
The Runt Who Got Rejected

Being the smallest has advantages. But for Amelia James, it is a disadvantage because her mate, Elijah Roberts, the Alpha of the Silver Feather Pack, because of her size. She is heartbroken by the rejection. Now, she is going to learn how to be on her own after the rejection and how to become a parent. Meanwhile, Elijah is going to learn what a big mistake he has made by rejecting his one and only mate because of her appearance. Three years go by, and Amelia is the owner of a popular interior design company and a mother of two healthy twin boys. Meanwhile, Elijah has grown into his role as the Alpha of the largest, and still ever-growing, pack and decides it is time to expand with the land. Their paths cross once again.

Kora_Darden · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

One month later...

Amelia's P.O.V

Maggie, Nikki, and I were sitting in a two-bed hotel room. They shared a bed, letting me have a bed to myself because they knew I was going to cry into a pillow, and I just need to be alone in a bed right now as well that I have an issue sleeping next to a person with a growing baby bump.

I couldn't go to sleep because I kept thinking about what I am going to do now that I'm pregnant, and I also know that my pregnancy won't be long since the baby has Alpha blood running through its veins as well as a werewolf pregnancy does not last long. I pulled my shirt up to see a six and half month baby bump, and tears started to form in my eyes when I realized that I have little time.

I picked up the phone and dialed my mom's number before placing the electronic device to my ear, listening to it connect. I needed to tell my mother that I need her help to get an apartment before the baby comes.


"Mom, it's me... Amelia."

"Mia, I missed you so much! How are you?"

I cried a little and covered my mouth as I whispered, "Mom, I need help."

"Oh! What can I do, sweetie?"

"We're still in the hotel room with little money, and the baby is coming real soon. We are trying our best to save the money for the apartment that we found."

"We are willing to help our daughter and first grandchild. We are going to make sure that you all are out of that hotel room immediately."

I wiped my tears away and slowly nodded my head while I whispered, "This means so much to me, Mama."

"I know," She said in her motherly tone. "Now, try to get some rest. You must be exhausted right now being pregnant and looking for a job."

"Thank you, Mama. And tell Dad that I love him."

I could tell she was smiling through the phone while she said, "You are very much welcome, We still feel horrible that you have been banned from the pack just because you're pregnant with his child."

"Okay. I love you," I whispered before I hung up and turned the phone off, placing it back on the nightstand and lying down as I stared up at the ceiling and rubbed my growing baby bump, thinking about the future.


I groaned loudly when someone started shaking me to wake up. I slowly opened my eyes to see Maggie shaking me as I sat up slowly and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, yawning a little to myself. I threw the covers off me and climbed out of the bed.

Maggie jumped up and down in excitement while she exclaimed, "Good news! Good news! Good news!"

I was completely confused by her excitement and asked, "What is the good news?"

"You got the job in Savvy Design! You're going to be an interior designer!"

I gasped loudly and covered my mouth in surprise while I said, "Seriously! I got the job!?!"

Nikki threw her arms around me and quickly nodded her head in joy as she cried in joy, "Yes, you got the job."

I looked down at my swelling stomach and rested my hands under the curve of my baby bump while I whispered, "Did you hear that baby? Mommy is going to finally get us out of this hotel room and get a nice apartment with your crazy aunts."

Maggie leaned down and rubbed my stomach while she cooed, "But I'm the best auntie that you ever had!"

"No, way! I am!" Nikki rolled her eyes at Maggie and stated, "By the way, Mia. You start in three hours."

I backed away from Maggie and gasped, "In three hours!?!"

"Yes," Maggie said and sat down on my bed as she went through my makeup bag.

"I have to take a shower and look for some clothes that will fit this swelling stomach!" I exclaimed and went through my suitcase, trying to find something to wear for my first day on the job. I looked up and asked, "What should I wear for my first day?"

Nikki sat next to Maggie and glanced at me while she thought for a moment before she spoke, "Do a nice skater skirt and a black tank top with a cute pair of black heels."

