
The Underlying Darkness

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Third POV

The boss lay in a pool of blood as he looked at Vergil coughing up even more blood, as he realized the identity of the boy in front of him 

"Winchester..... " He gasped as he struggled to speak

"Yes the noble house that rules this territory, the filthy nobles you spoke off" Vergil said sarcastically as he bent down to his levels

"Now tell me who were involved in this operation of yours" Vergil asked 

"I ..... don't know" He struggled to say 

"Don't play dumb with me tell me all the people involved, you can not assume they are nobles you must have something" Vergil said as he placed the sword near his neck

The boss remained quite as he closed his eyes, not intending to say anything

Vergil inserted the sword directly into the wound on his chest, causing him to gasp in pain.. 

"Ah... Ahhhhh," the boss screamed, but still refused to talk.

"Stubborn one, lets see how you long you can keep quite" Vergil said as he took out the sword and sheathed it

"May call the family knights, and inform father also" Vergil said to May as he no longer payed any attention to the boss

"Also the other guy ... squall.... He is also alive bring him here" Vergil remembered the other guy as well rest were already killed

"Yes young master" May obliged, she took the communication device and contacted the family

Vergil made his way towards the prisoners here, to free them. However he was still unable to see any life in the enslaved girls 

 "Thankyou young noble " All the dance ladies and servants bowed deeply with tear flowing down there faces

They had thought the rest of there lives would be over, and would be sold to others but now they got salvation

"stand up everybody, I only did what was supposed to be done" Vergil said as he lifted the lady in front

Vergil went to the cages and using Umbra he was able to slice open the locks freeing the prisoners

"Thankyou young noble" The prisoners said there thanks, the prisoner's included son of famous businessman, some merchants all the prisoners expressing there thanks until the last one, this was truly a special prisoner.

The prisoner was a young girl, unlike the other prisoner's she was calm, as if expecting to be rescued it was a young girl giving an aura of natural affinity for nature, many plant blooming near her, despite there being no favorable condition to grow

Vergil went her cage as he sliced open the lock

"Miss please come out you are free" Vergil said as he looked at the girl

She was like a divine being her face flawless, she had golden eyes and log flowing green hair, but the most special feature about her was her ears they were slightly pointed- Elves, the magical creature having dominion over forest, but Vergil could feel she was no ordinary elf maybe a high elf

She looked at Vergil with her clear golden eyes sparkling as she looked at him

"You.. are different" an ethereal voice sounded by the young lady 

Vergil was baffled he did not know how to respond to the comment, before he could respond the lady said

"Thankyou young lord" The elf girl stood up as she gave me courtesy bow she than proceeded to leave the prison as she extended her hand

Vergil reflexively grasped her hand as he pulled her put of the prison. It seemed like some knight escorting his princess.

"Young Master the knights are here" May voice sounded behind me 

Vergil looked back at May as all the family knights were here

"Young Lord" the all knelt as the looked at me 

"All rise, bind the boss and the other alive guy also search around there should some sort of vault where they stored there things" Vergil gave orders to the knights

"Yes lord" the knight's obliged, performing there duties

"May take the ladies to somewhere safe also.." Vergil thought as he looked at the enslaved girls

May also looked at those lifeless girls clearly they did not have the will to live

"Could any of you tell me, what happened to them" Vergil asked the dance ladies from earlier

"Young Noble..... here either someone gets sold to others or is else used by these... Bastards as playthings" she said as she gritted her teeth, thinking about all the suffering they went through

"Out off all the people the boss choose the most beautiful ones as he ... as he .... " She could not say anymore as she broke into tears

Vergil sighed as she listened to the her, He could also piece together the rest of the story

Vergil also noticed many special drugs being used, and probably these ladies were forcefully given these drugs and violated by those scum

"May bring them to healers" Vergil said as his voice full of helplessness he could not cure the mental damage incurred by the girls

"I can help them" The elf lady from earlier spoke as she was still holding Vergil hand 

Vergil was surprised at her ,he tried to free his hands but the elf lady held tightly, as she looked at the enslaved girls

Vergil was doubtful but looking at her calm face he allowed her to do so

"Than please" Vergil said as he lead her to the girls

There were three girls all were covered with some clean clothes by May as there own clothes were tattered, 

The elf lady went towards them as he clasped her hands together and knelt towards them

🎶 "Beneath the boughs of ancient trees, Where whispers dance upon the breeze, The healer's song begins to rise, Through moonlit realms and starlit skies.

