

It was early morning. Everyone had woken up. Obviously they had no work on that day but they still wanted to stay for a while before they leave. They all brushed their teeth and took their baths as suddenly they heard a woman screaming. The maid was screaming after looking inside one of the rooms. Everyone came running to the maid as she sat down on the ground still screaming. "Oh the horror, Help me Lord, Help me, Save me my Saviour." Everyone looked inside to see blood all around the room. "Wait, wait, wait, I'll handle this, everyone back off!" Alvaro came forward and pushed everyone back. "Wait, we should call the police, there has been a murder." Alvaro entered the room, "You can't do that, doing that means that you all become the prime suspect in this murder. So it's better we solve it among ourselves." Hercules came forward too, "And how do you plan on solving this thing Sherlock? I still think we should call the police."

Alvaro. A highly ranked detective in London. The best detective in London in fact. The name strikes a fear among the local criminals. Is capable enough to handle any case without the help of the local police. But is quite stubborn and will never take help from anyone else. Would rather solve it by himself. Perfectly knows when a case can't be handled by him and would definitely ask help from the local citizens. Also has a Photographic memory and a quick mind. Able to multitask quite easily. A comedian in his free time entertaining local clubs. Definitely an enemy to any criminal but has also destroyed careers of many actors as his popularity increased. Came to the party looking to have any kind of entertainment. Was looking for comedy but instead finds himself locked in a murder case he has to solve. Was born in a rich family but lost all their wealth after being conned. Still had few things left which they could've sold to live an ordinary life. Lost those due to theft. Then his sister was sexually abused. When the case was filed, witness refused to help them. His sister, mother and father ended up being murdered and was left all alone with just a few friends. Was even physically abused for food. Somehow through hard work made his way to the top.

"If anyone's a doctor, please come forward, much appreciated." Alvaro slowly stepped into the room. A woman came forward, the only woman among the guests. Sabrina, "I'm ready to help. If there's a murderer in this house, I want to stay alive. Calling the police might just quicken our deaths by a few minutes. So it's better to solve it by ourselves." She slowly entered the room. The room was red with blood splattered on all the walls. The body was lying on the ground with a heavy metal plate on top of it's head. The metal plate had spikes attached to it which had impaled through the body's head.

Alvaro slowly wore disposable gloves he carried around and lifted the metal plate. The spikes were deep-rooted inside Sanchez's head and thus pulled off Sanchez's head from his body. Everyone were disgusted by the sight. One of the guests replied, "Yuck, I'm going back to sleep." The rest left to eat the breakfast made, hoping to try to continue their lives until they reached a conclusion on the murder. One of the guests stayed. Page, "I wish I had detective skills like yours. Or maybe nursing skills like yours." Both, Alvaro and Sabrina looked at Page as he slowly left. Sabrina slowly started to check the wounds of the body. "Looks like the death was likely caused by these spikes. All I wonder is how did he get hit with those spikes and if killing him with the spikes was his intention, why this bullet hole in his arm." Alvaro walked around the body, "There's many explanations for that. Either the bullet hit an artery causing him to die first, then finishing it off with the spikes. Or as this rope dangling on the roof suggested, something or someone was holding onto the plate. Someone looks impossible as holding onto the plate and shooting the victim isn't possible. So the plate was roped to something."

Alvaro walked up to the desk where he found a cheque kept on the table. He looked at it closely with a name written on it. It was written to pay someone. Alvaro headed to the main table where everyone were done eating. He walked up to the end of the table and placed the cheque on the table. "Looks like we have a murder on our hands." They started to murmur among themselves. Hercules stood up on his spot, "I'm calling the police right now! There's a small cash prize on reporting a murder." Alvaro stopped Hercules before he could leave, "Wait a minute Hercules, before you go for that cash prize, remember that this cheque here is addressed right to you." Everyone started to look at Hercules and murmured louder. "So? What does that have to do with me? More money? Thank you!" He was about to leave again. "Remember, if you call the police, you become their primary suspect and possibly placed under arrest." Page whispered, "Wish I could have that money instead." Hercules sat back on his seat, "Alright, you say what we have to do." Page got back up, "Obviously Hercules is the murderer, he wanted the money badly and would do anything to win that challenge Sanchez set." Another guest, Hardy, grabbed Hercules by the t-shirt. Hercules replied, "I did no such thing. I left early to bed." Page, speaking right in his face, "We all saw that grin on your face, you killed Sanchez." Hardy raised his fist about to punch Hercules when Alvaro stopped them. "Wait, wait, none of you shall fight. It's merely a coincidence that Hercules wanted the money and got the money. It doesn't mean he killed Sanchez. A suspect is a suspect. Now I'll try to solve this case as soon as possible, everyone just needs to stay here a couple of days." Hardy growls at Hercules.