
A Father's Rights

Walking back into the throne room Hittan was greeted by multiple eyes. His council had all arrived and stood quietly waiting for him along with Emperor Vanya, Empress Samara and Lady Ranga. Hittan walked in with his wives and his team soon followed.

"Greetings Young King." His council offered while saluting with a bow.

Nodding to the council he walked back to his seat as it seemed this time it was formally prepared for him. Kaija and Kaia took the seats that were to his immediate left and right. Following that Lagina sat next to Kaija on the right and Valencia next to Kaia on the left. As Hittan looked at the Emperor he paused before finally speaking.

"Emperor Vanya, I know you were very concerned about the future of Gilead. While I cannot say that I am the answer you were desperately looking for, I can argue I am its best hope. My wife Kaija would have pointed out some of her planning which involved a great deal of sacrifice on her part. But I want to personally thank you for the care you've given as an excellent Father to both of them…"

With that Hittan looked back to Lagina as his words caused her to sympathise with her Father and his crippled son. He could feel her guilt and pain. For she knew while her Father's first wife was mean and spiteful he at least tried to shelter her and now it seems she has repaid that by hurting the family.

"... Can Lady Ragna send for General Abbe and his son?"

"What, Why?" Lagina looked at Hittan curiously.

"You know why. You have a nurturing heart, a heart we share and I can feel that… I've caused you more pain than joy today."

"General Abbe and his son Cairo have arrived My Emperor!" Announced the door guard after a few minutes.

"Let them in."

"Emperor, you have summoned us?"

"Not me, Hittan was the one that has called for you."

"... Young Lord?" Hesitantly, Abbe addressed Hittan.

"Though, I believe the punishment suits the crime. It seems my wife is a little more forgiving and as your son-in-law to be, I was a little rash in how I treated my family.

Lagina, do you wish to heal him?"

"You won't be mad if I do?"

"Wouldn't you feel it, if I was?"

Blushing, Lagina smiled then looked towards her brother and began to make her way towards him. But before she could do anything Hittan spoke again.

"Though, I will place my wife's happiness before your wrongdoings. I still believe you need to be punished accordingly." Has he said this Hittan got up and walked over to Lagina and her brother.

"Dear, at your current level of power you won't be able to heal him on your own even with your abilities."

As Lagina placed her hand on his stomach channelled her nature energy from her heart. But soon she realised it would not be enough to heal him so she turned to look back at Hittan. Whom only smiled at her and once he was close enough he rested his hand atop hers and began channelling the same energy into Cairo. With their combined help, they were able to heal his core.

"Thank you Young Lord for healing my son!"

"He will have to thank his sister. Which I'm sure he'll get plenty of time for, as he will be her bodyguard until the day comes when she no longer needs his help."

"This I promise he will do without complaint!"

Overjoyed Abbe fell to a single knee and bowed!

"Please get up, we have other things to discuss so have a seat at the table once more."

Having solved the heart knot of his precious wife he turned his attention back to Emperor Vanya.

"Emperor Vanya, pardon my manners as family matters are always a priority for me. I would also like to hope that the loss of a General can be offset by the gain of capable son-in-law."

"Yes, capable indeed and from the looks of it in a number of ways. It also seems my General was overly indulgent when it came to his only son.

I know that if some fool took it upon themselves to show such disrespect to my family, I would not sit still." As the Emperor spoke he eyed General Abbe who ducked his head. While Cairo sat on the floor off to the corner with his head down meditating.

"So you are here to claim your wife, my daughters and to unify the central continent with the 12 sub-continents?"

"Well, that is the aim and the short term goal. But I know very well that this life is different than my past lives and this world is different from where we originated. So my intentions here today was not to strong-arm anyone. But to show you that even in this life I will forever take excellent care of Kaija and Kaia.

So I hope you can give us your blessing openly and the same goes for you General Abbe. We of the Village have already agreed to a union between the Alicorn Empire and Emerald Clan as this would be a good foundation for the others.

I am sure you agree to this point given the plans you yourself had come up with. Am I right?"

"It is indeed in line with my original plan and I'll be the first to admit that Lady Kata's way of doing things have exceeded my original plans. As far as my approval of you, it seems I have no choice but to agree with my wife. A better option did come along."

"Thank you, Emperor Vanya."

"Thank you, Father." The girls bowed towards their Father with a smile.

It was then that General Abbe bowed and gave his consent to the wedding. Though it seemed he had little choice as the Elders of the Clan had already consented.

"Good! Now that we have settled this matter I can only imagine you now have some questions for me, right? Let us six, take a walk in the Castle gardens to talk privately." After looking to Hittan and his four fiancées, Empress Samara motioned for them to follow her as she left the throne room and headed for the garden.

The relationship between a Father and Daughter is important.

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