With every note, a gentle caress, To mend the spirit, soothe distress. From broken dreams to shattered bone, Let harmony weave, and hearts atone.

In ethereal realms where shadows wane, Let healing melodies ease the pain. Through verdant woods and silver streams, Awaken hope from broken dreams." 🎶

The ethereal voice was heard, and a large golden circle flashed, surrounding the enslaved girls, dance ladies, prisoners, and even May and Vergil.

The song brought comfort to all who heard it. Vergil felt his depleted stamina and prana recovering rapidly, while the prisoners felt their fatigue soothing away and their wounds mending. The enslaved ladies were surrounded by warm, soft light, healing their scars and wounds from repeated abuse.

Vergil noticed something peculiar—the magic circle was different from his usual one.

As soon as the healing song finished, the light disappeared, revealing the girls' bodies healed with no sign of previous injuries. Thankfully, the pieces of cloth covered them. The ladies lay unconscious on the ground.

"Although I have healed the physical trauma, the mental trauma will take some time to heal," the elf said.

"May, take them to the Manor. Also, remove the slave collars from everyone," Vergil instructed.

"Yes, young master," May said, picking up the girls and carrying them away.

"All of you can contact your families so they can bring you away," Vergil told the rest of them, gesturing to the prisoners.

Vergil called one of the knights and asked them to contact their families.

Only the dancing ladies remained. They looked at each other before approaching Vergil and kneeling on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Vergil inquired, startled by their actions.

"Young noble, please take us in," they said simultaneously.

"We all lost our families to these people. You took revenge for us, and we would like to use the rest of our lives to repay this grace," one of them explained.

"Yes, young noble, we don't have anywhere to go," another voice sounded.

"Young noble, we can do a lot. Please don't cast us aside," another pleaded.

Vergil listened to them, sensing the hope and helplessness in their voices. Then, he felt something soft holding his hand—it was the elf girl.

"They are good people. You can take them in," she said convincingly.

Vergil was swayed by her words, feeling as if some magical strings were guiding him. He sighed.

"Alright, you can come with me," Vergil said, looking for another knight.

"Take them to the manor and arrange proper residence and clothes for them," Vergil instructed the knight.

"Young master, but they..." the knight hesitated.

"Don't worry. Tell father it was me," Vergil interrupted, understanding the knight's concerns.

Sir Gareth and May appeared, likely having arranged for the ladies to go to the manor.

"Sir Gareth, greetings," Vergil greeted.

"Greetings, young master. I came here on the Baron's orders to take care of the situation," Gareth bowed, still rigid.

"Okay, I will leave the work here to you," Vergil said, feeling relaxed.

As Vergil watched the people leave in carriages, something odd happened in the building.

The blood from all the dead people flowed toward the boss, his body absorbing it as he began mumbling.

"Kill you... kill you..." he muttered, losing his mind. Knights prepared to take him to prison when suddenly his body lifted up.

Vergil noticed the situation immediately, as he was May and the elf lady all of them looked surprised as the boss stood up and absorbing all the blood around him

"Young Master be careful" May and Gareth stood in front of me 

"Die Die Die Die" The boss screamed suddenly his body swelled as he more and more blood began pumping out of him and suddenly


A large explosion was heard as his body minced to smaller peices and blood flew around destroying everything around him

Luckily all the people had been moved away so only a few knight and Vergil remained here

After the blood rain settled an golden shield was seen under which May, Gareth, Vergil and elf girl was present

"Is everyone alright ?" Vergil asked aloud

"Cough cough... we are fine"

"Nothing serious" 

knights were injured but not fatally, they were able to put there guard up just in time

Vergil sighed in relief but than his face was gloomy

"Whoever is behind him, clearly does not intend to leave loose ends" Gareth said as he looked at the bloody mess the boss was

"Luckily I had left squall alive, you should be able to get some answers out of him" Vergil said 

"A poor soul" the elf said as he looked with pity at the scene

Vergil did not comment on it as he only felt regretful that he died an easy death, otherwise

"Lets go back " Vergil said as he made his way to the vehicle 




Hello there, readers. Thank you for embarking on this journey into a magical world with me. As a new author penning my first book, I humbly request your feedback and support. Your comments and likes mean the world to me. They inspire me to keep refining this story, aiming to make it even better with each chapter.

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