"Thank you." I implied and quickly pulled out the white skater skirt and the black tank top with everything that is necessary for the shower before saying, "By the way, you should be a fashion designer."

"I know because that's my dream."

I smiled brightly and entered the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I placed my stuff on top of the toilet and turned the shower as I stripped my clothes off and climbed into the shower, stepping under the water. I scrubbed my skin as I listened to my baby's heart, feeling the excitement run through my bloodstream.

I glanced down at my growing baby bump and said, "We are going to be okay without Daddy. Mommy is going to love you so much."

Elijah's P.O.V

I stared up at the ceiling with Tatiana's head resting on my chest as I sighed quietly to myself, thinking about what is happening with Amelia.

Did she get an abortion? If she didn't, does she know the sex of the baby? Is it a boy? Is it a girl? Is Amelia okay? I really do hope that she and the baby are okay.

I climbed out of bed quietly and pulled on the boxers from last night as I walked out of the bedroom and bumped into Amelia's older sister, Anna. It surprised me that I cowered a little when I saw the scary and disgusted look on her face, but yet I'm the Alpha, as she bumped into me and walked over to her mate, which was my Beta.

I sighed softly and walked downstairs to the kitchen to see a few omega women cooking breakfast as well as chatting with one another.

"Baby! Why did you leave me in the bedroom!" Tatiana cried out and entered the kitchen in my shirt from last night.

I mentally rolled my eyes as well and groaned loudly to myself.

You wouldn't be having this problem if you hadn't rejected our mate and banned her from the pack!

Shut up, Zach!

You know that I'm right.

I removed her arms from my waist and said, "I'll be in the office for the day."

"I can help, baby."

Zach rolled his eyes at Tatiana's comment as I shook my head and said, "No, I'll be fine."

Can we check if mate is okay? And our baby.

That is why I'm going into my office right now.

I exited the kitchen and went up to the third floor where my office was. I opened the door and sat down at my desk, picking up the phone and dialing the hotel where Amelia and her friends were staying. I placed the phone to my ear and listened to it connect to the hotel phone as I picked up a random pen and drew random doodles, waiting for someone to answer.

"Hello? How may we help you?"

I took a deep breath and asked, lying, "Mhm...which room is my fiancé, Amelia James staying in? I was checking if she was okay since she is six and a half months pregnant with our baby."

"Oh, dear. Just let me check, sir..." There was silence for a moment until the clerk spoke up, "We have an Amelia James staying in Room 299."

"Thank you so much. Would you please check if she and the baby are okay? Also, don't tell her it was my request because she doesn't like me worrying about her. And let me know that she and the baby are okay."

"I will check on your fiancé for you, sir as well as let you know that they are okay."

I smiled a little and leaned back in the chair while I said, "Thank you so much."

I hung up and sat in my leather rolling chair in silence for a moment before coming up with the idea of sending a few baby things to Amelia in her hotel room. But I had a funny feeling that she would get rid of the baby stuff if she knew it was me.

Amelia's P.O.V

I sat down on the edge of the bed and put my black heels on my feet as I glanced up to see Nikki calling me an über. I stood up and ran my hands over my white skater skirt before I put on some light makeup and grabbed a purse filled with some healthy snacks.

Nikki stated, "Okay, the über will be here in a few minutes." She hugged me and kissed the top of my head like my mother would do while she said, "Congrats on the job. We hope and wish that you do well on the job."

I pulled Maggie into the hug and said, "I am actually glad that you guys left the pack with me. Even though you two weren't banned from the pack."

"We will literally do anything you and this baby, Mia," Maggie said and hugged me with happy tears streaming down her face.

"Seriously! Thank you so much! You are literally the best friends that a girl can ever."

We stopped when we heard Nikki's phone go off as she pulled away from the group hug and checked her phone before saying, "The über is here." She squeezed my hand and smiled warmly at me while she said, "You're going to be amazing today."

