
The rise of the Ultimate species

Kirean silver dies in a nuclear blast, ends up getting an opportunity of a lifetime with his own overpowered species and his system see how he conquers his new universe! !!don’t worry about the Ultimas being over powered early on because they will really need it when they start expanding out words this is not a chump universe a runt here can be a god in others and they’re a lot to happen before they start steamrolling everyone like a lot I don’t think it’s going to be until a a hundred or a few maybe less oh and my grammar and spelling is trash I’m new!!! Plz don’t read for a serious novel because I’m really bad and it’s going to take time to improve so take it like something fun to read and make fun off but don’t take it serious btw this novel is very unrefined most of this is coming of the top of my head all I have is a general idea so if you have any advice or ideas of yourselfs plz tell

TheprimordialGod · Fantasie
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75 Chs

Second round!

The replays of the first round of course left everyone extremely satisfied as they wanted to watch the clips again kirean was also satisfied the captains really did a good job "what do you think of these feats?" Asked kirean as he wanted some opinions on this after all as the first fleet tournament their needs to be special prices like the first tournament or it won't be as historical of course no one knew this except the 6 behind him if the captains knew this he wouldn't doubt they would resort to self destruction to win it, Adam hearing kirean stood up and said "I think Alex deserved this first place forefather facing 7 fleets with no defensive tactics just pure offense is extremely impressive especially when you realize he hasn't lost any ship in that fight which is stunning as every ship will have to fight 7 ships even one mistake will cost you the battle they showed amazing team work" said Adam as he turned to a screen with Sophia's fight against 10 fleets and said "although I truly do love my apprentice it wouldn't cloud my judgement her feat is not at the level of Alex's although she fought more fleets the difficulty was severely reduced due to her formation which is also an amazing trait to have as a captain to reduce the difficulty of battles so you win more but I will still have to give it to Alex to win a battle at an extreme disadvantage with no advantages whatsoever except offense while Sophia although heavily outnumbered had a lot of advantages which made the fight easier" voiced out Adam as the others nodded as Gaia said "this fleet tournament is better than I imagined at this rate it'll have a bigger cultural boost than the first tournament we held" said Gaia as this tournament was beyond her expectations although she's extremely smart with solar systems worth of calculations she can't predict the captain's effectiveness in battle as they had no records of battles to make any judgement "yeah they have really outdone themselves I could already see the sales in merchandise go up after this tournament me and Amanda are going to have a busy time after this" said Christian with a smile as Amanda nodded smiling as they both knew that they will be busy with the economy and building ships as everyone was talking about the captains and how busy they are going to be 10 minutes quickly passed

Stephen and his people were enjoying themselves at a snack bar while ordering snacks and alcohol as this is a virtual world you can simulate taste and reduce the strength so they were taking this rare opportunity to savor it especially Stephen as he hasn't drank since the last time he passed out he couldn't even remember the taste so he is currently drinking his heart out, in a section where the school kids were sitting all you could hear was screaming and cheering as almost all kids we're debating fleets and playing games ofcourse will wasn't here as he was with kirean but he still saw everything and made him smile as the kids have heavy weights on their shoulders they always strive to improve and do better so it's good to see them relax while all this was happening you could see the soldiers and participants start getting in lines as they have a few seconds left seeing this all ultimas and avars stopped and got into seats as they knew it would start soon a couple seconds later instead of gaia starting it kirean stood up and looked at the soldiers and said "very impressive first round but the second one will be harder let's see if your unity could help you prevail" said kirean the second half of his sentence may of sounded harsh but in the ears of the soldiers and captains it gave nothing but determination they wanted to prove that their unity would level even the highest of gods mixed in with the short praise at the beginning everyone including the spectators were feeling inspired kirean seeing this nodded as this was the affect he wanted as he knew what they'll face that determination will go a long way next round as kirean sat down Gaia stood up and said "for the second and last round the fleets will be put against the Dreadnought" this sort sentence was like dropping a bomb as they all knew what the dreadnought was and they also knew that only an explosion with enough energy as the birth of a universe could take it down while everyone was amazed and determined not surprisingly there was no fear as if it could be taken down before it could be taken down again Gaia nodded abs further added "but the Dreadnought will not be the same as you saw it will be heavily nerfed not saying by how much as the captains have to figure this out themselves" said Gaia while everyone nodded as this makes sense although they don't know how many simulations it took to take down the dreadnought they can guess but if they knew it was billions of billions of simulations they would breath a sigh of relief they at the fact they wont be getting abused

As the timer hit 0 the fleets and captains were again transported to a void as they opened their eyes they saw themselves the same way they appeared in the first round inside their ships as Alex, Jared and Sophia were about to establish communication as they were right next to each other sirens started sounding inside the commands room all captains knew this was the dreadnought as the Ultima said "captain something is approaching and the energy it gives of is huge it's comparable to a system energy crystal" said the Ultimas in the 3 fleet simultaneously as everyone faced forward as the space infront of them begins to warp as a 50,000km ship appeared in front of them