
The Runaway master of Deception needs a Peaceful life

Prince Sabel, the only son of King Admound of the Kingdom of Werren, is tired of everything. Born with the ability of seven-star magic and cat eyes that can see through devious plans, his life has become very boring. He decides to run away from his castle and go to the tavern in the next country, where he meets a team of young adventurers and decides to be their advisor. By day, he is a charming prince disguised as a middle-aged man offering advice to young adventurers. By night, he is a dashing-looking, coffee-obsessed deception warlock. looking, coffee-obsessed deception warlock.

Pixiom · Fantasie
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12 Chs

The Injured Adventurer

The café was quiet as the evening began to settle in. Sabel, disguised as his middle-aged self, sat in his usual corner, sipping on a cup of steaming coffee and enjoying the tranquility. The soft hum of conversation and the clinking of dishes filled the air, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and an injured adventurer staggered inside, clutching his side. His armor was dented, and blood trickled down his arm. He looked around desperately before spotting Sabel and stumbling toward him.

"Please... help," the adventurer gasped, collapsing onto the floor.

Sabel set his coffee down and quickly moved to the adventurer's side. With a flick of his wrist, he cast a vanishing spell, making the adventurer invisible to everyone in the café. He then placed his hands over the wounds and whispered an incantation, healing the injuries with a soft, golden glow.

As the wounds closed, Sabel used a light spell to create a small beacon that pointed toward Rosemary, the café owner. The adventurer, now healed and visible again, followed the light with wide eyes. When he saw Sabel, he fell to his knees, his face a mix of awe and fear.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness," the adventurer said, bowing deeply. "I didn't recognize you."

Sabel raised an eyebrow, astonished. "You saw through my disguise?"

The adventurer nodded. "Yes, my name is Malaki. I have an inhuman nose; I can smell a cake from miles away."

Sabel chuckled. "Well, that would be handy for finding dessert. But shh, my identity is a secret."

Malaki nodded earnestly. "Of course, Your Highness. I need your help in training."

Sabel took a moment to think, then said, "Come tomorrow at 9 PM. That's when I'm usually drunk, and you can convince me then."

Malaki looked confused but nodded. "Yes, Your Highness. Thank you."

As Malaki left, Sabel grabbed his gown and ran out the back door like a madman, shouting, "Damn, damn, he figured me out! What now?"

Malaki, bewildered, chased after him. They ran through the streets, Sabel dodging and weaving like a madman while Malaki struggled to keep up. Finally, Sabel stopped and turned to face Malaki, panting slightly.

"So, what have we learned?" Sabel asked, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Malaki, catching his breath, looked puzzled. "Never let go of the target?"

Sabel nodded approvingly. "Exactly. Realizing you should have slain the demi fish, perhaps?"

Malaki's eyes widened in realization. "I have to go back and fight it again!"

With that, Malaki turned and sprinted back towards his quest. Sabel watched him go, then with a satisfied smirk, he poofed back to the café, reappearing in his corner with a fresh cup of coffee in his hand.

"Hmm, sweet," he murmured, taking a sip and savoring the rich flavor. The night had been eventful, but he knew this was just the beginning of many more adventures to come.

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