
The Runaway master of Deception needs a Peaceful life

Prince Sabel, the only son of King Admound of the Kingdom of Werren, is tired of everything. Born with the ability of seven-star magic and cat eyes that can see through devious plans, his life has become very boring. He decides to run away from his castle and go to the tavern in the next country, where he meets a team of young adventurers and decides to be their advisor. By day, he is a charming prince disguised as a middle-aged man offering advice to young adventurers. By night, he is a dashing-looking, coffee-obsessed deception warlock. looking, coffee-obsessed deception warlock.

Pixiom · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Nightly Adventure with a Dancing Macaque

The streets of the town were quiet as the night deepened, bathed in the soft glow of lanterns. Sabel, feeling a familiar restlessness, wandered aimlessly, his hands in his pockets and his thoughts adrift. The events of the day had been entertaining, but now he found himself bored once more, yearning for something interesting to spark his curiosity.

As he strolled through a narrow alley, a peculiar sound caught his attention—a rhythmic beat, accompanied by the lively clinking of metal. He followed the noise until he emerged into a small square, where a crowd had gathered, their eyes fixed on a mesmerizing sight.

In the center of the square, a macaque with shimmering fur was dancing energetically, its movements perfectly synchronized with the music. The magical creature twirled and leaped, its expressive eyes sparkling with joy. Sabel couldn't help but grin, feeling a sudden urge to join the monkey in its whimsical dance.

With a flourish, Sabel stepped into the square, his feet tapping to the rhythm. The crowd watched in astonishment as the prince and the macaque danced together, their movements mirroring each other in perfect harmony. Sabel laughed, his spirits lifting with every step.

"Oh, beautiful eyes, you deceive, you lie, but you make this night heavenly!" Sabel sang, twirling alongside the macaque.

As they danced, Sabel noticed a group of burly hunters approaching, their expressions stern. The lead hunter, a grizzled man with a scar running down his cheek, barked out a command. "Get that monkey! It's worth a fortune!"

Sabel's eyes narrowed as he stepped protectively in front of the macaque. "Whoa, hold on there, gents. Haven't you heard? Stealing monkeys is so last century."

The hunters ignored him, moving closer. Sabel rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath, "Time for a little illusion magic."

With a flick of his wrist, Sabel cast a spell, creating a swirling mist that enveloped the hunters. Confused, they began to see illusions of each other as wild animals, their instincts kicking in. The square erupted into chaos as the hunters started to fight amongst themselves, swinging their weapons at imaginary beasts.

Sabel turned to the macaque, who was watching the scene with wide, curious eyes. "Well, that should keep them busy for a while," he said with a wink. "Now, let's get you home."

He knelt down and looked into the macaque's eyes, using his tracking magic to sense the creature's family. A faint, glowing trail appeared before him, leading off into the distance. "Alright, little buddy. Let's get you back to your loved ones."

With a gentle touch, Sabel conjured a shimmering shield around the macaque. The magical barrier would protect the monkey on its journey home. He lifted the macaque and gave it a reassuring smile. "Hang tight. You'll be with your family in no time."

With a swift, graceful motion, Sabel threw the macaque into the air, the shield carrying it safely along the glowing trail. The macaque soared through the night sky, its eyes gleaming with gratitude as it waved back at Sabel.

Sabel watched until the monkey disappeared from sight, a warm feeling of satisfaction spreading through him. "Well, that was fun," he murmured to himself, turning to leave the square.

As he wandered back through the town, he couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. The night's adventure had been unexpected, but it had filled him with a renewed sense of purpose. Maybe, just maybe, he thought, these small moments of joy and magic were exactly what he needed.

Reaching the café, Sabel leaned against the doorframe and looked up at the stars, a smile playing on his lips. "To a life full of interesting nights," he whispered, before heading inside to find some well-deserved rest.

The town settled into peaceful slumber, and somewhere, a family of magical macaques rejoiced as their lost member returned home, safe and sound.

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