
Imprisonment of the Wind! Pt 2

Smiling at General Cadman Hittan vanished again, but this time the gravity shifted around them! General Cadman was pulled forward while the Dragon and Phoenix started to create mini pockets of hot and cold sub-climates. With the extreme fluctuations of the pressure gradients, the wind began to move chaotically! Being pulled in different directions by multiple forces Cadman's reaction time was also thrown for a loop!

When Hittan reappeared he was now to the right of Cadman and the blade of his sword was quickly cutting the air apart in front of his neck! Being pulled forward to meet the incoming blade felt like he was being attacked by two people working perfectly in sync!

Raising his broadsword to block the blade inches away from his neck! Sparkes started to fly from the contact of the blades as Cadman parried the strike above his head! In the next moment, Cadman pivoted to his right. Dropping his blade like a guillotine aiming at the exposed midsection of Hittan with vicious accuracy!

Executing his Phoenix Dance, rotating counterclockwise, as the broadsword slid along the surface of the Sapphire Ice armour with the screeching sound whistling from the impact! Not allowing the General to take a breather Hittan ended his spin with a slash towards Cadman's left thigh. Struggling with the pulling forces of his element and gravity it became noticeable that the constant attacks from Hittan were starting to become troublesome!

Moving to meet incoming sword aimed at his left thigh, Cadman adjusted the hold on the sword to block with the Hangetort left Guard. BANG! Striking the downward pointing sword of Cadman, Hittan rotated back to the right and stepped in with more force than what is required for the Phoenix Dance! BANG!! Moving his sword back to the right Cadman blocked with the Hanging Right Guard.

However, Cadman started to realise that though each step Hittan took was elegant and graceful. A looming threat was felt from it, as his steps began picking up force like a running Land Dragon! That force was then transferred to the weight of each sword strike!

Stepping forward towards Cadman after quickly pulling his sword back halfway he returned with a straight thrust to his chest! BANG!!! Striking dead centre of the flat side of the broadsword! Pushing Cadman back two steps and having no intention of letting him rest, Hittan took two commanding steps forward that seemed like he stomped the air beneath his feet!

Striking diagonally from Cadman's left hip to his right lower rib cage! Rushing to recover from the previous strike Cadman barely managed to strike downward at the rising blow from Hittan.


Blasting away the right arm of Cadman and leaving his torso fully exposed! Following the recoil of the strike, Hittan's arm and sword landed on his left shoulder! Stepping forward with his right leg, BANG! Building up his momentum as the footprint of an enormous Dragon was suddenly imprinted on the ground below Hittan! As he launched his attack from the Posta Di Donna Sinestra also known as the Guard of Wrath!


Cadman was sent flying! His chest split open from the right shoulder down to his left obliques! With his Topaz blood blossoming mid-flight!


A crater could be seen next to Cadman's fallen son!


YOU DAMNED MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Standing up slowly, to see his dead son next to him sent his rage beyond the boiling point! Flying back up to Hittan, he sprouted Giant Eagle Wings, boosting his speed even further and attacked Hittan with three wind slashes produced from talons! His left hand had changed into a giant Eagle's claw temporarily boosting his power by 30% for the following attack! A trait unique to Pseudo - Godbeast of a prime inheritance, Godbeast limb manifestation!

The wind slashes were over 20 feet in height! But the moment it entered the gravity field it became distorted, unable to hold the shape it shattered before Hittan could even feel the wind hit his face!

"So you've gained the prime inheritance of a Griffin ancestor. It seems I'll have to correct quite a number of things on this planet. I cannot see how he chose you but I will remedy his error."

Realising he was still at a disadvantage even with a temporary power boost. He looked to the battlefield and sought to remove some of the influences on him! As such he rushed straight towards the Red Dwarf Star!

"You're a foolish one, aren't you? Do you think these things cannot be duplicated?" Raising his right hand, though a bit hesitant, as he knew multiple Red Stars would make his mind stray into a rage! Causing him to truly go berserk and if he launched a Green Star with the 2nd Red Star it would lose about 50% of its use.

