
Warmongers (2)

Danzel silently followed behind Sartan and at the side Vanessa. Wanting to know how to siege the wall.

A few seconds later, small echoes of voices could be heard from the walls. Suggesting that hiding their existence now was pointless.

"Hmpf, took them long enough." Sartan scoffed, his muscles expanding and tensing up at the same time.

"Let's march!" 

His aura exploded, turning his surroundings to a boiling hot temperature and pushing the dust to the side.

Kicking the ground and charging towards the wall, the other two followed suit at tremendous speed.

Each of their steps left a footmark on the ground, except for Sartans.

His footsteps left small craters, crashing even the stones to almost dust.

As they got closer, many cloaked figures were to be seen on top of the walls. Some have a staff, orbs, and even magic gauntlets.

'Magic casters, and such a large amount...' Danzel thought.