

Everyone had become conscious of each other. No one could trust each other in that house. They decided that two of them should stay on the lookout for anything suspicious. Each had a gut feeling on who the killer could be. The most probable suspect was Hercules.

Hercules, worked as a pimp for years before opening a strip club. Even though he owns a club, he himself is in quite a lot of debt. Is quite greedy that he will do anything to get money. Places bets in horse races and boxing matches every week. Came to the party after his club was given an eviction notice, hoping that he could steal money from Sanchez. Even though Sanchez and Hercules were the best of friends, they had hatred for each other.

Alvaro walked out to the front garden where he saw one of the guests sitting on a tree trying to look in through the window. He approached the guest, Herschel. "Isn't that your room? Are you trying to sneak on one of the maids or your girlfriend?" Herschel looked down at Alvaro. "It's none of your concern." Herschel went back to peeking through the window. Alvaro kicked a pebble, "Oh I know your story. You've been dating for 5 years and she still hasn't slept with you. You in fact have been sleeping around, cheating on her. I know your intentions, dumping her as soon as you sleep with her. Oh well, Does Sabrina even know that you got three kids from the affairs you've had? That's makes you a prime suspect doesn't it?" Herschel stepped down from the tree, "My relationship is none of your business. How do you even know about my children? How does it make me a suspect?" Alvaro leaves without answering any of the questions.

A few hours later, Page entered a small closet. He was sent a letter which ordered him to enter the room at dusk. "Why have I been called here?" A voice spoke to him. "You just love taking everything do you? You just couldn't keep your mouth shut about me could you?" Page, a little afraid, "What did I do?" The voice replied, "Oh Come on, they can't know about the things I've done, so for once stop acting like a detective. I'll kill you if this thing comes on me." Suddenly the door opened. Hardy was standing outside looking at Page. Besides Page was Hercules. Page and Hercules lowered their heads and exited the room.

Alvaro was sitting near the dining table looking at the cheque he had. The cheque had some blood spilled on it but wasn't covering any of the lettering and could be cashed in. Sabrina entered the room while drying her hair with a towel. "Do you think it was Hercules?" There were others sitting there, who now were looking at Alvaro. "I don't know, could be possible. He does have a motive. I don't think anyone else here has one. Or maybe someone has a motive which is unknown to me." Hardy was cleaning his revolver. "I just saw Page and Hercules arguing in some room. Hercules was saying something about keeping his secret." Sabrina placed the towel on the table and sat on the edge of the table, "What about one of the servants? They could have a motive? Non payment?" Alvaro nodded his head, "Couldn't be, the servants have trackers set on them, they're not allowed to leave their chambers after a certain time. Yep, total slavery. It's totally understandable if one of the servants killed them, but they couldn't have." Sabrina asked, "But they can remove the tracker?" Alvaro nodded replying no.

A while passed by. Almost everyone were in the dining hall eating snacks when suddenly a drop of blood dripped from the ceiling onto the table. Everyone just kept staring at it. In a few seconds, everyone sprinted up the stairs where the door was locked. Alvaro came forward and barged open the door where body parts were lying all around the room. An arm was lying in one corner while a leg was lying in the other. "Wait, who's is that?" Alvaro wore his disposable gloves and then slowly entered the room. He looked up to see half a head hanging by the ceiling. Two arrows were painted with words painted right below it. 'To Escape or to Greatness!' The wall which the Escape arrow was facing had half a body with its side of leg and arm and the other half of his head intact. The fist of the intact arm had a small button in it. Alvaro slowly pressed the button as the chains started to tighten pulling apart the head, arm and leg from the body. Everyone were disgusted. They all turned around as Alvaro pulled both halves of the head down. He held them together, "It's Page, he's been murdered....."