
The Revolution Of The Zephyrine Kingdom

The little boy cried in front of the bodies of his parents. His dirty shabby clothes look even more miserable with several wounds on his small body. He is Aaron Blend, a boy who is only ten years old. In front of the stiff bodies of his parents, Aaron cursed the tyrant king of the land of Zephyrine. However, can his curse make the tyrant king choke to death? He can't even take revenge, because Aaron is just a disabled child who has not been able to awaken his mana power until now. Moreover, death is also waiting for him. But who would have thought, fate said otherwise. When he wanted to be executed, Aaron was saved by a woman in a black robe. The woman was Sally Eleznia. A smart woman who masters some martial arts and a woman who is a little crazy! Sally, who is a secret fugitive from the palace, also promised to help Aaron awaken his powers. Following Sally, Aaron's life is getting more and more miserable. The way Sally teaches martial arts and awakens Aaron's powers is extreme. Will Sally be able to awaken Aaron's powers that should have been awakened at the age of five? Will Aaron be able to avenge the death of his parents on the king who overrides the land of Zephyrine? And what crazy thing would Sally do to overthrow the king of Agler?

Daisy_Lia · Fantasie
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7 Chs

6. Jove Inn

"Uh, uh!" Aaron rounded his eyes wide, staring fearfully at the thing in front of him. His little feet slowly backed away and, collapsed!

The child fell hard without taking off his gaze on the large mirror standing in the corner of the room.

Golden eyes, silver hair?

"Master! Master! Mirror, this person in the mirror is following me!" Aaron's shout invited all eyes over there.

Sally, who was talking not far from the place where Aaron fell, couldn't help but frown.

"What do you mean? It's a reflection of yourself, brat! That's enough, hurry up to your room and rest," Sally said. Why was the child also surprised by his own reflection?

Aaron looked back at the mirror in front of him. It's confusing. Why is the person in the mirror him? He still clearly remembers, that from birth the eyes were blue, then who did the golden eyes belong to? And that silver hair... This look really doesn't match him.

"Em, uncle, is this a magic mirror that can change appearance?" asked Aaron to the man who was introduced a while ago by Sally as the owner of the inn. Aaron suspected, it was possible that this mirror had an expensive magic stone like the bracelet belonging to the imperial soldier he had recently seen.

Jove, the man behind the semicircular table chuckled even more funny looking at and hearing questions from the child who was still sitting on the floor.

"Hahaha, it's not a magic mirror, but the reflection in that mirror is you," Jove said.

"It's me? How come?" said Aaron. The child was still bewildered. Since he was a child, he had never heard of this. Change appearance? This is nonsense!

"Did you give that potion to him too?"

"Yeah, I gave him that and told him to drink it," Sally replied. The woman has told all the events she experienced this day. "And I also said earlier that his appearance changed perfectly. Well, I didn't expect him to react this much" Sally clucked softly. "I think he understands what I'm saying."

What? Aaron immediately looked back at the Master. "Master didn't say anything about this!" Aaron shouted. The child immediately got up from the floor and approached Sally.

"Oh my goodness, look at this kid, he started to dare to yell at me." Haah, Sally released her tired breath. "Look, I've said it clearly, brat! Didn't I talk about the perfect change to you after beating the jerk soldiers?" Sally's index finger scratched the forehead. Maybe she shouldn't take this child with her?

What? Quickly the child's small brain replayed memories of the time in the forest. Master did say that, but it was just an ambiguous remark of change!


"Go and go to your room, before the potion wears off," interrupted Sally.

The woman really had to discuss important things with Jove. Before the sun rose high, Sally had to go somewhere.

Aaron's face immediately turned sour. The child pouted. Wanting to voice this injustice again feels like it would be in vain.

One thing that Aaron got after spending the day with Sally. The master is a woman who never wants to lose and loves to do as she pleases! Even so, the master is also a great person.

Aaron sighed. Little children have to give in, he thought. Aaron left there. Go up the wooden stairs which are not far from the large mirror. Aaron glanced at Sally and Jove who were talking seriously.

"The third room from the stairs," said Aaron, repeating what Jove had said when Sally asked for a room for him.

Aaron, who was already on the second floor, observed the situation there. This inn could be said to be quite quiet, unlike the inns he often saw near the city square.

"Even though this inn is located right at the entrance to the city?" Aaron muttered. He didn't understand why is this inn quiet?

Arrived at the door to the third room. Aaron immediately pushed open the wooden door. The squeak sounded scary, just like the room he saw there.

"This is my room?" Aaron went inside and looked around every corner of the small room there. "This is more worthy of being called a warehouse than a room."

Is this really an inn? Aaron was very sad to see where his room was. The bed that looked old, the corner of the room filled with cobwebs and moss, and the damp smell in the room made him think... had this room ever been occupied by humans? This is worse than a farmer's child's room!

Sitting on a cold bed. Aaron looked at the window which was right next to the bed. The night is filling up. This was truly the longest and hardest day for him.

Within twenty-four hours. That little boy had to go through a lot. Even to cry over parents who died in an unfair way... God doesn't give time for that.

"Father, mother... I have to be strong, right? I'm sorry for staying alive and letting you die carrying sins you never committed."

The golden eyes were watery. Every night comes, mother always brings him tea. Unlike other children who are always given milk to warm their stomachs before going to bed. Aaron is satisfied with a glass of warm tea and a sweet smile from his parents.

But now he can't get all that anymore.

The little legs bent. Aaron hugged and hid his face between his legs and stomach.

"I promise, I promise I will restore your good name again. I promise I will make your death the most glorious death."

The small body trembled from holding back the sound of crying. It would be better for him to hear people insult him for being disabled than to be in a situation like this.


Huh? Aaron suddenly raised his head and turned his head to look at the bedroom door. Jove came to him with a blanket in his hand.

"Sorry for this poorly prepared room," said Jove, glancing at his guest room.

Aaron quickly wiped his tears. See? Gods did not want to give him the opportunity to reflect and cry over this difficult day. Did the gods forget that he was a ten year old child?

"Gods are cruel, aren't they?"

Aaron coughed in surprise at Jove's words which were similar to his thoughts. Can Jove read minds?

"Perhaps it is not appropriate for us to worship and hope in such heartless creatures." Jove continued his words after placing the blanket beside Aaron and sitting on the old bed.

"I have heard stories about you from Sally. I'm sorry about the death of your parents, son," said Jove. The man comforted him with a gentle pat on Aaron's back.

"Is Uncle Jove close to Master?" said Aaron. Those golden eyes stared at the cold and dusty floor. Teacher told me about him... that means, the two of them are very close.

Jove touched his chin. "Hmm, it's not even to say we're close like friends. Our relationship, it's really hard to describe."

"Ah, like an ex-boyfriend or ex-husband?" said Aaron guessing.

"What? Pfft! Ha ha ha! Don't say this in front of her. We might both end up being roasted by her!" Jove laughed so amusedly, his eyes watered. "You brat, ah... even though I wanted to talk coolly to appear like a wise adult in front of you. Haha!"

"It's okay, sometimes even adults make mistakes," Aaron said. His face looked pitiful. Poor Uncle Jove, he wanted to look cool but failed.

"Are you guys satisfied talking about me?"

Sally's voice made the two people sitting on the bed turn around in surprise. Their faces immediately turned pale when Sally glared at them.

Since when was Master there?