
Warmongers (3)

Ignoring the small fries that he Sutter around, Sartan dashed further into the enemy lines.

The soldiers of arcana tried to stop him from advancing by any means necessary, only to fail miserly and to be cut down by the massive halbert.

The way he swung this weapon contained no art or mastery of the weapon, instead, it was used savagely only to cut down his enemies.

Every attack that they threw at Sartan wasn't blocked.

Usually, doing as such was extremely foolish.

But because of Sartan's regeneration capabilities, such short of the eye for an eye tactic worked in his favor.

The soldiers who were about to face such a thing couldn't help but think of him as an immortal.

Out of the crowd of soldiers, a total of 5 flew towards the coming Sartan with extreme speed. Each of them wears a faceless mask with spears.

"Hmm?" Sartan took notice of them.