I nodded my head and picked up the hotel room key before exiting the room and closing the door behind me. I walked over to the elevator, pressed the down button, and waited for the elevator to arrive. Once the elevator arrived at the floor, I stepped in and leaned against the railing for a few seconds after pressing the lobby button. When the elevator doors opened, I exited and walked passed the front desk until someone called my name.

"Wait! Are you Amelia James?"

I raised an eyebrow slightly and asked, "Yes...why are you asking?

"A gift was sent to you, ma'am." The employee passed the gift to me as I opened it to see diapers, knitted booties, a few onesies, some bottles, and a pacifier.

I smiled brightly and asked, "Who sent these?"

"I don't know."

"Um...okay. Could you please send these up to the hotel room, please?"

"Of course, Ms. James."

I smiled and walked over to the exit as I adjusted the strap of my purse and headed to the über, climbing in the back seat and buckling myself in. I pulled my phone out and told the driver the address to my workplace, feeling a little kick from the baby. I quickly glanced down to see my baby bump as I rested my hands, feeling my baby kick again, and I started to cry tears of joy, knowing that my baby is coming real soon.


It was crazy at my job because I had my own desk and I was answering calls while I ate some of my healthy snacks.

I looked up from my papers to see my boss standing in front of my desk while she said, "I have to say that you are doing amazing for your first day on the job."

"Really?" I asked in surprise and placed the pen down on the paper. "It means so much to me to know that my boss thinks that I'm doing well for my first day on the job."

She smiled softly and nodded her head in response while she asked, "I am just wondering...how long are you, dear?"

I glanced down at my growing baby bump before my eyes traveled back up to my boss and answered, "I will be seven months next week."

She took a seat and explained, "Well, obviously you will be on maternity leave. And you will definitely be paid on the days off." She folded her hands on top of the desk and continued, "I understand what it is like to be a new working mom, and I know that it can be very stressful with a new baby and work. And I will try my best to make sure that this pregnancy is easier for you when you're at work."

I smiled softly and leaned back in my chair, rubbing my stomach while I commented, "This is so amazing. Thank you so much for this. This really means so much to me."

She stood up from the seat and walked away while she said, "You are very much welcome."


It was a long and exciting day for me at my new workplace. I was taken back home, and I was very much exhausted from work, resting my head on the cool glass window and watching buildings and trees go by. Once the uber got to the hotel, I climbed out of the car and paid the fare with Apple Pay before I closed the door and headed into the hotel.

I bumped into someone and fell on my ass before looking up to see a cute guy helping me back up on my feet and immediately apologizing for bumping into me.

I shook my head and rested my hands on my growing belly while I commented, "Oh, no! Please, don't be sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going."

He held his hand out and said, "Either way, I'm Lukas Knight, but call me Luke."

"It is very nice to meet you, Luke. My name is Amelia James, but I prefer people call me Mia."

He smiled softly and said, "It is also very nice to meet you, Mia. I guess that I'll see you around. And also congratulation on the baby."

He walked away just in time so he didn't see me blushing as I tucked my hair behind my ears and headed to the elevator waiting for it to come back down. I looked up when I heard the ding from the elevator, and entering inside to see a few people already in the elevator. I pressed the second-floor button and took my heels off, signing in relief.

When the elevator made it to my floor, I exited the elevator and walked to the hotel room before unlocking the door and entering the room to see Maggie and Nikki working on a project.

I placed my heels near my suitcase and asked, "What are you two doing over there?"

Maggie smiled softly and looked up from the project while she responded, "It's a surprise."

"Whatever it is, keep it down." I flopped on the bed and explained, "I am exhausted and need to rest for a little."

"Okay, Mia." Nikki implied quietly.

I turned my lamp off and pulled the covers up to my chin, rolling over to my side as I slowly closed my eyes and immediately went to sleep. Dreaming about my baby, wondering what the sex of the baby is or how will my baby turn out to be. Hopefully, my child does not turn not to be an asshole like their deadbeat father.