders and shook his head while he said, "She can't stay. She is now considered a rouge, and we were trained to kill rogues that are in the territory."

Mom couldn't even speak as she sobbed loudly, and I whispered, "I promise to call every day. We'll facetime each other when I'm at an ultrasound."

She cupped my face and demanded, "You better, missy."

I headed towards the door and opened it while I said, "I promise. I love you, Mama."

She hugged me tighter and whispered, "I love you too, honey. I am going to miss so much."

I kissed her cheek and parted from the hug, walking over to my dad and giving him a hug as I tried my hardest not to cry.

I could tell my dad was also trying to fight his tears as well while he said heartbrokenly, "I am also going to miss you, my little ladybug."

Nikki spoke up, "We have to go get our stuff before Elijah sends the warriors to take you to the edge of the territory."

I glanced at Nikki and Maggie and sighed quietly to myself before looking back at my parents and saying, "Nikki is right. We need to leave right now."

I walked out of the house with my two friends, and lucky for us that they were also my next-door neighbors. So we went to Maggie's house first.

It took about ten minutes for her to pack two duffel bags of her clothes and makeup with her toiletries, but Nikki on the other hand literally took two hours to figure out what she was going to put in one fucking duffel bag.

I spoke up, "Forget it, Nikki! We have to go before warriors come and take me to the edge of the territory."

She sighed a little and zipped her duffle bag while she said, "Okay. But I'm going to get more clothes once we get our apartment."

Maggie rolled her eyes and said, "Yeah, whatever!"

We headed out of Nikki's house as I saw two large and muscular males walk in our direction, but then again all of the males in the pack look tall to me. But every male werewolf is large and muscular. I knew they were the pack warriors that were sent to take us to the edge of the territory. I reached out and grabbed my friends' hands as we followed the warriors to the border.

I started to think about that time when Nikki and I dared Maggie to climb up a tree since she had a huge fear of heights. When she made it to the highest branch, we told her to jump, but she cried out that she wouldn't do it. Once we convinced her, she jumped and broke her left arm. I squeezed my friends' hands tightly and walked to the border with tears streaming down my face.

We all look at each other and squeezed each other's hands tightly as we asked at the same time, "Ready?"

None of us answer the question as we took the first step out of the territory without looking back.

I said the first word, "It's the beginning of our new chapter."