
The Rise Of a Magic Swordsman

All human beings have one basic instinct, an instinct that has been so deeply rooted that we follow mindlessly-The pursuit of Power. Vergil Winchester a young noble boy, finds himself in a world full of mana and aura. Watch as how Vergil navigates his way through the quagmire of challenges that surrounds him. A journey full of adventure, hardships, friendship, guardianship. Will Vergil gain the necessary means to guard his and his family , Follow us on this quest to find out ..................................................................................................... Readers are requested to provide feedback through reviews and comments, so that you can also have your part in this journey Also if you like the story please give it POWER STONES and share if you can

Muhtashim_Aamir · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Dark Night

Hello readers,

Hope you are doing well, I am very happy that a few of you decided to comment, please continue to provide feedback. If possible please give a review I would be eternally grateful

P.S. please give me POWER STONES 🙏🙏🙏 



Vergil POV

I and May followed Squall through the alley towards an unknown destination, I was not very worried about my safety as May was with me, The reason why I was following them was to find their base and finish it all together

As we moved in the darkness with the faint light of the stars twinkling in the sky, the dual moons shining there lights illuminating the way. After some time we cam to a building the light of the building can be seen at a distance

'it seemed some type of gathering' I could sense several presences in the building the particular strong one was nothing more than a Tier 5 warrior

"Please enter young master" Squall said as he opened the door as he allowed us in

Inside, it was chaotic to say the least. Many people were fighting, some were playing cards, and others were engaged in heated discussions. There was also a stage, in front of which sat a man on a throne-like seat. Several ladies with fair bodies were dancing in a special dance, pleasing the man on the seat.

He had a large muscular body, scar marks running across his bare torso, and a large halberd placed near him. Near his legs sat some semi-naked ladies with chained collars around their necks, their eyes hollow as if devoid of any will to live. They were slaves, and even though the Empire had laws against slavery, darkness still existed, with underground markets thriving and people being forced into slavery and sold.

I walked towards the stage and noticed many cages along the side of the hall, with people, including boys and girls, trapped inside. It seemed they were hostages.

The muscular man sensed us and looked towards me with predatory eyes. Then, his gaze shifted to May, and he licked his lips as he spoke.

"Good job Squall you brought some wonderful material's" He said as his lustful gaze fall on May

"Hehe... Boss it was much easier the sheep was pretty obedient this time" squall said as he bowed to him

"Why are you guys doing this? Slavery is prohibited in the Empire," I asked, my voice eerily calm as I made direct eye contact with the so-called boss.

"Hahahaha!" laughter erupted from the room, with many people mocking me.

"Slavery is prohibited, he says."

"A pampered brat."

"This is the real society, little runt."

"Brat, this is how life works, 'the law of the jungle.' Look at these people, clearly prey, and I, the predator, feast upon them," he said, standing up and towering over me.

"Just like you will be, helpless little sheep waiting to be devoured," Squall added.

"Aren't you afraid of the authorities" I inquired

"the authorities they don't give a Sh*t, otherwise why would this shit hole remain.... I like you a little runt no body has shown me such eyes, so I will tell you a little secret, all the material from here is eventually bought by these filthy nobles or else where do we get all the money...hahahaha" He laughed as he thought about my naivety, all the other goons started laughing as well 

The ladies on the stages, the people in the cages looked at me with pity they felt as if we were the same situation as them

I felt the reality of the situation hitting me, Of course I was not naïve enough to believe the nobles would not do such things, I am well aware that this is just tip of the iceberg. I am not selfless enough to care about the people here, heck I don't even know them, But still I felt anger boiling with in me 

"Capturing people and deriving them of there free will.... you guys are really scum" I said as Killing intent began to release from me, My mana and prana began mobilizing on its own

At this moment I have only one thing in my mind Kill everyone in front of me

"Hey scar face" I said silencing everyone in the room

The boss also stopped laughing he looked at me with an angry gaze

"What did ya say runt" Boss said 

"you said this establishment was funded by nobles am I right ?" I asked my hair obstructing my eyes as he could not see my face

"Yes what of it" He said in an arrogant tone

"You say that nobles are filthy that they buy slaves from you, but in my opinion you guys are worse than that filth " I said in a mocking tone

"Arrogant brat"

"How dare you"

As I said multiple people surrounded me with there weapons, ready to attak

"Watch your tongue brat, before we pummel you to ground" A member of there gang said as he pointed hi weapon at me

"Pathetic... May, kill everyone here except that one scum," I said in an emotionless voice, sending shivers down everyone's spine.

"At once, young master," May said, waiting for my orders.

"Hahaha, kill us you say? Boss, let me..." He couldn't finish his sentence as he saw his own back with his eyes.

May had beheaded that man instantaneously.

"I've had enough of you guys, it's time to end this," May said, her voice cold, the twin daggers dripping blood, full of killing intent.

Boss and Squall both stood stunned, looking at the headless body with blood oozing from it, filling the floor.

"What are you insolent fools doing? Get the maid and the boy!" Squall snarled at his lackeys.