As soon as Cadman was a few feet away from the red Dwarf Star Hittan clenched his fist! With that, the star exploded and blasted Cadman backwards 30 Meters! With his energies in a state of chaos, he spat up more blood while trying to compose himself.

While General Cadman was trying to regain his composure Hittan started to ascend into the sky, going well above the limits of the nearby mountain range.

"Grandfather Fan and Grandfather Jalil instruct the others to put a shield around the city and nearby lands. Emperor Vanya, instruct your men to shield the city as I'm about to show you the true light."

"Chief Fan, what is he talking about, the true light?"

"You'll see it shortly, do as he says and protect your city and environs."

"... Ragna, instruct the men."

"Yes, brother."

"General Cadman, what say you to us putting an end to this fight?!"

"Are you going to surrender and let me cut your heart out like you've done to me and family by taking my son?!"

"... Well, if you think your son was worth the life he had then you should have given more thought to his upbringing. Truthfully, you killed your son and used me as a tool. Oh sly of you, did he take one of your wives behind your back?"

"You foul mouth monster! How dare you insult my boy!?" Stoking the General's rage Hittan made sure the General gave chase.

Chasing after Hittan the general noted the preparations of the Dragons and Phoenixes. Even Ragna was assisting the Castle guards to shield the city. He understood some preparations were required given the damage he made by his fall. Which in itself enraged him further, knowing he came out on the losing end of those exchanges! But he also noticed that Hittan had not relaunched a second red Dwarf Star and became a little more cautious.

'Just wait until I get my hands around your neck! It will only take a minute, even your protectors won't be able to react in time!'

Coming to a sudden stop Hittan readied himself as he stared at the cautiously approaching General.

"You seem to be preparing to run from your shadow, General. What would your son say about your cowardice as you timidly fight a 5-year-old boy! Hahaha."

"Monster! What right do you have to critique anyone with protectors everywhere?!"

Stopping his Kingly aura the General was now back to normal Strength!

"Even at full power, are you still worried about my council members? I assure you, they won't need to do anything. Because you're going to join your son shortly, God knows he's still in need of your protection in death! He should learn that being foolhardy, kills!"

"Let's see what you have to threaten me with now!" Rushing towards Hittan with a Griffin claw outstretched ready to rip into Hittan's chest!

But as soon as Cadman's claws were inches away from reaching Hittan's Sapphire covered chest, an explosion was heard!



With his newfound strength, Hittan also had an increase in temperature tolerance! Now being able to generate degrees up to 8000 and with the use of his supernova technique to double that. One could imagine ground zero at near point blank distance! That level of heat was well above what an unprepared Griffin could withstand!

When the light faded and the smoke cleared, Hittan stood holding a Topaz Orb! Moments later it too crumbled away.

"... Is it my fate to travel the path of carnage this time again or can I find a way to change that future? Can the Zodiac even see reason or am I the hot-headed one pushing for war?"



"Are you okay?!"

"Sorry ladies, I've broken my promises. I've made you guys worry and I've killed someone even when other means were available."

"That's not fully true, being true to who you are, is equally important as any promise to us and so is fighting for what you believe in."

"Thanks, Kaija. Let's return to the castle. I still need to speak to your parents and especially Empress Samara."


"Kaija, he loves us so much, even after all that he apologises to us." Looking at her sister's new Sapphire eyes and how they matched her own. Kaia couldn't help but feel a sense of relief but a sense longing was present.

"Yes, he does. But can you stop looking so depressed? I'm sure our timelines will merge at some point."

"But when? It's been so long already. I wish our younger selves could let him know we are waiting."


Sorry about the delay. If you saw the note on the previous chapter I'm lacking sleep and a little tired.

I wonder if anyone has been checking the meaning for the character names?

All but 1 character has a name that meant something linking to his role story.

DKALFcreators' thoughts
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