They hesitated, clearly knowing the maid was strong.

"Let's go, she's only one person."

"Yeah, let's all go together."

Neither May nor I were fazed by the situation. In front of a peak High-level assassin, these guys were nothing but living targets. May began her hunt.

Many people with their weapons attacked May, their attacks uncoordinated and weak. She easily deflected them and separated their heads with a single strike.

Before anyone could react, over half of the people had lost their lives, their bodies floating in a pool of blood.

"What... What are you doing? Get the boy, you fools!" Squall stuttered as he changed the command to attack me.

I had already taken out my Umbra. As I looked at the gangster attacking me, I released my prana.

Void Style: Purple Eclipse.

I swung my sword in a semicircle, a clear, precise sword aura releasing, killing the nobodies around me.

Puff, puff, blood began to shower.

The boss's expression twisted into a mix of fury and disbelief. "You damn brat, I will kill you!" he snarled, his voice laced with venom. He took his halberd and prepared to strike me.

But before he could close in, May was already in front of him, kicking him.

He went flying directly into his so-called throne, destroying it in the process and slamming onto the stage.

"How dare you, you damn insect!" Boss stood up from the rubble of his destruction.

I went to the chained girls.

"Come on, it's not safe," I said to them, but they just looked at me with those lifeless eyes.

I directly took them and teleported them to the cages, as it was relatively safe over there.

"Save me, please, save me!"

"Please, young hero, release us from these cages!"

"My father is a famous businessman; he will surely reward you!"

The people trapped in the cages began to plead for help.

"Don't worry, once everything is taken care of, I will release you," I reassured them.

Suddenly, I felt something behind me and instinctively parried with Umbra.

"You damn insect, it's all because of you!" It was Squall; he was using his machete in an attempt to slash me, his eyes full of anger.

I pushed him away and kicked him sending him a few steps back 

"You ruined my plans, now I will kill you " He raged at me

I needed to take him away from here, many defenseless people were here I cannot allow the fight to happen here

"haha... You will kill me, scum like you, don't make me laugh" I mocked him attempting to anger him

"You runt, I will kill you" He said as he sped up to me and slashed me

Squall is a 4 star warrior clearly higher than me but my solid foundation allows me to fight him quite easily 

His basics are terrible, he just superficially studied some saber art with unnecessary flashy move

I easily parried all his attack, countless mistake could be seen, 

Void Style: Parallel thrust 

 My sword directly penetrating his right shoulder, disarming him in the process as his machete fell to floor

I then kicked him directly in the chest as he went flying towards the wall, squall directly crashed in the wall as he vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Screw you runt" squall said feebly vomiting even more blood

I used flash step to directly reach him as I thrusted Umbra directly into his legs

"Ahhhhhh.." he screamed in pain

"Hey scum you always consider people her prey, how dose it feels now " I said as I yanked his hair up looking directly in the eye

gripping his hair tightly I slammed his face directly in the ground

"Answer me, how does it feel to be preyed on" I asked my voice stone cold

I again directly slammed his head into the ground, his face bruised his teeth shattering, his flesh tearing apart as I repeatedly slammed his face in the ground

"Kill..... me.....please" he begged me his eyes full of tears rolling down on his torn and shattered face

I just slammed his face back into the ground 

"Want to die ... not so easy" I said, I still need information about all those nobles who collaborated in this operation 

I made him faint as I made my way towards the other fight, no suspense May was unilaterally abusing the boss, his body full of wounds while not a single scratch on May

"Okay May enough playing around incapacitate him" I said

"Okay young master" May 

"Don't underestimate me you B*tch" He roared as his Prana swelled up to the limit

Blood Halberd Art: Scarlet Moon

Blood from his wounds began flowing towards his halberd as it formed a hideous red aura he lunged towards May

May was unfazed by this as she took a stance she was also going to use her art, a Black Aura released from her directly into her daggers.

Blade Art: Cross slash 

The most basic attack that all dagger users learn,

The dark cross slashes directly collided with Red crescentic aura, as it rendered it nothing and directly advancing towards it real target

"Ahhhhh..." The boss screamed as large bloody cross formed on his chest looking heinous, his body falling heavily on the ground 

May did not even looked back as she came to me

"Done, young master" She said as she sheathed her blades

"Good job May" I smiled to her 

"Hehe.. it was nothing young master not even a warm-up" May said as she smiled happily

I gave May a silent thumbs up I looked at the bloody mess the bass had become due to May's attacks.

I stood in front of him as his eyes full of fear and anger as he looked at me, trying to move, but his bruised body not obeying him 

"Who... are.... you?" The boss asked me, even speaking with difficulty due to blood flowing from his mouth 

 "Vergil, Vergil Winchester" I said as I pointed my sword at his face

Hello there, readers. Thank you for embarking on this journey into a magical world with me. As a new author penning my first book, I humbly request your feedback and support. Your comments and likes mean the world to me. They inspire me to keep refining this story, aiming to make it even better with each chapter.

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